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English to Bulgarian: The Great Keinplatz Experiment - By SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE
Source text - English the lecture room under the impression that they had seen nothing of note, as a matter of fact one of the most wonderful things in the whole history of the world had just occurred before their very eyes. Professor von Baumgarten had been so far correct in his theory that both his spirit and that of his pupil had been for a time absent from his body. But here a strange and unforeseen complication had occurred. In their return the spirit of Fritz von Hartmann had entered into the body of Alexis von Baumgarten, and that of Alexis von Baumgarten had taken up its abode in the frame of Fritz von Hartmann. Hence the slang and scurrility which issued from the lips of the serious Professor, and hence also the weighty words and grave statements which fell from the careless student. It was an unprecedented event, yet no one knew of it, least of all those whom it concerned.
The body of the Professor, feeling conscious suddenly of a great dryness about the back of the throat, sallied out into the street, still chuckling to himself over the result of the experiment, for the soul of Fritz within was reckless at the thought of the bride whom he had won so easily. His first impulse was to go up to the house and see her, but on second thoughts he came to the conclusion that it would be best to stay away until Madame Baumgarten should be informed by her husband of the agreement which had been made. He therefore made his way down to the Grüner Mann, which was one of the favourite tasting-places of the wilder students, and ran, boisterously waving his cane in the air, into the little parlour, where sat Spiegler and Muller and half a dozen other boon companions.
"Ha, ha! my boys" he shouted. "I knew I should find you here. Drink up, every one of you, and call for what you like, for I'm going to stand treat today."
Had the green man who is depicted upon the signpost of that well-known inn suddenly marched into the room and called for a bottle of wine, the students could not
have been more amazed than they were by this unexpected entry of their revered professor. They were so astonished that for a minute or two they glared at him in utter bewilderment without being able to make any reply to his hearty invitation,
"Donner und Blitz?" shouted the Professor angrily. "What the deuce is the matter with you, then? You sit there like a set of stuck pigs staring at me. What is it, then?"
"It is the unexpected honour," stammered Spiegler, who was in the chair.
"Honour-rubbish!" said the Professor testily. "Do you think that just because I happen to have been exhibiting mesmerism to a parcel of old fossils, I am therefore too proud to associate with dear old friends like you? Come out of that chair, Spiegler my boy, for I shall preside now. Beer, or wine, or schnaps, my lads - call for what you like, and put it all down to me."
Never was there such an afternoon In the Grüner Mann* The foaming flagons of lager and the green-necked bottles of Rhenish circulated merrily. By degrees the students lost their shyness in the presence of their Professor. As for him, he shouted, he sang, he roared, he balanced a long tobacco-pipe upon his nose, and offered to run a hundred yards against any member of the company. The Kellner and the barmaid whispered to each other outside the door their astonishment at such proceedings on the part of a Regius Professor of the ancient university of Keinplatz. They had still more to whisper about afterwards, for the learned man cracked the Kellner’s crown, and kissed the barmaid behind the kitchen door.
"Gentlemen," said the Professor, standing up, albeit somewhat totteringly, at the end of the table, and balancing his high old-fashioned wine glass in his bony hand, "I must now explain to you what is the cause of this festivity."
"Hear! hear!" roared the students, hammering their
beer glasses against the table; "a speech, a speech! Silence
for a speech!"
"The fact is, my Friends," said the Professor, beaming through his spectacles, "I hope very soon to be married."
"Married!" cried a student, bolder than the others. "Is Madame dead, then?"
"Madame who?"
"Why, Madame von Baumgarten, of course."
"Ha, ha!" laughed the Professor; "I can see, then, that you know all about my former difficulties. No, she is not dead, but I have reason to believe that she will not oppose my marriage."
"That is very accommodating of her," remarked one of
the company.
"In fact," said the Professor, "I hope that she will now be induced to aid me in getting a wife. She and I never took to each other very much; but now I hope all that may be ended - and when I marry she will come and stay with me."
"What a happy family 1" exclaimed some wag.
"Yes, indeed; and I hope you will come to my wedding, all of you. I won't mention names, but here is to my little bride!" and the Professor waved his glass in the air.
"Here's to his little bride!" roared the roysterers, with shouts of laughter. "Here's her health. See solll leben-Hoch! And so the fun waxed still more fast and furious, while each young fellow followed the Professor's example, and drank a toast to the girl of his heart.
While all this festivity had been going on at the Grüner Mann, a very different scene had been enacted elsewhere. Young Fritz von Hartmann, with a solemn face and a reserved manner, had, after the experiment, consulted and adjusted some mathematical instruments; after which, with a few peremptory words to the janitors, he had walked out into the street and wended his way slowly in die direction of the house of the Professor.
