Translation glossary: Accounting

Showing entries 601-650 of 25,632
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airport tax공항세 
English to Korean
alien tax외국인 입국세 
English to Korean
alien taxpayer외국인 납세자 
English to Korean
all financial resources총재무자원 
English to Korean
all-inclusive concept포괄주의 
English to Korean
all-inclusive income concept포괄주의적 이익개념 
English to Korean
all-inclusive income statement포괄주의 손익계산서 
English to Korean
all-inclusive principle포괄주의 원칙 
English to Korean
all-purpose balance sheet범용 대차대조표 
English to Korean
all-purpose financial statements범용 재무제표 
English to Korean
all-purpose income statement범용 손익계산서 
English to Korean
allocating costs of service department용역부문의 원가배부 
English to Korean
allocation base배부기준 
English to Korean
allocation bases of service department용역부문의 배부기준 
English to Korean
allocation of indirect cost간접배분원가 
English to Korean
allocation of inventory costs재고자산 원가배부 
English to Korean
allocation of overhead expense간접비배부 
English to Korean
allocation of revenue수익배분 
English to Korean
allowable cost허용원가 
English to Korean
allowable limit for depreciation amount감가상각 한도액 
English to Korean
allowance account대손충당금 
English to Korean
allowance audit충당금감사 
English to Korean
allowance for bad debt loan대손충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for bonus payable상여충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for discount현금할인충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for discount available매출할인충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for disposition리스자산처분손실충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for doubtful accounts단기대여금대손충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for doubtful accounts대손충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for doubtful receivable대손충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for employee retirement benefits퇴직급여충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for losses손실보전금 
English to Korean
allowance for price declines가격할인충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for price increase물가수당 
English to Korean
allowance for profit이익준비금 
English to Korean
allowance for repairs수선 충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for repairs수선비 충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for security valuation유가증권평가충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for severance liability퇴직급여충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for solicitation모집수당 
English to Korean
allowance for uncollectable accounts대손충당금 
English to Korean
allowance for unrealized losses on investments유가증권평가충당금 
English to Korean
allowance limitation시인한도액 
English to Korean
allowance of liability nature부채성충당금 
English to Korean
allowances and discounts매출환입 
English to Korean
allowances for doubtful debts대손충당금 
English to Korean
allowances for special repairs특별수선 충당금 
English to Korean
allowances in kind현물 급여 
English to Korean
allowed cost허용원가 
English to Korean
allowed deduction손금 용인 
English to Korean
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