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Displaying 3 students in this pool

Linda P.
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Seeking internship

Linda P.

Slovak translation student looking for work

Translation and Interpreting , May 2018
Graduate Student
Matej Bel University
  • szlovák angol (US, UK)
Native in:
  • szlovák

  • Objective:
  • I want to build up my portfolio and begin my carrier as a professional translator and interpreter.
  • Interests:
  • Translation
  • Interpreting
  • Editing/proofreading
  • Website localization
  • Software localization
  • Subtitling
  • Contact me for:
  • Freelancing
  • Internships
  • Apprenticeship
  • Part-time work
  • Full-time work
  • Pro bono/volunteering
I am a graduate student of translation and interpreting at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.
I always had a passion for languages and literature, which led me to choose translation as my field of study.
I work as a volunteer translator for multiple civic associations in Slovakia and as a part-time English teacher in a language school.
My range of interests is wide - I enjoy literary, technical, scientific and audiovisual translation, as well as interpreting.

Internship preferences

Linda P. has indicated interest in internships of the following conditions

Not specified
Available from:
Not specified
Not specified
Filip T.
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Filip T.

Student of High School, C1 level of English

General Education , May 2019
Undergraduate Student
SG Futurum
  • angol (US, British) szlovák (Czech)
Native in:
  • szlovák

  • Objective:
  • I am looking for par-time jobs as a translator. English to Slovak and the other way around.
  • Interests:
  • Translation
  • Contact me for:
  • Freelancing
  • Part-time work
Student of High School, C1 level of English, Native Slovak speaker
Interests and hobbies: Translation, Music, Movies
Adam P.
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Seeking internship

Adam P.

Reliable translation student seeking long-term job.

Translation and Interpreting (Russian and Spanish language) , May 2019
Graduate Student
Matej Bel University
  • orosz szlovák
  • spanyol szlovák
Native in:
  • szlovák

  • Objective:
  • Seeking long-term collaboration in field of translation from Russian and Spanish into Slovak and vice versa.
  • Interests:
  • Translation
  • Subtitling
  • Contact me for:
  • Freelancing
  • Internships
  • Part-time work
  • Full-time work

Internship preferences

Adam P. has indicated interest in internships of the following conditions

Not specified
Available from:
June 2019
Not specified
Not specified
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  • All of
  • Terminológiai keresés
  • Munkák
  • Fórumok
  • Multiple search