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Language: Slovak Clear filters

Displaying 16 translators in this pool

Marek B.
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Marek B.

Cryptocurrency Translator

  • angol szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

. Focusing mainly on
marketing, sales, finance (cryptocurrency). Likewise, various linguistic tasks for
localization company. Personal relationship to topics such as sports (healthy nutrition,
sports training methodology, bodybuilding) and transport/logistics. Classic
documents from my portfolio include manuals, general terms and conditions,
instructions for use and recommended dosage. I am software
equipped with CAT Tool SDL TRADOS 2021 and
Alžbeta T.
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Alžbeta T.

Legal, medical and pharma specialized

  • angol szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

Peter H.
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Peter H.

Experienced & reliable translator

  • angol szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

Jana N.
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Jana N.

English to Slovak medical translator

  • angol szlovák
  • angol cseh
Native in:
  • szlovák
  • cseh

Petra G.
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Petra G.

Your reliable Slovak translator

  • angol szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

Igor L.
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Igor L.

Translations with Sense

  • angol szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

Ivana A.
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Ivana A.

Medical and technical translations

  • angol szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

Vladimír H.
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Vladimír H.

Over 20 years of translation experience

  • angol szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

Barbora T.
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Barbora T.

Long term skills, fast, confidential

  • olasz szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

Pavel  �.
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Pavel �.


  • német szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

Daniela R.
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Daniela R.

Focused on the target language quality

  • angol szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

Erich S.
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Erich S.

Translator specialized in IT & manuals

  • német szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

Karin M.
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Karin M.


  • angol szlovák
  • spanyol szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák
  • cseh

Dalibor N.
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Dalibor N.

Helping clients understand

  • angol szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

Maros P.
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Maros P.

Professional translator

  • angol szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

Dasa  B.
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Dasa B.

  • német szlovák
  • angol szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

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