Jul 11, 2004 22:20
20 yrs ago
Spanish term


Non-PRO Homework / test Spanish to English Medical Medical (general)
This is written by a Mexican Doctor and the spelling is sometimes a little different to the Spanish.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +3 ethyl/ethylic (alcohol)

Proposed translations

6 mins

ethyl/ethylic (alcohol)

It's just missing the tilde: etílico
Peer comment(s):

agree David Lowery
2 mins
Thanx :)
agree Nanny Wintjens
4 hrs
agree Lamberto Victorica : Alcohol etìlico es la forma correcta
16 hrs
Gracias. La forma correcta es con tilde (agudo, claro) en la primera "i". Por algún motivo tu versión parecería tener un acento grave, que sería incorrecto, pero la verdad es que no lo veo bien.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much."
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