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English to Arabic: Humanitarian Groups Barred from Kalma منع مجموعات إنسانية من كالما General field: Other Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - English [All views expressed in these translations are those of the author only and do not reflect the translator]
Inner City Press writes: In Darfur, while the UN is giving assurances that the violence in the Kalma camp has passed, humanitarian groups have been barred from the camp, housing eighty thousand internally displaced people, for the past four days. One wonders why the UN has not said more about the barring of humanitarian groups from the Kalma camp.
Translation - Arabic كل الأراء في هذه الترجمات تمثل الأراء للمؤلف فقط وليس المترجم
يكتب ’إنر سيتي برس‘: في دارفور, بينما تعطي الأمم المتحدة تأكيدات أن أنتهى العنف في مخيم كالما, مجموعات إنسانية قد منعت من المخيم, التي يسكن فيها ثمانين ألف نازح داخلي, على مدى الأربعة أيام الماضية. أحد يتسائل لماذا لا تقول الأمم المتحدة المزيد عن منع المجموعات الإنسانية من مخيم كالما؟
Arabic to English: حظر مصارعة الثيران في كتلونيا Banning bullfighting in Catalonia General field: Other Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - Arabic كل الأراء في هذه الترجمات تمثل الأراء للمؤلف فقط وليس المترجم
صلاح منتصر يكتب في القبس (الكويت): وهي خطوة تعطي مؤيدي الرفق بالحيوان في العاصمة مدريد جرعة مقوية، تساعدهم على تكثيف ضغوطهم، واستصدار قانون مماثل يكون بداية النهاية لهذه «الرياضة الوحشية» المنتشرة في أسبانيا، وأيضا في البرتغال وعدد من دول أميركا اللاتينية، وإن كانت هذه الدول تغير في تقاليد الرياضة بها. فمثلا لا تسمح البرتغال بقتل الثور أمام المشاهدين في الحلبة كما يحدث في أسبانيا، وإنما يتم جره عندما تخور قواه إلى الخارج ليتولى أحد الجزارين المحترفين ذبحه، وبيع لحمه بعد ذلك. وفي سلطنة عمان في ولاية «صحار» هناك نوع من مصارعة الثيران، ولكن بين ثورين يتم شحنهما للمواجهة في حلبة المصارعة، ويعتبر فائزا الذي يرغم الآخر على الهرب، أو التوقف عن النزال!
Translation - English [All views expressed in these translations are those of the author only and do not reflect the translator]
Salah Montasser writes in Al-Qabas (Kuwait): It is a step which gives supporters of the Humane Society in Madrid a booster shot, helping them with consolidating their pressure and obtaining similar legislation. It is the beginning of the end for this "monstrous sport" that is spread throughout Spain and also Portugal and a number of Latin American countries- even if these countries were already changing their sporting traditions. For example, Portugal does not allow killing the bull in the ring in front of the spectators as is the case in Spain. Instead, when the bull has lost its strength, it is led outside and slaughtered by a professional butcher and the meat is sold after that. In the Sultanate of Oman in the "Sahaar" province, there is a form of bull-fighting but it is between two bulls who are led into the ring to confront each other. The winner is the bull that forces the other to flee the ring or forces the stoppage of the contest.
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Jul 2010.
Transart Translations
Human Translations for a Digital World
-Transart Translations provides independent global translations to clients and contacts around the world through online services including live consultation via IM and Skype as well as traditional email. The languages offered for services include Mandarin Chinese-中文, Arabic-اللغة العربية, Spanish-Español, German-Deutsch, as well as native US English. Translation is available as English->Arabic, Arabic-> English, Mandarin->English, Spanish->English and German->English.
-Services include translation of text, subtitling, voice-over (into US English), voice-acting (US English), localization, proof-reading, editing, and LIVE IM assistance for text-based or oral questions (face-to-face on-cam availability).
-Software used includes Subtitle Processor (Subtitling), OmegaT+ (CAT Tool), Audacity (Sound Editing/Voice Over) as well as a large range of online tools used to ensure that standards and quality of translation meet native expectations.
-As well as offering traditional text-based translations, Transart Translations also makes LIVE online consulting available for anything from simple questions about meanings of words to live help with localization questions through the use of MSN, Yahoo!, and Skype IM services.
-In addition to freelance translating, Transart Translations currently contributes translations and editing to ““ as well as contributing as an editor to MDBG
““ as part of their Chinese Reader ToolTip translation project.
-Transart Translations has been based around the world in many locations including New York, Chicago, London, Copenhagen, Berlin, Barcelona, Addis Ababa, Cairo, Amman, Beirut, Sydney, Portland. This exposure and experience with the local culture and community across numerous societies and countries of the world allows for a greater understanding of the native needs of people and their languages to facilitate better communication and produce better translated products.
-Transart Translations is available to offer you the best quality possible for you language, localization and communication based needs. We help you understand people and people understand you.
Gabriel Nada
Independent Freelance Global Tranlator
Transart Translations