As he walked he saw Von Althaus, professor of anat-
omy, in front of him, and quickening his pace he overtook him,
"I say, Von Althaus," he exclaimed, tapping him on the
sleeve, "you were asking me for some information the
other day concerning the middle coat of the cerebral
arteries. Now I find "
"Donnerwetter shouted Von Althaus, who was a peppery old fellow."What the deuce do you mean by your impertinence! I’ll have you up before the Academical Senate for this, sir"; with which threat he turned on his heel and hurried away. Von Hartmann was much surprised at this reception. "It's on account of this failure of my experiment,” he said to himself, and continued moodily on his way.
Fresh surprises were in store for him, however. He was hurrying along when he was overtaken by two students, These youths, instead of raising their caps or showing any other sign of respect, gave a wild whoop of delight the instant that they saw him, and rushing at him, seized him by each arm and commenced dragging him along with them.
"Gott im Himmel!” roared von Hartmann. "What is the meaning of this unparalleled insult? Where are you taking me?"
"To crack a bottle of wine with us," said the two students. "Come along! That is an invitation which you have never refused."
“I never heard of such insolence in my life!" cried Von Hartmann. "Let go my arms! I shall certainly have you rusticated for this. Let me go, I say!" and he kicked furiously at his captors.
"Oh, if you choose to turn Ill-tempered, you may go where you like," the students said, releasing him, "We can do very well without you."
"I know you. I’ll pay you out," said Von Hartmann furiously, and continued in the direction which he imagined to be his own home, much incensed at the two episodes which had occurred to him on the way.
Translation - Bulgarian един, и си поръчайте, кой каквото желае,защото днес черпя аз!" Дори и зеленият човек, изобразен на входа на тази прочута страноприемница, да беше влязъл внезапно в нея и поръчал бу-тилка вино, не би смаял студентите толкова, колкото ги смая неочакваното влизане на техния достопочтен професор. Те бяха толкова стреснати, че за една-две минути го гледаха с широко отворени очи, напълно объркани, без да могат да отговорят ка-квото и да било на неговата сърдечна покана,
"Donner und Blitz?" 1 - извика сърдито професорът - Какво, по дяволите, става с вас? Седнали сте тук и сте се опули-ли насреща ми като заклани прасета.Та какво става най-сетне?
Това е поради неочакваната чест, - смутолеви седналият начело на масата Шпиглер.
Чест - глупости! - сопна се професорът – Нима смятате, че само защото съм участвувал в хипнотичен сеанс пред неколцина закостенели старци, трябва да се чувствам твърде горд за компа-
нията на своите добри стари приятели? Шпиглер, приятелю, стани от този стол, защото сега аз ще бъда начело на масата. Бира или вино, или ракия, приятели - поръчайте си и пийте кой каквото си пожелае. Аз плащам.
Никога по-рано в "Grüner Mann " не бе имало такава веселба.
От бутилките обилно се лееше пенливата бира и рейнското вино.
Лека-полека студентите се освободиха от стеснението към своя професор. А самият той крещя, пя, смя се колкото му глас дър-
жи крепи върху носа си дълга лула и предложи да се надбягва на сто ярда2 с когото и да е от компанията.Отвън на вратата кел-
нерът и ханджийката си шепнеха ,смаяни от това поведение на
1''гръм и мълнии! (нем.)
2Ярд – английска мярка за дължина = 91 ,4 см. – Б.пр.
региус-професора в стария университет на Кайнплац. Те щяха да имат още повече причини да си шепнат, защото след това ученият мъж халоса келнера по главата и целуна ханджийката зад вратата на кухнята.
Господа, - каза професорът, като се изправи и леко се олюля в единия край на масата, мъчейки се да задържи високата старинна винена чаша в костеливата си ръка, - сега трябва да ви обясня при-чината за това празненство.
- Да чуем! Да чуем! – извикаха гръмко студентите, чукайки със своите бирени чаши по масата. – Реч, реч! Искаме реч!
- Всъщност, драги приятели, - каза професорът със светнали под
очилата очи, - аз възнамерявам в скоро време да се оженя.
- Да се ожените, – извика един от студентите, малко по-смел от
другите, - Да не би госпожата да е починала?
- Коя госпожа?
- Как коя, госпожа фон Баумгартен, разбира се.
- Ха, ха! – разсмя се професорът. – Сега виждам, че знаете всичко за предишните ми затруднения. Не, тя си е жива, но имам причини да смятам, че няма да бъде против моята женитба.
- Много мило от нейна страна, - забележи някои от компания-
Всъщност, - каза професорът, - аз смятам, че сега тя даже ще ми помогне да се оженя. Ние с нея никога не сме си допадали особено, но сега се надявам всичко това да свърши и когато се оженя, тя ще дойде да живее с мен.
