I worked as free lance translator in Korea for many years, translating documents in various areas, with a special focus on business fields, for various translation companies, winning kudos for excellent quality and punctual service. My experience as finance specialist at LG, which is a top three conglomerate in Korea, and at Citi, along with an MBA degree from the prestigious University of Rochester’s Simon School enabled me to become a top-notch translator in the field of business and finance. Also, I worked as editor at Arirang TV located in Seoul, Korea for two years. The broadcasting company specializes in providing English-subtitles to programs produced by top three Korean broadcasting companies.
I grew up in the United States (from fourth grade to twelfth grade) and became perfectly fluent in the English language. Also, I spent most of my adult life in Korea, enabling me to master the Korean language at the highest level possible. Therefore, I consider myself to be a native speaker in both English and Korean. I am considered as one of the best Korean-to-English translators by many translation companies in Korea. Currently, I reside in New Jersey, and wish to work as free lance translator. |