Translation glossary: Other

Showing entries 1-30 of 30
assess for intake purposesevaluar con fines de admisión 
English to Spanish
bird watchingobservación de aves 
English to Spanish
bleeding is minimal and it is stoped before you get up from the exam tableel sangrado es mínimo y se detiene antes de que (usted) se levante de la camilla 
English to Spanish
breading-type coatingcobertura de pan rallado / empanar 
English to Spanish
brindar asesoramiento a distanciaprovide/give long distance assistance/counsel 
Spanish to English
buen amante del cinegood cinema lover 
Spanish to English
Chief of PartyJefe de Equipo 
English to Spanish
claim for lost wagesreclamo por salarios perdidos 
English to Spanish
composing them with a concern for the linearelaborándolos teniendo en cuenta el aspecto lineal 
English to Spanish
Con este motivo saludo a Uds atentamenteYours faithfully/sincerely 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
desinterestedimparcial/ objetivo 
English to Spanish
dosifico / dosificacionesdosing / dosage 
Spanish to English
dosifico / dosificacionesdosing / dosage 
Spanish to English
Durante el curso 2004-2005 todo el esfuerzo se ha centrado en aquilatar el curríDuring 2004-2005 all the effort has been focused on assaying the... 
Spanish to English
este material se incrustó en partes del equipothis material embedded in parts of the equipment 
Spanish to English
far to comeestá todavía muy lejos (de ser realidad) 
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
is found to beresulta (ser) 
English to Spanish
Job titlePosición 
English to Spanish
Job titlePosición 
English to Spanish
Living roomsala de estar 
English to Spanish
noche de los lápicesThe Night of the Pencils 
Spanish to English
platillo de emergenciaemergency dish/food 
Spanish to English
proficiency in reading and writingEl/Un buen nivel de lectura y escritura 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
referralsreferencias comerciales 
English to Spanish
Sea este el amable conductoMay this be a kind means 
Spanish to English
The only thing we demand is that once you say yes...lo único que exigimos es que una vez que diga sí.../ acepte.. 
English to Spanish
town beautificationtown beautification 
English to Spanish
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