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French to English: Les Programmes d'action de Surfrider Foundation Europe General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - French Les programmes d’action de Surfrider Foundation Europe
Protéger le littoral
L’association Surfrider Foundation est titulaire d’un agrément de protection de l’environnement.
Les laboratoires : Surfrider Foundation Europe possède plusieurs laboratoires d’analyses (Marseille, Saint Sébastien et Toulouse) pour procéder à des tests de qualité de l’eau sur des échantillons provenant des zones d’activités nautiques tout au long de l’année. La nécessité d’une surveillance de la qualité des eaux des zones d’activités nautiques est une des revendications de l’association.
Transport maritime : Surfrider Foundation Europe a lancé un ambitieux programme de recherche juridique de 3 ans en partenariat avec une université et les acteurs de terrain concernés. Nous souhaitons mieux identifier les responsables en matière de pollution maritime et poser l’application de principe de pollueur payeur. Ce programme vise à déterminer quels sont les moyens mis en œuvre par les Etats (conventions, mesures,…) pour lutter contre les pollutions en milieu marin. En outre nous utilisons tous les leviers juridiques existant au niveau local, international et européens pour défendre les victimes et faire reconnaitre le dommage environnemental (actions juridiques, lobbying national et européen).
Lobbying : L’association a pour objectif d’influencer les décideurs publics et les institutions dans les processus d’élaboration des lois, des réglementations et l’établissement de normes pour favoriser nos ambitions en terme de protection et de valorisation du milieu marin. Par exemple, Surfrider a lancé une pétition destinée à la reconnaissance des macro-déchets comme pollution (2008-2009).
Simulation eaux de baignade : Cette étude vise à alerter les institutions à toutes les échelles territoriales de pouvoir, de l’impact de la nouvelle réglementation européenne sur la gestion des eaux de baignade. Le travail consiste en la réalisation d’une simulation de ce que serait le classement de la qualité des eaux de baignade dès aujourd’hui au regard de la Directive de 2006. L’objectif, à terme, étant de contribuer à un dialogue territorial constructif sur cette thématique et d’accélérer la mise en place des mesures à prendre afin que les plages soient conformes aux nouvelles normes en 2015.
Gardiens de la Côte : Ce programme d’actions est basé sur les témoignages de volontaires (citoyens, associations, collectifs, etc.) visant à nous informer sur des pollutions, aménagements ou autres problèmes observés et impactant le littoral. Ces renseignements alimentent notre réseau de surveillance. Nous apportons ainsi notre savoir-faire scientifique, médiatique et dans certains cas juridique afin de soutenir, au niveau local, les usagers qui s’engagent pour préserver le patrimoine naturel littoral.
Translation - English Surfrider Foundation Europe’s Action Programmes
Protecting the Coastline
The Surfrider Foundation association is officially approved for environmental protection.
Laboratories : Surfrider Foundation Europe owns several laboratories (in Marseille, San Sebastian and Toulouse) where it carries out water quality tests on samples taken from areas of water sport activity throughout the year. The need for year-round water quality surveillance in water sport areas is one of the issues the association campaigns for.
Maritime Transport : Surfrider Foundation Europe has launched an ambitious 3-year legal research project in partnership with a university and the actors involved on the ground. We hope to better identify the people responsible for maritime pollution and set the application of the polluter-pays principle. This programme aims to determine the means (conventions, measures,..) set up by Member States to fight against marine pollution. Furthermore we make use of all legal tools existing at local, international and European levels to defend victims and expose environmental damage (through legal action, national and European lobbying).
Lobbying: The organisation aims to influence public sector decision-makers and institutions during rule, law-making and standard setting processes in order to achieve its goals of marine protection and development. For example, Surfrider launched a petition for the recognition of marine litter as pollution (2008-2009).
Bathing water simulation: This study aims to warn institutions at every territorial level of governance of the impact of the new European regulation on bathing water management. The study consists in simulating what bathing water classifications would be today under the 2006 Directive. The end goal is to contribute to a constructive territorial dialogue over this issue and hasten the implementation of measures that ensure beaches comply with the new standards in 2015.
Keepers of the Coast : This initiative is based on volunteer (citizens, associations, groups, etc.) reports of local pollution incidents, new developments, or other problems observed which have an impact on the coastline. This information supplies our surveillance network. We then contribute our scientific, media, and in some cases, legal know-how, providing local support to users who are committed to preserving the natural coastal heritage.