- Ех че щастливо семейство! – възкликна някои шеговито.
- Да, наистина; и аз се надявам, че ще дойдете на моята сватба,
всички вие. Без да споменавам имена, наздраве за моята малка го-деница! – и професорът вдигна високо чашата си.
- Наздраве за неговата малка годеница! - викаха и се смееха от все сърце младите веселяци, - Да пием за нейното здраве. Siе soll leben – Hoch! "1
И така веселието продължи с пълна сила и всеки един от младежите последва примера на своя професор, като вдигна тост за неговата любима.
Докато ставаше това веселие в "Grüner Mann ", на едно друго място се разиграваше съвсем различна сцена.След експеримента младият Фриц фон Хартман спокойно и внимателно извърши ня-
кои допълнителни проверки с помощта на математически прибори; след това той ги подреди и като даде няколко строги заповеди на прислугата,излезе на улицата и се отправи бавно към дома на професора.
Вървейки той видя фон Алтхаус, професор по анатомия, пред себе си и като ускори хода си, го настигна.
Слушай, фон Алтхаус, - възкликна той, потупвайки го по ръката, - завчера ти ме помоли за информация относно средния слой на церебралните артерии. Сега се убеждавам ...
"Donnerwetter!"2- извика фон Алтхаус, едно сприхаво старче. - Какво, по дяволите, означава вашето нахалство?Аз ще Ви извикам пред академичния съвет за това, господине.
При тази заплаха той се обърна бързо и се отдалечи. Фон Хартман бе много учуден от тази реакция. „Това ще да е поради неуспеха на моя експеримент" - си каза той и продължи унило по пътя си.
Очакваха го обаче още изненади. Той бързаше напред, когато
бе настигнат от двама студенти. Тези младежи, вместо
1Да живее!(нем.)
2Гръм и мълнии(нем)
English to Bulgarian: User's Manual - РАЗДЕЛИТЕЛ НА ТЕСТО
Source text - English Dough divider
6.6 Starting
Mount all panels. start the machine by pressing push button (A).
6.6.1 Working with dough
First lightly grease the hopper with "divider oil".
During production interruptions and breaks, dough crumbs in the divider unit may dry and harden. When starting again this may lead to a machine blockage. Therefore it is recommended to pour a little divider oil in the hopper and let the machine run a few strokes.
Fill the hopper with dough.
Remove dough sticking to the hopper wall by means of a plastic scraper.
For removing the last doughrests:
Switch off the machine.
Tilt the hopper up.
Remove the dough with a plastic scraper or close the hopper, start the machine and run it empty.
Safety warning
It is not allowed to use a step to reach the lower part of the hopper.
The hopper should be oiled in time to guarantee the falling of the dough.
6.7 Weight adjustment of the doughpieces
6.7.1 In case of manual adjustment
Heavier = turn handwheel (A) counterclockwise.
Lighter = turn handwheel clockwise.
The clock in the handwheel indicates the set volume as reference value.
Adjustment is only possible during the suction stroke.
6.7.2 In case of servo-adjustment
A small motor turns the adjusting spindle.
Switch on the adjusting motor by pressing button (B).
Release the button.
the adjusting motor stops.
Lighter: turn the button counterclockwise.
Heavier: turn the button clockwise.
Read the setting on the clock in the handwheel.
The servo-adjustment can be provided with a digital display (C) on the control panel.
The indicated value is a reference value.
Manual adjustment is always possible.
User's Manual - Dough divider
Check the third piece of dough on a balance after a weight adjustment or alteration.
Regularly check the weight when the machine is in operation and correct it if necessary.
Translation - Bulgarian НАРЪЧНИК НА ПОТРЕБИТЕЛЯ
6.6 Стартиране
Поставете всички капаци, стартирайте машината, като натиснете бутона за натискане (A).
6.6.1 Работа с тесто
Първо намажете леко с "разделително олиоl" фунията за пълнене
При прекъсване на работата остатъците от тесто в разделителната система може да изсъхнат и да се втвърдят. При подновяване на работата това може да причини блокиране на машината. Ето защо се препоръчва да се налее малко разделително олио във фунията и да се остави машината малко да поработи.
Напълнете фунията с тесто.
Почистете тестото, полепнало по стените на фунията, с пластмасова стъргалка.
За да почистите последните остатъци от тесто:
Изключете машината.
Наклонете фунията.
Почистете тестото с пластмасова стъргалка или затворете фунията, пуснете машината и я оставете да работи на празен ход.
Правило за безопасност
Не се разрешава да се използва стъпенка за достигане до долната част на фунията за пълнене.
