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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Voiceover (dubbing), Training
Source text - English There were still more questions today about a South Korean stem cell researcher. Hwang Woo-Seok stands accused of faking findings that he created 11 cell lines from cloned human embryos. The research was published last June in the journal Science. Hwang has since agreed to withdraw it. Today a former colleague called for an investigation of an earlier report. This one on how Hwang first cloned embryos.
A South Korean stem cell researcher resigned today after his university accused him of faking results on cloning. It was the latest in a growing scandal.
--- Professor Hwang Woo-Seok apologized as he resigned from South Korea¡¯s top university after the school announced he¡¯s fabricated his groundbreaking results in stem cell research. At a news conference, he told journalists, ¡°I sincerely apologize to the people for creating shock and disappointment.¡± In May, professor Hwang had caused excitement around the world when he said he¡¯d created stem cells capable of growing into any organ or tissue from cloned human embryos, which genetically matched 11 patients.
Such a technique could help transplant patients overcome organ rejection or lead to a cure for diseases like Parkinson¡¯s. But in a public announcement, Seoul National University said he¡¯d faked results in nine of the 11 cases. Remaining two are also being investigated. Professor Hwang has claimed other breakthroughs. He said he¡¯d created the world¡¯s first cloned dog.
That¡¯s now under question, as his last year¡¯s announcement that he¡¯d been the first to clone a human embryo. Hwang¡¯s considered a national hero in South Korea. Now he faces disgrace and prosecution.
The South Korean government, which funded the research, said today it will conduct its own investigation.
From PBS netwrok News
Translation - Korean There were still more questions today about a South Korean stem cell researcher. Hwang Woo-Seok stands accused of faking findings that he created 11 cell lines from cloned human embryos. The research was published last June in the journal Science. Hwang has since agreed to withdraw it. Today a former colleague called for an investigation of an earlier report. This one on how Hwang first cloned embryos.
남한 줄기세포 학자에 관한 많은 의혹이 여전히 존재한다. 황우석은 복제한 인간배아로부터 추출한 11개의 줄기세포를 만들었다고한 조작된 발표 때문에 비난을 받는 입장이다. 그 연구는 지난 6월 사이언스지에 게재되었다. 황은 이번 파문이후 그 논문의 철회에 동의했다. 오늘은 그의 옛동료가 초기 논문에 대한 조사도 요구하였다. 이는 어떻게 황이 최초로 배아를 복제했는가에 관한 것이다.
A South Korean stem cell researcher resigned today after his university accused him of faking results on cloning. It was the latest in a growing scandal.
한국 줄기 세포 연구자는 오늘 복제에 대한 조작 결과 때문에 자신의 대학이 그를 비난하자 사직서를 던졌다. 그것은 점증된 스캔들중 가장 최근 소식이다.
--- Professor Hwang Woo-Seok apologized as he resigned from South Korea’s top university after the school announced he’s fabricated his groundbreaking results in stem cell research. At a news conference, he told journalists, “I sincerely apologize to the people for creating shock and disappointment.” In May, professor Hwang had caused excitement around the world when he said he’d created stem cells capable of growing into any organ or tissue from cloned human embryos, which genetically matched 11 patients.
--황교수는 줄기세포 연구에 있어서 그가 처음으로 개척해서 이루어 놓은(ground-breaking:기공) 연구결과를 조작해왔다고 대학이 발표하자 한국 최고의 대학을 사직하면서 사과를 하였다. 기자회견에서 그는 기자들에게 다음과 같이 말했다. “충격과 실망을 야기시킨데 대해 국민여러분께 진심으로 사과드립니다.”
오월에 황교수는 세상을 흥분시켰는데 이는 그가 복제된 인간 배아로부터 장기(organ)나 세포나 신경조직(tissue)으로 성장할 수 있는 줄기세포를 만들었고 이 장기나 조직이 유전적으로 11명의 환자와 잘 매치된다고 발표했기 때문이다.
Such a technique could help transplant patients overcome organ rejection or lead to a cure for diseases like Parkinson’s. But in a public announcement, Seoul National University said he’d faked results in nine of the 11 cases. Remaining two are also being investigated. Professor Hwang has claimed other breakthroughs. He said he’d created the world’s first cloned dog.
