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English to Romanian: Technical Book for Two Post Lift General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - English The lift is suitable for lifting motor vehicles having maximum weight as described in the nameplate
on the power side column of the lift.
All mechanical parts such as columns, carriages and lift arms have been built in steel plate to make
the frame stiff and strong while keeping a low weight.
The electro hydraulic operation is described in detail in chapter 8.
This chapter describes the lift’s principal elements, allowing the user to be familiar with the machine.
As shown in figure 2, the lift is composed of two columns (1), each equipped with a carriage (2) and
a pair of lifting arms (3), anchored to the ground by means of base plates of columns.
The base plate (4) is used to protect the lines routed between columns.
Raising motion is carried out by pushing the lifting button on the control panel (5) to operate a power
unit (6), which delivers the hydraulic fluid to cylinders inside the columns.
The mechanical safety (7) operating by the electromagnet (8) is built inside of each carriage.
Lowering motion is controlled by pushing the lowering button on the control panel and carried out
under the weight of the load lifted.
The synchronization is controlled by the equalizer cable system built in each column.
The arm safety can be engaged automatically when the lift is raised.
A limit switch is installed on the power side column for the maximum lifting height.
Translation - Romanian Elevatorul este potrivit pentru ridicarea autovehiculelor având greutatea maximă descrisă pe eticheta depe coloana elevatorului.
Toate părţile mecanice ca coloanele, suporturile şi braţele elevatorului au fost construite din placă de oţel ca să facă rama să fie rigidă şi puternică în timp ce ţine o greutate mică.
Operaţia electro hidraulică este descrisă cu amănunte în capitolul VIII.
Acest capitol descrie elementele principale a elevatorului, făcândul pe utilizator să fie familiar cu aparatul.La fel cum este arătat în figura 2, elevatorul este compus din 2 coloane (1), fiecare echipată cu un suport (2) şi o pereche de braţe de ridicat (3), ancorată la sol cu plăcile de bază a coloanelor.
Placa de bază (4) este folosită pentru a proteja liniile rotite dintre coloane.
Siguranţa mecanică (7) operată de electromagnet (8) este construită în interiorul fiecărui suport.
Coborârea de mişcare este controlată prin apăsatea butonului de scădere de pe panoul de control efectuate sub greutatea încărcăturii ridicate.
Sincronizarea este controlată de cablu egalizatort montat în fiecare coloană.
Siguranţa braţului poate fi implicată automat când elevatorul este ridicat.
Schimbătorul de limită este instalat pe partea de putere a coloanei pentru înălţimea maximă de ridicare.
English to Russian: Company Profile
Source text - English The company was founded in 1969 as a family run small-scale business working in just 250 m2. Through
constant growth, thanks to the dedication and professionalism of a team of specialised collaborators that has
been formed over the years, today the factory site in Cavriago (RE) covers a surface area of more than 13,000
m2. A key role in guiding the company’s development has been played by the founding shareholders, with their
tenacity, commitment and personal approach to the job, which has always been recognised as a right and a
duty, alongside the pleasure of creating. This mentality has become the wealth of the whole Mazzoni team,
today committed to maintaining the flexibility of the company and able to satisfy the customers’ requirements
to the highest possible standards, offering not only good products but also a good service, all accompanied by
direct, concrete and honest relations with its partners and interlocutors.
ivities into the industrial cleaning market. The extremely competitive and dynamic sector has demanded of us
not only the improvement of our technical capacities but also large-scale growth in terms of flexibility,
innovation and development. Today Mazzoni S.r.l. is a consolidated presence among the most important world
manufacturers of high pressure water jet cleaners, sweepers and scrubbers, and 65% of the production is
destined for the international market. In-house, the company manufactures most of the components needed to
build its own product range: electric motors, boilers, electrical control panels, valves, swash plate pumps and
accessories are fully built in-house, in our factory with high technological content, equipped with state-of-theart
numeric control machines. This structure assure the constant monitoring of the critical points of production,
with a view to fully respecting high quality
Translation - Russian Компания была основана в 1969 году как малый семейный бизнес, работающий на площади всего в 250 м2. Благодаря постоянному росту, самоотверженности и профессионализму команды специализированных сотрудников бизнес формировался в течение многих лет. Сегодня завод в Cavriago (RE) занимает площадь более 13000 м2. Ключевую роль в определении направления развития компании сыграло привлечение акционеров, их упорство, целеустремленность и индивидуальный подход к работе, которая выражена как в правах, так и обязанностях, наряду с удовольствием от создания.
На сегодняшний день компания выступает за сохранение гибкости и способна удовлетворить потребности клиентов в максимально высоких стандартах, предлагая не только хороший продукт но также хороший сервис. Все сопровождается прямыми, конкретными и честными отношениями со своими партнерами и коллегами.
Чрезвычайно конкурентоспособный и динамично развивающийся сектор потребовал от нас не только улучшения наших технических возможностей, но также крупномасштабные рост, с точки зрения гибкости, инновации и развитие. Сегодня Маццони S.r.l. представляет собой одно из самых важных мировых производителей Аппаратов Высокого Давления, подметальных машин и скрубберов, а 65% продукции предназначено для международного рынка. Компания производит большинство компонентов, необходимых для создания своего собственного ассортимента продукции: электрические двигатели, котлы, электрические панели управления, клапаны, насосы и аксессуары, полностью изготовленные нашей фабрикой на высоком технологическом уровне. Эта структура обеспечивает постоянный мониторинг критических точек производства с целью полного соблюдения высокого качества.
Translation education
Master's degree - Aurel Vlaicu University
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Jul 2010.
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
I am a native romanian / russina speaker. I spent couple of years in USA so my english is very good. If you are looking for quality and quantity, i am the right person.