Working languages:
Turkish to English
English to Turkish

Bahar -00447824819193 -£0.06/Word-£20/Hr

London, England, United Kingdom
Local time: 02:51 GMT (GMT+0)

Native in: English Native in English, Turkish Native in Turkish
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Bahar - [email protected] -£0.06/Word-£20/Hr
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, MT post-editing, Transcription
Specializes in:
Business/Commerce (general)Law (general)
Medical: Health CareCertificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Advertising / Public RelationsJournalism
Textiles / Clothing / FashionCinema, Film, TV, Drama
Environment & EcologyPoetry & Literature


KudoZ activity (PRO) Questions asked: 4
Blue Board entries made by this user  0 entries
Payment methods accepted Wire transfer, Check
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 4
Translation education Other - Community Interpreting Level 3 Certificate (NOCN)
Experience Years of experience: 21. Registered at Dec 2009. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Curriculum Vitae

Name: Bahar Budak
D.O.B: 9th March 1980
LONDON se8 4pn, United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0044 7824819193


I am perfectly bilingual in TURKISH/ ENGLISH - ENGLISH/TURKISH Interpretation/Translation. As an Interpreter/Translator, I am fast and accurate and am developing with experience. My personality reflects my enthusiasm for the work I do. I am patient and can work under pressure and within deadlines.

Freelance Translation/Interpretation 2004 - 2009

Article translation, Internet Web Site translation from English/Turkish - Turkish/English
Small text translation, Filling in forms, Philosophy text translation, Nature text translation, Report translation, Proofreading, Hospital visits, GP visits, Council visits, Social Services visits, Citizen advice visits, Formal meetings, Community interpretation.

Editing, Interpreting, Interpreting - Medical, Interpreting - Phone, Other, Proofreading, Research, Subtitling, Teaching, Technical Writing, Terminology Research, Transcription, Typesetting, Voice-Over.

Specializes in:
Advertising, Public Relations, Human Resources, Environment and Ecology, Cinema, Film, TC, Drama, Art, Arts and Crafts, Painting, Tourism and Travel, Poetry and Literature, Textiles, Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs, Journalism, Philosophy, Medical, Other...

Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint.


Current Situation 2009
Studying Community Interpretation/Translation
Freelance Translator/Interpreter

City and Islington College 2009-2010
Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)

Learn Direct Deptford 2009
Level 2 City and Guilt in Literacy

Kent Institute of Art and Design 1998 - 2001
BA Honours in Fashion Technology and Design

Lewisham College 1996 - 1998
HND Fashion Technology and Design

Catford County School 1990 - 1996
Art C, English C, Science C, Maths D,
Turkish A, Spanish C, History C

Example of Translation

Field: Social Sciences
Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
English to Turkish: Sociology/Sosyoloji

Source text - English - Sociology
Sociology is often defined as "The study of society; human social interaction".
This field considers social structures, both Cognitive and Material. An example of a Cognitive Social Structure is the established institution of religion and how its operation affects the collective awareness. For instance, Prolife Christians share a disposition that human “life" is a separate element of nature and that killing an unborn foetus is wrong. Concurrently, the competition based monetary system has proponents putting forth ideas such as how competition is the most productive social state that humans can engage in.
Material Social Structures, on the other hand, are very obvious and they exist in the form of corporations and governments, each having a strong influence on society. Of course, all Material Social Structures bleed over into the Cognitive realm, for they always have an ideology behind them.
Now, a common sociological issue has to do with "Human Nature" and its effect in a collective sense. For instance, most people have been taught that human beings are naturally competitive with each other, along with the assumption that social stratification or hierarchy is also a "natural human tendency".

Translation - Turkish - Sosyoloji
Sosyoloji genelde, “toplumun ve insanoğlunun birbirine karşi davranışlarını" değerlendirir. Kognitif ve Materyal Yapımı deneyimleyen bir bölümdür. Kognitif Sosyal Yapımının gelişmiş kuruluşunun bir örnegi “din”dir ve topluluk bilincini etkiler. Mesela Profil Hıristiyanlar için insan eğilimi 'hayatın' doğanın ayrı bir unsuru ve doğmamış bir fetüsün öldürülmesinin yanlışlığının savunmasını paylaşır. Aynı zamanda, yarış içinde olan parasal sistem 'yarışın' insan oğlunun kendisini adayacağı en üretici sosyal durum olduğunu destekler. Fakat diğer taraftan Materyal Sosyal Yapıya bakarsak, şirketler ve devletler formunda var olur ve hepsinin toplum açısından çok etkisi vardır. Tabi ki bütün Materyal Sosyal Yapı Kognitif gerçeğe doğru yönelmektedir ki o yüzden sürekli arkalarında bir ideoloji vardır.
Yaygın olan bir sosyal konu 'İnsan Doğasıdır' ve topluluk açısından nasıl bir etkisi olduğudur. Mesela çoğu insanlarca, insanoğlunun doğal olarak birbiriyle yarışması ve bunun yanında sosyal sınıflanmanın veya sıralı düzeninin 'doğal insan eğilimi' olarak kavranmasıdır.
Keywords: I am perfectly bilingual in Turkish - English Interpretation/Translation. As an Interpreter/Translator, I am fast and accurate and am developing with experience. My personality reflects my enthusiasm for the work I do. I am patient and can work under pressure and within deadlines.

Profile last updated
Jun 3, 2016

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