그 같은 기술은 이식환자가 장기 거부반응을 극복하는데 도움을 줄 것이고 파키슨병같은 질병 치유로 이끄는 데 도움을 줄 것이다. 그러나 공식 발표에서 서울대는 그가 11개중 9개의 연구결과를 조작했다고 발표했다. 나머지 2가지도 조사중이다. 황교수는 또 다른 성과도 발표한적이 있다. 즉 세계 최초의 복제 개를 만들었다고 전에 말했다.
That’s now under question, as his last year’s announcement that he’d been the first to clone a human embryo. Hwang’s considered a national hero in South Korea. Now he faces disgrace and prosecution.
The South Korean government, which funded the research, said today it will conduct its own investigation.
그가 최초로 인간 배아를 복제했다고 한 지난해의 발표와 마찬가지로 그것도 지금은 의혹을 받고 있다. 황은 한국에서는 국가적 영웅으로 여겨져왔다. 하지만 지금은 쪽팔림(?)과 검찰조사에 직면해 있다. 연구에 (눈먼?) 돈을 쏟아 부었던 한국 정부는 오늘 나름대로의 조사를 행할 것이라 궁색한 변명을 중얼대고 있다.
==Another one==========================
The Pentagon confirmed today it’s trimming its core force in Iraq early next year. Defense secretary Rumsfeld formally announced the reduction of about 7,000 combat troops. That would put the US deployment at about 131,000. It’s been at 138,000 for much of this year except for increases during elections. Rumsfeld outlined the decision in Fallujah and credited progress in training Iraqi forces.
미 국방성은 오늘 내년 초 이라크의 핵심 군대를 축소하도록 확정했다. 럼스펠드 국방부 장관은 공식적으로 7000명의 전투부대원을 감소하기로 발표했다. 그것은 올해 선거 기간의 증가를 제외한 138000명에서 131000명으로 감소시키는 것이다. 럼스펠드는 팔루자에서 결정의 개략적으로 밝혔고 이는 이라크 군의 훈련이 상당한 진전을 이룬 덕택이다
President Bush has authorized an adjustment in US combat brigades in Iraq from 17 to 15. The size and composition of US forces, of course, will fluctuate as commanders continue to shift their focus to emphasize training and supporting the Iraqi security forces.
부시대통령은 이라크에서 미 전투여단의 수를 17여단에서 15여단으로 줄이기로 조정한 것을 승인했다. 미군의 규모와 구성은 물론 (일선)사령관들이 이라크 보안군의 훈련과 지원을 강조하는 쪽으로 그들의 중점을 둠에 따라 다소 변동할 수 있다.
Rumsfeld said more US troops would be involved in training Iraqi forces, and the US would consider further cuts at some point in 2006. The news won praise from congressional Democrats. Senate minority leader Harry Reid said it means the president is beginning to hear the calls of the public and congress.
럼스펠드의 말로는 많은 미군들이 이라크군의 훈련에 관여하고 있고 2006년 어느 시점에 이르면 미국은 좀더 감축을 고려할 것이라 한다. 그 소식은 민주당의원들로부터 찬사를 받았다. 상원 소수당 원내총무인 해리 리드는 이제야 대통령이 국민과 의회의 요구에 귀를 기울이기 시작했음을 의미한다고 말했다.
Years of experience: 2. Registered at Sep 2005.
I am an exchange student from South Korea for a year in Towson University.
My major is English Education.
I have prepared for a grad. school of translation and interpretation for a long time.
Education, Economics, Management, Politics and Current Affairs is my concentration in translating.
I do translation English- Korean, and Korean- Enlish.
I work very hard and finish in a quick.
During winter break and spring break, I can finish in a quick.
During spring semester, I can do translation only if there is no need for me to work at a certain place from Mon. to Friday in the morning and afternoon.
I tranlated around 300 page University Book.
It was written in a very small letters
The total page of that book was around 300 in 10 point.
I got paid around $ 3000 for that in Korea.
Keywords: Enlish Education major,
English-Korean, Korean-English
I have prepared for the test to become a simultaneous interpreter(=preparing for Monterey graduation school of translation and interpretation)
My expertise is education, economics, management, politics, text books, and children's books.
But I can deal with almost everything.