Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:


English translation:

contract practice

Added to glossary by Mats Wiman
Feb 20, 2001 02:29
24 yrs ago
Swedish term


Swedish to English Bus/Financial
genom den väl utvecklade avtalspraxisen inom företaget

Proposed translations

5 hrs

contract practice

.. by the well developed internal contract practice.
Agreement is lees appropriat as I see it. It is used for a result of a negotioation between two companies or a company and an external partner.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
26 mins

agreement practise

or perhaps: agreement policy
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55 mins

agreement practice

I have asked it to a Scandinavian university graduate
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1 hr

agreement guidline/guidelines

Praxis ligga närasläkt med riktlinje, mm.
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34 days

practise of terms of agreement

Avtalpraxis - practise of terms of agreement

Detta är en rak översättning

Avtal är enligt mitt ekonomiska lexikon - terms of agreement.
praxis - practise
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