Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 May 14 '12 bul>eng структурен закон a law that defines the structure of/ fundamental sector/branch-specific law pro closed no
4 Feb 23 '12 bul>eng изгладен спор с "голямата шкурка" the disagreements were ironed out in a rough manner/ roughly pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '12 bul>eng идеята е в зародиш the idea is in its infancy/ earliest stages/ initial stages/ preliminary stages pro closed ok
- Dec 3 '11 bul>eng взривен социален диалог detonated social dialogue easy closed ok
- Nov 21 '11 bul>eng стопявам разлика the gap has closed/ the gap has narrowed easy closed ok
4 Aug 1 '11 bul>eng на една ръка разстояние work closely together/work closely with each other easy closed ok
4 Jul 28 '11 bul>eng корупция по високите етажи high-level corruption easy closed ok
4 Jul 24 '11 bul>eng правим подписка organize a petition easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered