Working languages:
Italian to Russian
Russian to Italian
Italian to Ukrainian

Olga Maslak
L'opera loda il maestro

Native in: Russian Native in Russian, Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian
Feedback from
clients and colleagues

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No feedback collected
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting
Specializes in:
Finance (general)Business/Commerce (general)
Law: Contract(s)Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Furniture / Household AppliancesEngineering: Industrial
Mechanics / Mech EngineeringEngineering (general)
Construction / Civil Engineering


KudoZ activity (PRO) Questions answered: 1
Translation education Master's degree - Istituto Statale di Kharkiv "Accademia popolare ucraina"
Experience Years of experience: 29. Registered at Jul 2010. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials Italian to Russian (Ucraina: Istituto Statale di Kharkiv "Accademia popolare ucraina")
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
Итальяно-русский/украинский, русско-итальянский переводчик, диплом специалиста со знанием итальянского, английского языков, 20-летний опыт работы переводчиком итальянского языка в иностранных коммерческих организациях, перевод технической, юридической, медицинской, коммерческой документации, сопровождение делегаций. Участие в крупных строительных проектах (вокзалы, гостиницы, супермаркеты), как в Украине, так и в России, включая перевод всей сопроводительной документации (акты, сертификаты, инструкции к оборудованию и т.п.) - Traduttrice/interprete italiano-russo/ucraino, russo-italiano, laurea in lingua italiana e inglese, 20 anni d'esperienza lavorativa nel settore delle traduzioni per le organizzazioni commerciali straniere, comprese le traduzioni giuridiche, mediche (diagnosi) e commerciali, l'accompagnamento delle delegazioni. La partecipazione ai grandi progetti edili (stazioni, alberghi, supermercati) sia in Ucraina che in Russia, compresa la traduzione di tutta la documentazione d'accompagnamento (verbali, certificati, istruzioni e manuali d'uso ecc.). La professionalità, puntualità e responsabilità del lavoro!
Keywords: italiano-russo, produzione, tecnologie industriali, commercio

Profile last updated
Jan 8, 2024