May 3, 2005 14:36
19 yrs ago
Spanish term


Spanish to English Social Sciences Philosophy
FROM AN ESSAY ON "INFOMASA". I'm puzzled by the term "hipercopia".
"Tan desbordante infomasa... lleva a la sociedad a un estado de sobreinformación sin precedentes, que algunos denominan “angustia informativa”, donde toda secuela tiene su asiento y todo uso su posibilidad, en un espectro complejo que abarca desde la inanidad intelectual, la redundancia, la hipercopia, el desdén por la calidad de los contenidos, la pérdida de intimidad o la manipulación, hasta las mayores oportunidades de acceso al conocimiento..." Suggestions welcome!


Chutzpahtic (X) May 3, 2005:
You can not have a "h" followed by a "y" in Spanish. That's English.
Irena May 3, 2005:
couln't it be hyperopia with a spelling error? fulltext.00006324-200404000-00001.htm

Proposed translations

15 mins

hyperimitation, lack of innovation, lack of meaning

Nothing's new so everything past is imitated over and over again. Good luck.
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias, Lupita. Not sure yet if you are right, though your suggestion seems entirely reasonable to me. I'm waiting to hear back from the author. Thanks, too Irena, though I doubt if this is a misspelling for hiperopia. "
16 mins


In case of spelling mistake (hiperopia x hipercopia)
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