Hanna Lindenberg Personal Profile
Born 1956 in Cologne, Germany, I have lived in Wales from 1986 to 2008. Being familiar with two different cultures has given me a keen interest in cultural
I love to travel and have exhibited and sold my jewellery in Britain, Germany, France, Italy, New Zealand and America.
Education and Training
2003 Web design training
2001 TESOL/TESOL Certificates from Trinity College, London and the University of Wales, Aberystwyth
1982 - 1986 Apprenticeship as a jeweller with H. Gerresheim, Bonn, Germany
1976 - 1982 Study of Nutritional Sciences at Rheinische Friedrich- Wilhelm Universität, Bonn
Since 2008 freelance translation. I work with Across and have knowlegde of TRADOS
Since 2003 design of various crafts and tourism-related web sites (portfolio)
2003 Design and implementation of my own bilingual web site, www.silverweedforwomen.com
2002 Teaching English at Coleg Ceredigion, Aberystwyth, Wales, as well as private tuition in English and German
Since 1987 self-employed with own jewellery studio Silverweed.
Sole responsibility for all areas of the business: Design, Manufacture, Marketing, Exhibitions/Sales, Management
Interests and Hobbies
My work as a jeweller has given me an understanding of technical processes,
as well as an interest in the arts and art history. I am especially interested
in prehistoric art and archeology.
22 years of living and working in Wales have made me familiar with all aspects
of day-to-day life in Britain.
Because of my studies in Nutritional Sciences, my yoga practice and my interest
in alternative healing I have a thorough knowledge in the areas of medicine,
nutrition and sports.
Through my involvement with the women's and the ecology movements I have developed
an interest in political and social questions.
Languages fascinate me and, apart from English and German, I have some knowledge
of Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Lakhota.