Working languages:
English to Romanian Romanian to English
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Rate vendor Manage list Claude Oprea Professional Linguist London, England, United Kingdom
Local time : 12:53 GMT (GMT+0)
Native in : Romanian
, English
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber .
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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, MT post-editing, Transcription, Training, Project management Specializes in: Media / Multimedia Medical (general) Linguistics Law (general) Medical: Health Care
Also works in: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama Cooking / Culinary Telecom(munications) Medical: Pharmaceuticals Marketing
Questions asked: 2 Sample translations submitted: 1 English to Romanian: Romeo Juliet movie Buz Luhrman script sample Source text - English 0001 01:00:30:00 01:00:36:02
Two households, both alike in dignity,
in fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
0002 01:00:36:04 01:00:41:18
from ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
0003 01:00:41:20 01:00:47:24
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes,
a pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
0004 01:00:48:01 01:00:54:03
whose misadventured piteous overthrows
doth with their death bury their parents' strife.
0005 01:00:54:05 01:00:59:06
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love
and the continuance of their parents' rage,
0006 01:00:59:08 01:01:02:22
which, but their children's end,
nought could remove,
0007 01:01:02:24 01:01:05:14
is now the two hours' traffic
of our stage.
0008 01:01:08:10 01:01:13:10
0009 01:01:24:19 01:01:29:17
Two households,
both alike in dignity,
0010 01:01:29:19 01:01:34:01
in fair Verona,
where we lay our scene,
0011 01:01:34:03 01:01:38:08
from ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
0012 01:01:38:10 01:01:43:18
where civil blood
makes civil hands unclean.
0013 01:01:44:18 01:01:50:13
From forth the fatal loins
of these two foes,
0014 01:01:50:15 01:01:55:24
a pair of star-cross'd lovers
take their life.
Translation - Romanian 0001 01:00:30:00 01:00:36:02
Aici în Verona-ncântătoare, unde se aşterne povestea a două neamuri mândre
0002 01:00:36:04 01:00:41:18
veche ură a izbucnit din nou prin certuri care fac să curgă sânge...
0003 01:00:41:20 01:00:47:24
din cele două case-nduşmănite, îşi iau viaţa doi îndrăgostiţi loviţi de soartă;
0004 01:00:48:01 01:00:54:03
şi vrajba cu nenorociri cumplite
sfârşeşte prin a tinerilor moarte.
0005 01:00:54:05 01:00:59:06
Iubirea lor cu soartă-ngrozitoare şi ura părinţilor ce nu poate-a fi împăcată,
0006 01:00:59:08 01:01:02:22
decât cu moartea scumpelor odoare,
0007 01:01:02:24 01:01:05:14
pe pânză-n două ceasuri se arată.
0008 01:01:08:10 01:01:13:10
0009 01:01:24:19 01:01:29:17
A două neamuri mândre,
0010 01:01:29:19 01:01:34:01
în Verona-ncântătoare,
unde se aşterne povestea,
0011 01:01:34:03 01:01:38:08
din veche ură a izbucnit
din nou prin certuri,
0012 01:01:38:10 01:01:43:18
care fac să curgă sânge
şi să mânjească mâini.
0013 01:01:44:18 01:01:50:13
Din cele două case-nduşmănite,
0014 01:01:50:15 01:01:55:24
doi îndrăgostiţi loviţi de soartă îşi iau viaţa.
Years of experience: 26. Registered at Jan 2009. N/A English to Romanian (DPSI) Romanian to English (DPSI) N/A Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint English (DOC)
Keywords: Translating, interpreting, voice- overs, proofreading, editing, transcribing
Profile last updated Apr 25, 2013