This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Feb 27, 2011 19:38
13 yrs ago
22 viewers *
Spanish term

Rentas positivas

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Law: Taxation & Customs Tax
No obstante, cuando el sujeto pasivo haya integrado en un período impositivo anterior rentas negativas procedentes de
los citados establecimientos permanentes, la no integración de las rentas positivas a que se refiere este apartado tendrá como límite el importe en que dichas rentas positivas exceda sobre el de las rentas negativas que hayan sido previamente integradas.

Are positive income and negative income simply literal translations? there are references out there, but should I be using something else?

Any help much appreciated!
Proposed translations (English)
4 positive income


SLG (asker) Feb 27, 2011:
This was my doubt If we are just talking about profit and loss.
Thank you for your references TransBureau.
LexisPlus Feb 27, 2011:
Two additional references income

"negative income": invested income that has produced a loss and hence may yield a tax deduction.

"In economics, a negative income tax (abbreviated NIT) is a progressive income tax system where people earning below a certain amount receive supplemental pay from the government instead of paying taxes to the government. (...)
FVS (X) Feb 27, 2011:
Profits and Losses

Proposed translations

13 mins

positive income

I would definitely use "positive/negative income" in your context.

Hope it helps!

Note added at 36 mins (2011-02-27 20:15:15 GMT)

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Peer comment(s):

neutral Ryan Armbrust Diaz (X) : I agree, but stating exactly what SLG said in his/her question and expect to get points is a bit cheeky. At least throw a reference in there or something.
5 mins
Poster mentioned having found references, which really abound. No need to be rude, though.
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