Working languages:
Azerbaijani to English
Azerbaijani to Russian
English (monolingual)

Faig Mamedov
Packing the punch of 31 years' practice

Local time: 09:32 +04 (GMT+4)

Native in: Azerbaijani Native in Azerbaijani
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What Faig Mamedov is working on
Nov 11, 2023 (posted via  Right now, I am working in my perm translating job, looking for Az>Eng/Ru freelance projects to handle. ...more »
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I am a freelance translator working for various agencies and customers, as well as a full-time employed translator/interpreter.
Over my career, I have dealt with many different areas of specialisation (see the list of expertise fields). I started as a literary translator while studying at the Maxim Gorky Institute of Literature, Moscow, Russia, and eventually worked mainly in the fields of petroleum industry, mass media, finance and banking, while also taking and carrying out successfully orders for translation in many other areas (environmental, international relations, education, etc). I have recently started psychology translation, too, in which the fact that I happen to be a Candidate of Sciences (the former Soviet academic rank roughly one pillar below PhD) in Psychology is a great help.
For details, please, see my CV uploaded here.
I translate from and to English, Russian and Azeri. I also translate from Turkish to English, Russian and Azeri.
My charges vary from 2 to 5 cents per word depending on complexity of the job and the languages involved in each given case.
Keywords: high-speed translation and typing professional vast working experience diversity of expertise academic background

Profile last updated
Oct 11, 2024

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