I hold a B.A. degree in English Literature from the University of Jordan-1993. I started my career as a perss officer at Noor Al-Hussein Foundation in Jordan and six years later I joined the USAID-funded AMIR program which was the highlight of my career, as it introduced my to the worlds of microfinance, business associations, IT, and World Trade Organization since the program helped Jordan accede to the WTO.
Transltation and delaing with the press and media have always been the crux of my work throughout my career. However, I started doing professional simulataneous and consecutive interpretation five years ago. I have gained tremendous experience in various fields and have provided interpretation for various UN agencies, USAID, CARE Internatinoal, Club Of Rome, Red Cross, NATO, World bank, and other local, regional, and international organziations on numerous issues, including human rights, microfinance, political and military issues; education, water, and various Iraq-related topics like reconstruction, to name but a few. |