Фунията трябва да бъде намазана с олио навреме, за да се гарантира стичането на тестото.
6.7 Настройка за теглото на късовете тесто
6.7.1 При ръчна настройка
За по-тежки = завъртете ръчното колело(А) по посока на часовниковата стрелкаl.
За по леки = завъртете ръчното колело обратно на часовниковата стрелка.
Часовникът в ръчното колело показва определеното количество като стойност за справка.
Настройката е възможна само при засмукване.
6.7.2 При серво настройка
Малък мотор върти настройващия шпиндел.
Включете моторът за настройка, като натиснете бутон(B).
Пуснете бутона.
Моторът за настройка ще спре.
За по леки късове: завъртете бутона обратно на часовниковата стрелка.
За по тежки късове: завъртете бутона по посока на часовниковата стрелка.
Прочетете настройката в часовника на ръчното колело..
Серво настройката може да се осъществи и с електронен дисплей (C) на таблото за управление.
Показаната стойност служи за справка.
Ръчната настройка е винаги възможна.
Измерете третия къс тесто с везна след настройка на теглото.
Редовно проверявайте теглото при работа на машината и при нужда го коригирайте.
Translation education
Master's degree
Years of experience: 44. Registered at Jul 2005.
I am a qualified translator, working since 1980. I offer high quality and affordable translations from English into Bulgarian.
My main focus these days is dairy production and research, chemistry, construction/building, environment and social and political subjects. However, being also an English teacher, I have extensive experience in teaching methods, education and linguistics and can also take on projects in these fields.
I offer a service that combines reasonable pricing and efficiency with the accuracy and fluency that can only be achieved by an experienced native speaker translator.
Clients, past and present, include:
Network Languages Ltd, Texto Communication Services, Biznet Services Ltd., Language Leader WorldOne Research, IVEX Central Europe s.r.o., Blue Cells, Ability Top Translations, ART4ART (UK) LTD, International Effectiveness Centers, Vernacular World, Dileal, Niv Translations, Libero Language Lab, Eastwards, Summit Works Vertalingen, CEET Ltd., Translation Management Ltd., EUROTRADUCTION SAS, DataSource International Ltd., PUSH International Ltd., Broadcast Translations & Conversions LLC, Ad Altum OÜ, MO Group International, GLOBAL TRANSLATE GmbH,Dynamic Language, Lingua Altera, LingoStar Language Services Inc., Kobalt Languages, LingoTip, Word Perfect Translations, Translations for Indusatry, TRAVOD, Right Ink, Word Edge, PoliLingua, We Translate On Time.
I graduated from Sofia University in 1972 with an MA in English Philology, and Bulgarian Philology as a second subject.
I subsequently attended a 3-month English Language Proficiency Course at Meads School of English – Eastbourne - UK.
In addition to quite a few long- and short-term translation assignments over the last 9-10 years, I have also undertaken a variety of other jobs, including:
1980 – 1982 Translator/Interpreter(English-Bulgarian and Bulgarian-English) for TECHNOEXPORTSTROY – Tripoli – Libya (construction company);
1983 – 1986 Translator/Interpreter(English-Bulgarian and Bulgarian-English) for Dairy Research Institute – based in Vidin - Bulgaria;
1990 – 1994 Translator/Interpreter(English-Bulgarian and Bulgarian-English) for Rubber Products Group of Companies – based in Vidin – Bulgaria;
2003 – 2005 Translator/Interpreter(English-Bulgarian and Bulgarian-English) for TRAFFICENGINEERING(road construction company) – based in Sofia – Bulgaria.
Away from translating and interpreting I have worked as a teacher of English to advanced students in Bulgaria. This has additionally broadened my professional and life experience, and enhanced my knowledge of English and my qualification.
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Keywords: qualified translator, working since 1980, high quality and affordable translations, English into Bulgarian and vice versa, main focus, dairy production and research, chemistry, construction/building, environment and social and political subjects, a teacher. See more.qualified translator, working since 1980, high quality and affordable translations, English into Bulgarian and vice versa, main focus, dairy production and research, chemistry, construction/building, environment and social and political subjects, a teacher, extensive experience in teaching methods, education and linguistics, also projects in these fields, reasonable pricing, efficiency, accuracy and fluency, experienced native speaker translator, IVEX Central Europe s.r.o., , Ability Top Translations, ART4ART (UK) LTD, Vernacular World, Dileal, Broadcast Translations & Conversions LLC, graduated from Sofia University in 1972, an MA in English Philology, Bulgarian Philology as a second subject, a 3-month English Language Proficiency Course, Meads School of English, Eastbourne, UK. See less.