Spanish term
forjado, labrado
Can someone please tell me the difference between the two terms.
Combinación de plata forjada con una forma con textura. Forjado y labrado
4 | to forge (forjado), to tool (labrado) |
John Rawlins
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5 +1 | forged, carved |
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4 +1 | Forging, carving |
Jorge Ochoa
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4 | wrought, hammered |
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4 | forged and crafted |
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Jun 22, 2008 20:51: psicutrinius changed "Field (specific)" from "Metallurgy / Casting" to "Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting"
Proposed translations
to forge (forjado), to tool (labrado)
forjado, -a
1 Participio de «forjar[se]». ¤ adj. Se aplica al hierro trabajado a golpes en forja, a diferencia del fundido o colado.
2 m. Constr. Obra con que se hacen las separaciones entre los pisos de un edificio. Ô *Entramado.
labrar (del lat. «laboräre»)
1 tr. *Trabajar cualquier ÷material o elaborar o hacer cualquier producto u obra: ‘Labrar la cera [unas randas, la moneda]’; en particular, tratándose de la *madera, la *piedra, las *piedras preciosas o los *metales, o de hacer labores con materias textiles: ‘Labrar la seda [el oro]. Labrar de piedra un edificio’.
2 En lenguaje corriente, se emplea sólo con el significado de hacer labores o adornos en relieve en la ÷*madera, el *metal, el *cuero, etc.: ‘Labrar el metal a martillo’. Þ Cantear, esculpir, grabar, relabrar, tallar.
3 Edificar.
4 *Cultivar la ÷tierra.
5 En sentido restringido, *ararla o *cavarla.
6 Cultivar una ÷tierra ajena, por ejemplo como *colono.
7 Se aplica a palabras como «÷felicidad, desgracia, ruina, porvenir» y semejantes con el significado de «laborar por» o «*hacer»: ‘Está labrando su perdición’. Se usa también como reflexivo: ‘Labrarse un porvenir’.
8 intr. Causar una cosa impresión en el ánimo de alguien: ‘Labrar en el espíritu’.
2 Catálogo
Ablaquear, acoyuntar, adocilar, agostar, aladrar, alomar, alombar, alzar, amelgar, aparar, *arar, aricar, arrejacar, arromper, artigar, asurcar, atetillar, barbechar, binar, cabecear, cachar, carpentear, *cavar, cohechar, conrear, corar, cruzar, cuartar, desfondar, desrastrojar, desvolver, entrecavar, escaliar, escarificar, escavanar, excavar, faenar, forcatear, huachar, jadiar, laborear, lampear, layar, rajar los lomos, mantornar, panificar, quintar, ralbar, rearar, rebinar, recavar, rejacar, romper, roturar, rozar, sobrearar, subsolar, surcar, terciar, volver. Ó Besana, caballón, loba, lomo, *surco. Ó Abesana, besana, labor, laborío, labradura, obrada, peonada, peonería, peonía. Ó Arada, bina, rebina, renda, roturación, tercia, terciazón, vuelta. Ó Agarrado, duro. Ó Ahurragado, aurragado, lleco. Ó Chorra, empina. Ó Huebra. Ó Relabrar. Ó *Agricultura. *Arado. *Cavar.
From Oxford
labrado -da adj
a ‹ madera › carved; ‹ piedra › cut, carved
b ‹ cuero › tooled
c (Tex) patterned
forjar ÞA1 vt
a ‹ utensilio/pieza › to forge; Þhierro
b ‹ porvenir › to shape, forge; ‹ plan › to make; ‹ ilusiones/esperanzas › to build up
c ‹ nación/bases › to create; ‹ amistad/alianza › to forge
forjarse v pron ‹ porvenir › to shape, forge; ‹ ilusiones › to build up; forjarse un camino to forge a way for oneself
forged, carved
Labrar plata = to fashion silver
Others: Carve, shape, sculpt.
Learn the fundamentals used to fashion silver, copper and brass wire (and gold too) into stunning bracelets, necklaces, earrings and more.
Note added at 36 mins (2007-09-07 17:50:46 GMT)
Forjado y Labrado
Forging, carving
Note added at 16 mins (2007-09-07 17:30:24 GMT)
forging is at high temperatures, carving is with metal insprument or wood instrument
Note added at 1 hr (2007-09-07 18:55:19 GMT)
Forging can only be don when the metal piece is at high temperatures
wrought, hammered
"forjar" involves beating AND heat (as much heat as necessary to bring the metal to a plastic enough state) . In English, that translates as "wrought" (forjado a mano), or "forged" (inside a jig or a die, and generally for series production).
However, both silver and gold are plastic enough ("malleable" is the term), in a normal, cold state, to lend themselves to be worked by hammering.
Therefore, I guess that the author means "hammered" when he says "labrado", and "wrought" when he says "forjado". I assume, of course, that he is not working to a precise (involving any series and dimensional interchangeability). In this case, (1) hammering would be definitely ruled out and (b), the pieces woud be forged, not wrought (because a die or jig would be needed).
psicutrinius: Thank you so much for all the information you shared in the "Ask the Asker" box. It helped me arrive at the decision that "labrar" in the glossary that I noted was indeed used really just to mean "worked". I used John's answer "hand-tooled" because I feel I needed something more specific than just worked or crafted for labrar since these are "fichas técnicas". Anyway, I wish I could split the points! |
forged and crafted
Ed: I ended up giving the points to John, because under pressure, I sent in document with "hand-tooled" but I am going to write my edited and ask him what he thinks of "crafted". I hesitate to use it in "fichas técnicas" precisely for the reason you cited -- it could mean anything. But since I don't have photos, and the "labrado" can mean so many things, maybe that's the safest choice. Thanks again for your suggestion! |
labrar.(Del lat. laborāre).
1. tr. Trabajar una materia reduciéndola al estado o forma conveniente para usarla. Labrar la madera. Labrar plata. Therefore...
Wrought (fundido) is a process to pour the molten metal into a cast (molde) resulting in "casting", which could also be forged after.
The subject's glossary may well be at odds with common acceptance of the meanings.
ALSO I was leaning toward "hand-tooled" from John's answer. Does anyone think that's wrong? THANK YOU ALL, KUDOZers!!!!
1. Put together; created: a carefully wrought plan.
2. Shaped by hammering with tools. Used chiefly of metals or metalwork.
FORJADO. Esta técnica, también es conocida como LABRADO y consiste en trabajar la pieza a golpes que la van configurando.
So this is the source of my concern. If "forjado" = labrado, how can one be forged/wrought and the other just "carved"? Throughout this book, I've translated "cincelar" and "grabar" as "engraved" but isn't "carved" just a synonym for engraving? Then there's the problem I'm still having with "rechazado" which I understand to be CHASED, but some people say that CINCELAR = CHASED. I'm so confused!!