Language Service:
- English to Korean
Translation services in the following fields: Major specialty:
- Business, Finance, Marketing, Investment
- Computer Software/Hardware, IT, Network
Further specialty:
- Laws, Patents, Contracts
- Home Pages
- International Standards and Certifications
- Environment
- Medical Devices
- Compaq, APC, Siemens, Sovereign, Lucent, Dacom, KIPA, Tyco, Zebra, etc.
Professional experience in the following fields:
- Equity brokerage and underwriting
- Equity and derivative dealing
- Computer programming and project management
- Master of Business Administration, Rutgers
Freelance translator since 2001
Never missed a deadline
Do only what I know
Complete CV available on request
Contacts: [email protected] (The best way to reach me)
Mobile 011-9083-9878 (S. Korea)
Concentration in the fields of expertise & Reliable services |