"Input string was not in a correct format" with Phrase
Thread poster: Fabio Tursi
Fabio Tursi
Fabio Tursi  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 07:42
English to Italian
May 11, 2023


Did anyone manage to make the new Phrase (mxliff) filter work? Every single time I try, I get a "Input string was not in a correct format". I have tried with several files from different clients and I always got the same result.
I even tried changing the two options in the filter, once at the time, but it is the same.
Of course, everything works perfectly if I open those files with Phrase Desktop.

I was very happy when the filter was introduced in Mem
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Did anyone manage to make the new Phrase (mxliff) filter work? Every single time I try, I get a "Input string was not in a correct format". I have tried with several files from different clients and I always got the same result.
I even tried changing the two options in the filter, once at the time, but it is the same.
Of course, everything works perfectly if I open those files with Phrase Desktop.

I was very happy when the filter was introduced in MemoQ 10 (especially because I HOPE it imports comments from .mxliffs, too), but I am quite disappointed now.

If I choose the Xliff1 filter, the files are imported but I lose all the extra features I need.

This is the description of the error:

Input string was not in a correct format.


at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at MemoQ.DocConverters.MXLIFF.PreviewCreator.WritePreviewFileUntilFirstReplaceableSpan(Int32 groupId, Boolean isAppendMode)
at MemoQ.DocConverters.MXLIFF.PreviewCreator.CloseInCtxPreviewSkelEncountered()
at MemoQ.DocConverters.MXLIFF.MXLIFFImporter.ReadContent(PreviewCreator previewCreator, ParagraphBasedImportOptions pbio, MXLIFFConfiguration configuration, List`1 sections)
at MemoQ.DocConverters.MXLIFF.MXLIFFImporter.GenerateResultFromContent(ParagraphBasedImportOptions pbio, MXLIFFConfiguration configuration)
at MemoQ.DocConverterFramework.ParagraphBasedConvertController.doImportDocument(IParagraphBasedConverter converter, String tmpFolder)
at MemoQ.DocConverterFramework.ParagraphBasedConvertController.ImportDocument() at MemoQ.DocConverterFramework.ImportWorker.checkImportSuccessOfChainedImport(ImportTask firstTask)
at MemoQ.DocConverterFramework.ImportWorker.performNonchainedImport(IProgressContext progressListener, DocumentConverterConfigurationBase config, Boolean canEmitBreakingWs, ConverterPool converterPool, ImportTask currentImportTask, ISegmentMatcher segmentMatcher)
at MemoQ.DocConverterFramework.ImportWorker.DoImport(IProgressContext progressListener, Boolean autoPopulateTarget)

Thank you and have a great day!

[Modificato alle 2023-05-11 11:19 GMT]

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:42
Danish to English
+ ...
Support May 11, 2023

This is clearly a matter for memoQ support: https://helpcenter.memoq.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

I haven't had the opportunity to try the new filter yet.

Fabio Tursi
Grigori Gazarian
Tomasz Sienicki
Tomasz Sienicki  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:42
Member (2007)
Danish to Polish
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[often] works for me May 11, 2023

It usually (in roughly 80% of cases) works for me. I didn't expect that, but the filter even offers real-time preview which is really useful.

However, in 20% of cases the import fails with the error you quote. This often happens when the source of the mxliff was an xlsx or a pptx file. Note that you still can translate such documents in memoQ, just change their extension to xlf and confirm all the segments in Memsource editor after exporting the translation from memoQ
... See more
It usually (in roughly 80% of cases) works for me. I didn't expect that, but the filter even offers real-time preview which is really useful.

However, in 20% of cases the import fails with the error you quote. This often happens when the source of the mxliff was an xlsx or a pptx file. Note that you still can translate such documents in memoQ, just change their extension to xlf and confirm all the segments in Memsource editor after exporting the translation from memoQ.

[Edited at 2023-05-11 12:27 GMT]

[Edited at 2023-05-11 12:42 GMT]

Fabio Tursi
Fabio Tursi  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 07:42
English to Italian
"Input string was not in a correct format" with Phrase May 11, 2023

Tomasz Sienicki wrote:

It usually (in roughly 80% od cases) works for me. I didn't expect that, but the filter even offers real-time preview which is really useful.

However, in 20% of cases the import fails with the error you quote. This often happens when the source of the mxliff was a xlsx or a pptx file. Note that you still can translate such documents to memoQ, just change their extension to xlf and confirm all the segments in Memsource editor after exporting the translation from memoQ.

Hi Tomasz,

I think you are right. All the files I have tried were originally .xlsx.
I know I can change the extension to xlf or xliff. Actually, I do not even need to do that. I can just use xliff1 filter. But I do not get the preview, do not see the content of any other columns than source and the confirmed cells in the original file are not marked as 100% in MemoQ. That's why I needed the new filter.

Thanks again and have a great day!


Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:42
Danish to English
+ ...
Not how it's supposed to work May 11, 2023

Fabio Tursi wrote:

I know I can change the extension to xlf or xliff. Actually, I do not even need to do that. I can just use xliff1 filter. But I do not get the preview, do not see the content of any other columns than source and the confirmed cells in the original file are not marked as 100% in MemoQ. That's why I needed the new filter.

This is not how it's supposed to work. This is what memoQ support is there for, so the only thing to do is to send them a bug report. You are unlikely to get bugs solved by colleagues.

In the meantime, you can use the above as a workaround.

Fabio Tursi
Grigori Gazarian

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"Input string was not in a correct format" with Phrase

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