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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Voiceover (dubbing), Training
Specializes in:
Engineering (general)
Engineering: Industrial
Environment & Ecology
Also works in:
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Government / Politics
Law (general)
Law: Contract(s)
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Metallurgy / Casting
Science (general)
Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Romanian: Landfill of Waste
Source text - English Landfill of Waste
Council Directive 99/31/EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste entered into force on 16.07.1999. The deadline for implementation of the legislation in the Member States was 16.07.2001.
The objective of the Directive is to prevent or reduce as far as possible negative effects on the environment from the landfilling of waste, by introducing stringent technical requirements for waste and landfills.
The Directive is intended to prevent or reduce the adverse effects of the landfill of waste on the environment, in particular on surface water, groundwater, soil, air and human health.
It defines the different categories of waste (municipal waste, hazardous waste, non-hazardous waste and inert waste) and applies to all landfills, defined as waste disposal sites for the deposit of waste onto or into land. Landfills are divided into three classes:
• landfills for hazardous waste;
• landfills for non-hazardous waste;
• landfills for inert waste.
The Directive does not apply to:
• the spreading on the soil of sludges (including sewage sludges and sludges resulting from dredging operations);
• the use in landfills of inert waste for redevelopment or restoration work;
Translation - Romanian Depozitarea Deseurilor
Directiva Consiliului 99/31/EC din 26 Aprilie cu privire la depozitarea deseurilor, intrata in vigoare la 16.07.1999. Termenul limita pentru implementarea legislatiei in Statele Membre a fost 16.07.2001.
Obiectivul Directivei este impiedicarea sau reducerea pe cat de mult posibil a efectelor negative ale depozitarii deseurilor asupra mediului prin introducerea conditiilor tehnice riguroase pentru deseuri si depozite de deseuri. Directiva are ca scop impiedicarea sau reducerea efectelor negative ale depozitelor de deseuri asupra mediului, in special asupra apei de suprafata, subterane, solului, aerului si sanatatii populatiei.
Aceasta defineste diferitele categorii de deseuri (municipale, periculoase, nepericuloase si inerte) si se aplica tuturor depozitelor, definite ca zone de eliminare finala a deseurilor pentru depozitarea acestora pe teren sau subteran. Depozitele se impart in trei clase:
• depozite de deseuri periculoase;
• depozite de deseuri nepericuloase;
• depozite de deseuri inerte.
Directiva nu se aplica pentru:
• raspandirea pe sol a namolurilor (inclusiv a namolurilor de epurare si a namolurilor din operatiunile de dragare);
• utilizarea in cadrul depozitelor a deseurilor inerte pentru lucrari de reamenajare sau refacere;
Years of experience: 4. Registered at Apr 2005.