International Translation Day 2024

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Translation glossary: OMJ - Medizin

Showing entries 1-41 of 41
Allgemeinnarkose = Vollnarkoseanestezie totala 
German to Romanian
Überweisungsscheinbilet de trimitere (la doctor); letter of referral, referral slip 
German to Romanian
Bandscheiben = Zwischewirbelscheiben = Disci intervertebralesdiscuri intervertrebrale (sg. discus intervertebralis) 
German to Romanian
Bandscheibenvorfallhernie de disc 
German to Romanian
Blasenauslassmeatul uretral intern 
German to Romanian
BLD (Beinlängendifferenzen)diferenţe de lungime membre inferioare 
German to Romanian
Brustwirbel = Vertrebrae thoracicaevertebre toracice 
German to Romanian
Dehydratationdeshidratare (engl. dehydration) 
German to Romanian
diagnostische Radiologieradiodiagnostic 
German to Romanian
DMS = Durchblutung, Motorik und Sensibilitätcirculatia sanguina, mobilitatea si sensibilitatea 
German to Romanian
Halswirbel = Vertrebrae cervicalesvertebre cervicale 
German to Romanian
intrahepatische Gallengängecăile biliare intrahepatice 
German to Romanian
ISG = Iliosakralgelenkarticulatia iliosacrala 
German to Romanian
Kontrastmittelaufnahmepriză de contrast 
German to Romanian
Krankenhausaufnahmeinternare in spital 
German to Romanian
German to Romanian
Kreuzbein = Os sacrumosul sacral 
German to Romanian
Kreuzwirbel = Vertrebrae sacralesvertebre sacrate 
German to Romanian
Lendenwirbel = Vertrebrae lumbalesvertebre lombare 
German to Romanian
MagnetresonanzuntersuchungenRMI = rezonanta magnetica imagistica 
German to Romanian
MRU (Magnetresonanz-Urografie)urografie prin rezonanţă magnetică nucleară 
German to Romanian
German to Romanian
NAW = Notarztwagensalvarea, abulanta 
German to Romanian
o.p.B. - ohne pathologischen Befundfără modificări/ constatări/ rezultate patologice 
German to Romanian
ossäre/ ossale Lesionleziune osoasa 
German to Romanian
Pleurakuppenschwieleîngroşarea pleurei apicale 
German to Romanian
German to Romanian
Segmentmassagemasaj segmentar = masaj seg. 
German to Romanian
Sitzbein = os ischiios ischion 
German to Romanian
Sitzbeinnerv = Ischiasnerv = Nervus ischiadicusnervul sciatic 
German to Romanian
German to Romanian
Steißbein = Os coccygisnoada = osul coccigian 
German to Romanian
Steißwirbel = Vertrebrae coccygeaevertebre coccigiene 
German to Romanian
trainee surgeonsmedici rezidenţi chirurgie 
English to Romanian
UAGS (Unterarmgehstütze)cârjă cu sprijin pe antebraţ 
German to Romanian
unitatea sanitarăHeilanstalt (engl. medical institution) 
Romanian to German
V.a. = Verdacht aufdiagnostic prezumptiv (eng. presumption diagnosis) 
German to Romanian
Verlust an T2-Signalin hiposemnal T2 
German to Romanian
vierköpfiger Oberschenkelmuskel/ Schenkelstrecker = Quadrizeps femoriscvadricepsul femural 
German to Romanian
Wundschichtenplanuri anatomice 
German to Romanian
Z.n. N mammaestare post neoplasm mamar 
German to Romanian
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