Spanish to English: Sotanas y Chilabas, Ignacio Camacho 3-2-2008 General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Spanish NO van a entrar al trapo. La consigna es quedarse quietos, mantenerse al margen, y dejar que sea el Gobierno el que se enrede en su enésima pelea con la Iglesia. Si alguien pregunta en la dirección del PP por el documento de orientación pastoral de los obispos sobre las elecciones, le dirán en voz baja que no lo consideraban necesario, que los católicos españoles que secundan a la Iglesia saben perfectamente a quién votar, y sobre todo a quién no votar, y que estratégicamente no les han hecho un favor, pero en público los populares se van a hacer a un lado. Rajoy dio ayer la larga cambiada: Zapatero busca camorra con unos y con otros para eludir el debate de la economía. El aspirante no necesita refugiarse bajo las sotanas: por ese lado, los votos están seguros, y la derecha sabe que la estrategia de su adversario consiste en tratar de identificarlos con la jerarquía eclesiástica para activar el viejo resabio comecuras y anticlerical de la izquierda.
El Gobierno está manoteando en el aire para alancear molinos de viento. Ningún ciudadano se puede escandalizar de que los obispos sugieran que no se vote a un partido que defiende el aborto y legaliza el matrimonio homosexual. Si hay algo que caracteriza el catolicismo español es la independencia de criterio de los fieles, incluso respecto a los propios preceptos de la Iglesia. El libre albedrío está intacto en la conciencia de los creyentes. Por eso los gestos del PSOE resultan de un victimismo poco digerible, que trata de crear una polémica interesada y presentar a la oposición como una fuerza secuestrada por el integrismo católico. Los socialistas quieren aprovechar la referencia episcopal a la negociación con los terroristas para tirarse en el área y pedir penalti, pero todo el mundo sabe en primer lugar que esa negociación ha existido, y en segundo que lo que los obispos digan irá a misa, pero no más allá. Es una polémica estéril, que puede acabar rebotando sobre la cabeza de quienes la provocan: en el electorado más templado y sensato provoca inquietud la idea de un Gobierno sectario liado a trompazos con la Iglesia.
Translation - English They are not going to answer to the provocation. The orders are to keep quiet, stay on the sidelines and let the ruling Socialist Government (PSOE) be the one to get caught up in yet another fight with the Catholic Church. If anyone asks the leaders of the Conservative Party (Partido Popular, PP) for the bishops’ document offering voters religious guidance on the elections, they’ll quietly be told it wasn’t considered necessary for the campaign, that Spanish Catholics who support the Church know exactly who to vote for, and above all, who not to vote for, and that strategically the document didn’t come as a favour. But in public, the conservatives are going to stand to the side. Mariano Rajoy, the conservative leader, dismissed his party’s alleged partnership with the Church in a comment yesterday: Zapatero is picking a fight with everyone in order to avoid the current economic issue. The fact is that the opposition doesn’t need to take shelter in the Church: those votes are already secure. The Right are well aware that their opponent’s strategy lies in trying to associate them with the ecclesiastical hierarchy in order to trigger the Left’s anticlerical sentiments, another bitter aftertaste from the Franco period.
The Government is clumsily clutching at straws. The bishop’s suggestion not to vote for a party which defends abortion and legalises gay marriage can’t come as shock to anyone. But if there’s one thing which characterises Spanish Catholicism it’s the capacity of its followers to think for themselves, even with respect to the Church’s own precepts. Believers still have their free will, which is why the PSOE’s act of victimisation is hard to swallow. Through it the socialists hope to create a dispute, weighted in their favour and which portrays the opposition as a force kidnapped by Catholic fundamentalism. They want to take advantage of the bishops’ reference to their negotiation with ETA terrorists at the Episcopal conference to declare extra-time and ask for a penalty shoot-out. However, everyone knows that, firstly the negotiation took place, and secondly that what the bishops say will go no further than the four walls of the Church. It is a sterile debate which could end up backfiring, since even for the most sensible and level-headed electorate, the idea of a sectarian government at arms with the Church is worrying.
Translation education
Master's degree - Exeter University
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Jan 2010. Became a member: Sep 2011.
French to English (University of Exeter, verified) Spanish to English (University of Exeter, verified)
Dreamweaver, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint, STAR Transit, Subtitle Edit, Trados Studio
Over 10 years' professional translation experience,Master in Translation,Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Cognitive Science.Linguistic Background: I am fully bilingual, having been raised in a French household, but received a British education. I learnt Spanish from living in South America in my formative years and living and working in Spain as a TEFL teacher after university. I have been living in Portugal for the last 8 years. I am therefore fluent in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
Professional Experience: I have been working as a freelance translator for the last 12 years, carrying out regular translation, post-editing, review and proofreading work for leading clients in the business, retail and tourism sectors including Accor, Decathlon and Google. I have also carried out volunteer translation work for several NGO's, such as Medecins sans Frontieres and Blue Ventures Marine Conservation. My experience includes interpreting work for the NHS. During my Masters in Translation, I acquired in-depth knowledge about translation theory and the translation profession, including the use of CAT tools. As well as Trados Studio, I work with Star Transit on a regular basis. I have recently completed a professional subtitling and closed captioning course including training on Ooona's online toolkit and can now offer these services too.
I specialize in the fields of social sciences, tourism/sport and the environment.
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