International Translation Day 2024

Let's celebrate International Translation Day 2024 together with ProZ/TV! Join us for an unforgettable event honoring the vital role of translators worldwide. From enlightening discussions to interactive workshops, come together with fellow language enthusiasts to commemorate the art of translation. Get ready to be inspired, educated, and empowered as we unite in celebrating the diverse languages and cultures that enrich our world. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect and elevate your passion for translation!

Translation glossary: TECH/ENGINEERING

Showing entries 1-35 of 35 have braze material bond metal membersavere materiale d'apporto della saldobrasatura che leghi gli elementi metallici 
English to Italian
0,75fachen Schnittgrössensollecitazioni col fattore 0,75 secondo DIN... 
German to Italian
Absetzenstaccare (il dito) 
German to Italian
anello in gomma con SPIGOLI ARROTONDATI ANTITAGLIODer Gummiring mit abgerundeten schnittgeschützten Kanten, hat eine Härte von 120 kg/cm(?) 
Italian to German
anello in gomma con SPIGOLI ARROTONDATI ANTITAGLIODer Gummiring mit abgerundeten schnittgeschützten Kanten, hat eine Härte von 120 kg/cm(?) 
Italian to German
German to Italian
autocisterna (hier)Tank 
Italian to German
Drehwinkelschlüsselchiave torsiometrica (coppia/angolo) 
German to Italian
Durchstanzprinzipil principio del contornire 
German to Italian
Durchstanzprinzipil principio del contornire 
German to Italian
errore misura fondo scalaMessfehler aufgrund des Vollaufschlags 
Italian to German
FEAFEA 15" è una dimensione standardizzata del collo delle bottigliette/dei flaconi (=neck) 
English to Italian
Formschlussaccoppiamento di forma / (geometrico) 
German to Italian
German to Italian
German to Italian
Heber (in questo caso)cricco 
German to Italian
herstellbarkeitProducibilità, fattibilità... 
German to Italian
hydraulischer Einschubalimentatore idraulico 
German to Italian
in chiamatain geschlossener Stellung / in Arbeitsposition (Elektromagnete) 
Italian to German
KuppelstößelInterruttore di posizione provvisto di perno con cappa 
German to Italian
Italian to German
Retraktor-Gurtcintura di ritenzione 
German to Italian
Schactaufbau...*senza considerare la sovrastruttura del pozzo*... 
German to Italian
Schnäperstiftperno o spina a scatto 
German to Italian
SchwimmschlammräumerRaschiatori a nastro per il raschiamento di fanghiglia galleggiante 
German to Italian
Schwingankermotormotore elettrico ad indotto oscillante<br />motore elettrico ad indotto oscillante<br /> 
German to Italian
self clinchingautoserranti 
English to Italian
stringendstrict / without any deviation 
German to English
Tafelpressesheet press 
German to English
testanordnungenDispositivi e scenari di prova, d'esame... 
German to Italian
vedi frase...aufsetzen, indem man die zwei Madenschrauben(*) in die Stahlglocke des Stopfens hineindreht,... 
Italian to German
werkstofflehrematerials science 
German to English
Wurstvorsatzinsaccatrice/imbuto per insaccare 
German to Italian
German to Italian
German to Italian
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