Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Sucesiones (cuya vacancia se presume)

English translation:

Estates (presumed to be vacant)

Added to glossary by Adrian MM. (X)
    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2011-04-09 13:54:13 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Apr 5, 2011 15:55
13 yrs ago
49 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Argentine Law
Hi. Would appreciate your input with this word. In this context, would it be something like "estate proceedings"? In which case, "vacancia" would mean that they are vacant properties?

artículo 5:
Responsabilidad Primaria:
Asesorar y asistir en los asuntos de carácter jurídico legal como también representar legalmente al Ministerio de Cultura y Educación en los asuntos de carácter jurisdiccional.
Producir los dictámenes jurídicos solicitados por las distintas áreas de acuerdo con la normativa vigente.
Actuar en defensa y representación del Ministerio de Cultura y Educación y los organismos de su jurisdicción en juicio.
Administrar judicialmente los bienes de las SUCESIONES cuya vacancia se presume, intervenir en la incorporación al patrimonio del Ministerio de Cultura y Educación de los bienes y recursos resultantes y tramitar y fiscalizar hasta su terminación los expedientes judiciales y juicios vinculados con esta materia.
Coordinar la administración ejercida por los apoderados de los inmuebles de las SUCESIONES vacantes, realizar el pago de impuestos, el cobro de alquileres y las pericias contables dentro de los términos judiciales para las distintas sucesiones.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 Estates (presumed to be vacant)
5 +1 succession / inheritance
Change log

Apr 9, 2011 15:29: Adrian MM. (X) Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

12 mins
Spanish term (edited): Sucesiones (cuya vacancia se presume)

Estates (presumed to be vacant)

... presumed to be vacant = bona vacantia....

The litigation in E&W is called probate in solemn form leading to 'probate proceedings'.

Example sentence:

Law Not claimed by an heir: a vacant estate.

Bona vacantia (Latin for "ownerless goods") is a legal concept associated with property which does not have an owner. It exists in various jurisdictions

Peer comment(s):

agree kalungo
6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "they are both very applicable, but I felt this one read better. So I leave it to the rest to choose! thanks so much for your feedback. This was a life saver."
8 mins

succession / inheritance

In this context the term is vacant succession but sucesiones is normally inheritance

Note added at 9 mins (2011-04-05 16:05:07 GMT)

VACANT SUCCESSION. An inheritance for which the heirs are unknown.

Peer comment(s):

agree teresa quimper
1 hr
Thanks Teresa.
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