Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

formacion de tercer espacio sanguineo

English translation:

formation of third spacing/third space accumulation of blood

Added to glossary by liz askew
Jun 6, 2012 15:02
12 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Spanish term

formacion de tercer espacio sanguineo

Spanish to English Medical Medical (general) autopsy report
importante infiltracion hemorragica a este nivel con formacion de tercer espacio sanguineo.

This sentence features in the Abdominal Examination of an autopsy report.

My translation so far is significant haemorrhagic infiltration on this level with ???

Thanks in advance
Change log

Jun 24, 2012 16:46: liz askew Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

2 hrs

formation of third spacing/third space accumulation of blood

The other contributor does not cover the "sanguineo" bit, so here is my attempt. This is not easy to put into good English:)
page 1

...Shock hipovolémico no hemorrágico...

espacio intersticial con formación de un tercer espacio (quemaduras, peritonitis, ascitis, edema traumatic)...
Critical Care Medicine Tutorials: Shock
Fluid loss is caused by either absolute hypovolemia (e.g.blood loss) or ... or fluid redistribution – third space losses, such as occurs in bowel obstruction or ...
page 1

...Shock hipovolémico no hemorrágico...

espacio intersticial con formación de un tercer espacio (quemaduras, peritonitis, ascitis, edema traumatic)...
Critical Care Medicine Tutorials: Shock
Fluid loss is caused by either absolute hypovolemia (e.g.blood loss) or ... or fluid redistribution – third space losses, such as occurs in bowel obstruction or ...
Because of the underlying disease, fluid leaks into the space between tissues (called the third space) causing swelling of the extremities or ascites, fluid within the abdominal cavity.
Intra-abdominal conditions causing colic: How they alter normal ...
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entry of bacteria into the systemic circulation, third space accumulation of fluid orblood and ... bowel distension, bowel ischemia, alterations in tissue perfusion and dysfunction of the intestinal .... scarring and adhesion formation of the intestine.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 hr

'formation of third space' or 'third spacing'

The third space is space in the body where fluid does not normally collect in larger amounts,or where any significant fluid collection is physiologically nonfunctional. (from wikipedia).
Peer comment(s):

neutral liz askew : I don't think you have covered "sanguineo" though.
1 hr
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