I am bilingual in French and Romanian, with both linguistic and literary training and many years experience.
I can carry out accurate technical and cultural translations, which are conceptually and stylistically faithful, competitively priced, and delivered in strict compliance with the negotiated terms.
Services provided
Transcription of audio files, with another value-added service - the possibility of improving the sound quality in case of bad recordings
Recent projects
• Employer : ATENAO, Aix en Provence. Position : Translator (Romanian / French) – freelance contract. Main responsibilities: translation of technical documents (manual of an incineration plant, chapters on electricity)
• Employer : Gédéon Multicom, Paris. Position : Translator Romanian-French, French-Romanian-freelance contract. Main responsabilities : translation of legal documents and pharmaceutical documents.
Since september 2010
• Employer: Arcelor Mittal – steel industry company. Position: Translator (French/Romanian) – freelance contract. Main responsibilities : translation of the internal documents
• Employer : Agency Solten, Orsay, France
Position : Interpreter Romanian-French – Frelance contract
Main responsabilities : interpret for an european project dealing with the posting of workers
• Employer : Syndex, Warsaw, Poland
Position: Translator (French/Romanian) - freelance contract. Main responsabilities : Translation of the commercial documents and service agreements concluded by the company with its clients. Also, technical translations (mechanical engineering).
• Employer : Comms Miltilingual, Agency in England.
Position : Translator (Romanian/French) - freelance contract.
Main responsabilities : Translation of documents in the field of Clinical Psychology
• Employer : SOPAVIB( Industrial analysis laboratory in Genas, France ) Position : Translator (Romanian/French) - freelance contract.
Main responsabilities : Translation of documents in the field of ferrovier
• Employer : Travod, agency in USA
Position : Translator (Romanian/French) - freelance contract
Main responsabilities : Translation of contracts for the automotive industry
• Employer : Sogedicom, Paris, France
Position : Translator (Romanian/French) - freelance contract
Main responsabilities : Translation in the medical field and marketing and legal translations.
January- March 2004
• Employer : Association “Like you and I/Emotion” Montreuil, France
Position : French-Romanian, Romanian-French interpreter in a cultural exchange framework between Romania and France, set up by the same association. Main responsabilities : Interpret for a group of artists, French and Romanian
July-Oct 2003
• Employer : Philippe Blondel
Position : proof-reader and corrector of his book ART AND DISCOVERING YOURSELF
• Employer : Papyrus Edition, Paris 75010 Position : Proof-reader at Papyrus Edition, Paris
• ESIT - Higher School of Interpreters and Translators Diploma in translation (Master 2), Translation Methodology 2007 - 2008
• University Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III)
Diploma as translator, publishing translations, economic and technical, Romanian-French 2005 - 2007
• June 2005 B.A. in FFL (New Sorbonne, Paris III)
• DEA (Diploma of Higher Studies) with the rating 'good' in Modern Letters at the Sorbonne, Paris IV : 2002
• B.A. and M.A.(with the rating: fairly good) in Modern Letters at the Sorbonne, Paris IV : 2000
• DEUG (Diploma of General University Studies) and BA in romanian and Italian literature and language, Cluj University, Romania : 1996
• Baccalaureate in Letter, Romania |