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Sample translations submitted: 1
Italian to English: Mariuz: Giandomenico Tiepolo
Source text - Italian Di modeste dimensioni, appena illeggiadrita da un timpano triangolare e da un poggiolo in pietra viva, la villa dei Tiepolo a Zianigo è simile a innumerevoli altre edificate nel Settecento. Giandomenico, che al seguito del padre aveva lavorato in regge e in palazzi fastosi come regge, scelse di vivere gli ultimi anni in questa modesta casa di campagna, come un Candido disincantato che infine realizza se stesso coltivando il proprio giardino. In questo luogo di rifugio, egli crea le sue opere più stupefacenti, pervenendo a una sintesi originalissima dei motivi più personali. L’immagine che ci si forma della sua arte deriva principalmente dalla sua produzione estrema la quale, se ai seguaci delle nuove mode poteva sembrare senz’altro irrilevante e provinciale, denota invece un singolare acume di percezione della realtà storica contemporanea.
Venezia era alle ultime battute; e se i più erano convinti della sua immortalità, gli avveduti non si facevano illusioni. «No gavemo forze, non terrestri, non maritime, non alleanze, vivemo a sorte e per accidente e vivemo colla sola idea della prudenza del Governo della Repubblica». Tale, già nel 1780, la diagnosi del doge Paolo Renier; nessuna terapia era ormai possibile. Le testimonianze su un’agonia senza dolori, quale è dei corpi sfiniti dalla vecchiaia, si moltiplicano.
Translation - English Smallish and lightly enhanced by a triangular pediment and a simple stone balcony, the Tiepolo's villa at Zianigo is like a host of similar Veneto country houses built in the 18th century. Having worked in magnificent royal residences and palaces with his father, Giandomenico chose to live out his last years in a modest country house, like a disenchanted Candide, bent on realising himself by cultivating his own garden. In this retreat, he created his most astonishing works, achieving a highly original synthesis of his personal motifs. The overall image that emerges of his art mainly derives from his very late output. Although to the followers of the latest fashions they surely appeared insignificant and provincial, his late works best reveal his singularly sharp insight into the historical reality of his age.
Venice was on its last legs, and although most were convinced of its immortality, the shrewder had no illusions: “we no longer have any forces, on sea or land, or any alliances, we live by chance and fate and with the sole idea of safeguarding the government of the Republic”. As early as 1780 this was the diagnosis made by Doge Paolo Renier, and by then there was no possible cure. The testimonies to the painless agony, like that of an exhausted aged body, proliferated.
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Mar 2006.
After graduating from Edinburgh University with a BSc in Biological Sciences (main subject: psychology) I taught English in Paris and Rome.
Since 1986 I have translated or edited over 50 books, mainly on art history, architecture, Venice, history, music, poetry and social sciences, as well as numerous articles for universities, research institutions, cultural foundations, magazines, etc. Other fields include archaeology, anthropology, philosophy, economics, development cooperation and politics.
I have also worked as a translator/copywriter-editor with an advertising agency on several campaigns (beverage industry).
Keywords: art history, architecture, history, politics, development cooperation, Venice, archaeology, arts, literary, music marketing. See history, architecture, history, politics, development cooperation, Venice, archaeology, arts, literary, music marketing, advertising, copywriting, editing.. See less.