Most of my translation experience comes from academic research as a master's student at Stanford University's Inter-University Center for Advanced Japanese Language Studies and University of Washington (2007) where I wrote my thesis on Japan's environmental policy including 'eco-towns.' I translated materials from government agencies (METI, Ministry of Environment), non-profit organizations, local government agencies and newspaper articles. I conducted a survey in Japanese of over twenty so called 'eco-town' cities to understand their recycling and renewable energy development strategies to create more economically and environmentally sustainable cities.
While working for over two years (2007-2009) as a Japanese-speaking guide in Alaska for
America & Pacific Tours I interpreted for Japanese customers on Aurora, tundra wilderness, glacier, whale watching, river rafting, and hiking tours. I also interpreted at hospitals, hotels, restaurants, airports, and on trains (Alaska Railroad) and buses. I translated business letters (J-E), museum pamphlets (E-J), restaurant menus (E-J) and a presentation in PowerPoint on Alaska's economic strategies (E-J) for Alaska Economic Development Corporation.
I am most interested in translation projects related to renewable energy, 'green' lifestyles, environment/ecology, politics, food/cuisine (I review Asian restaurants
Salt Lake City Asian Cuisine Examiner), entertainment, anime, business, finance and tourism.
Although I may not have as much professional experience as others, I am fully committed to producing the most accurate and appropriate translations possible for you. I hope you will be willing to take a chance on me and I promise you will not be disappointed. I look forward to working with you!!