Team Translators specializes in legal, business, medical, technical,and pharmaceutical documents from English to Portuguese and Portuguese to English. We use two native speakers for the language pair. The result-better accuracy, faster turnaround and a more natural text.
Translating is a strange subject to those who speak only one language. As translators, most people have no idea what we do. Ask any translator and they will tell you that translating is as much an art as a science. Often, many words do not have an exact translation in another language. Or, even if a word has a literal translation, certain sentences can come out awkward or un-natural. Ask any translator and they will tell you that the best work is often the result of two people who are native speakers of the languages being translated. This is what Team Translators does. I am an American and my wife is Brazilian. We use two heads instead of one to the job done faster and with more accuracy. It |