This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Dec 21, 2001 10:51
22 yrs ago
15 viewers *
Romanian term


Non-PRO Romanian to German Law/Patents
cale de atac

Proposed translations

13 mins

Berufung, Rekurs

a face recurs = eine Berufung einlegen

eu personal as alege Berufung, este si cel pe care l-am auzit mai des

Note added at 2001-12-21 11:28:42 (GMT)

in mintea mea exista si colocatia
in Berufung gehen

dictionar rom-germ

Peer comment(s):

agree Сергей Лузан
552 days
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Comment: "Si atunci ce facem cu "apelul"?"
203 days


Berufung = Apel, calede atac impotriva hatarari unei curti de prima instanta
Recurs = Revision, cale de atac impotriva hotararii instantei care a dat o decizie in chestiunea apelului
Probabil nu mai este de actualitate intrebarea, dar ajuta la fixarea notiunilor.
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306 days


Berufung (gegen Urteile erster Instanz) e "apel"

Revision (zur Wahrung der Rechtseinheit, Rechtssicherheit usw.) e "revizuire"

Rekurs (gegen Beschlüsse) e "recurs"- impotriva hotararilor date in apel sau a celor fara drept de apel.

Peer comment(s):

agree Сергей Лузан
246 days
thank you
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