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Poll: Is your income higher or lower compared to when you were not a freelancer?
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Cristina Munari
Cristina Munari  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:53
Member (2008)
English to Italian
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Well said Nov 4, 2012

Mike Sadler wrote:

I earn about a half of what I did when I was the vice principal of a large secondary school with one particular additional stress (my relationship with my boss - enough said). That's not all that's gone down. My blood pressure is down, my weight is down, my stress level has gone down so far it would be impossible to quantify.
Other things have gone up: The amount of exercise I take, the time spent doing things I enjoy (that includes translating), the number of vacations I take - my overall day-to-day happiness and feeling of being in control.
So, in my particular circumstances, a big change but one more for the better than I could ever have imagined.

It's not all about the money, and we should take advantage of the positive side of our profession, the freedom it implies, the possibility to live abroad, to travel more frequently and in unusual periods, to exercise and to avoid the stress related to in-house jobs and to competitive relationships at work. Not to mention the time to dedicate to family and kids, for those who wish...
We are obviously isolated, but we have the Internet, Skype and Proz polls....

JaneD  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:53
Member (2009)
Swedish to English
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Depends on what you count Nov 4, 2012

About the same in purely monetary terms, but much higher if you take into account the fact that I work about 1/4 the time I used to in "proper" employment (and that's not including getting to and from work and sitting about at lunchtime).

Melanie Nassar
Melanie Nassar  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:53
German to English
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Several times higher Nov 4, 2012

But to put things in perspective, I was a teacher and teachers' salaries are pretty low here in Palestine. My last paycheck after 15 years of teaching was less than 700 US dollars.
I made nearly that much my first month of free-lancing (part time after school hours) and there was no looking back.
I do work longer hours now and 6 days a week usually, but it is not nearly as stressful – mentally or physically – as teaching.

Rebecca Garber
Rebecca Garber  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:53
Member (2005)
German to English
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Lower, or much lower depending on benefits Nov 5, 2012

I taught as a Lecturer at a university. Predictable hours, health insurance, etc. The commute was bad, though.

Now, even though this year I will get close to my previous income in pure dollar amounts, I have to provide my own health insurance, which takes a goodly chunk of money.
The hours are unpredictable, which mainly impacted the holiday baking: I haven't had time in years.

OTOH, the commute is lovely, the stress levels are low, I can take breaks when I want (
... See more
I taught as a Lecturer at a university. Predictable hours, health insurance, etc. The commute was bad, though.

Now, even though this year I will get close to my previous income in pure dollar amounts, I have to provide my own health insurance, which takes a goodly chunk of money.
The hours are unpredictable, which mainly impacted the holiday baking: I haven't had time in years.

OTOH, the commute is lovely, the stress levels are low, I can take breaks when I want (depending on deadlines), and the boss is highly approving of my vacation schedule.

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Poll: Is your income higher or lower compared to when you were not a freelancer?

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