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Does anyone know a client called Westley Gibson?
Thread poster: Sara Sousa Gomes
aliasonly  Identity Verified
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Caution Dec 8, 2012

Too good to be true, that's my guts feeling.

Local time: 20:34
French to English
Definitely a scam Dec 26, 2012

I too was contacted early in December about translating the child abuse article . . . which on investigation turns out to have been lifted from a paper published in the Valparaiso University Law Review in 2004. Same method of operation: I gave a quote by email and received a check the next morning without any covering letter, for more than twice the amount. The check was signed by the owner of of an outfit called Print Assessment Solutions in Coventry, England, which seems to have gone out of bu... See more
I too was contacted early in December about translating the child abuse article . . . which on investigation turns out to have been lifted from a paper published in the Valparaiso University Law Review in 2004. Same method of operation: I gave a quote by email and received a check the next morning without any covering letter, for more than twice the amount. The check was signed by the owner of of an outfit called Print Assessment Solutions in Coventry, England, which seems to have gone out of business last September. The phone number given on the signer's Linked-In address has been disconnected. I've contacted the bank, the West Coventry branch of HSBC, to alert them to the attempted fraud and I intend to notify my local police as soon as I hear back from them.

At least one of my colleagues in the Aquitaine region has been contacted similarly and I wouldn't be surprised if there are others. Possibly the man calling himself Westley Gibson is operating in France. My check arrived in an envelope with an uncancelled UK stamp less than 24 hours after the date on the check--a suspiciously speedy delivery for this time of year. He got my details and those of my colleague from the list of official translators certified by the Appellate Court in Bordeaux.

The con-man obviously wants these checks to be deposited. To date he has sent me three emails to enquire whether I have done so. Presumably his scam consists of trying to get the translator to reimburse the amount in excess of the quote.

He may be using other names as well. But he's easy to spot: his command of English is pretty rudimentary and he appears to be sticking to the same method of operation.

Adrian MM. (X)
Adrian MM. (X)
Local time: 20:34
French to English
+ ...
Go round to the address Dec 26, 2012

New client protocol: if you are in the same place, namely London, contact the 'work provider' and ask for a face-to-face appointment at the address of 3, Burnside Avenue, Chingford, London, E4 8YJ, United Kingdom and go round, preferably accompanied by a 'heavy' male or female escort and other suspicious translators.

My previous lightning visits have turned up: a broom cupboard in Madrid and vacated offices in Hammersmith, West London.

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Does anyone know a client called Westley Gibson?

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