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English to Serbian: Let the voice of the citizen be heard in the UN General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - English Da se glas pojedinca čuje u UN
I u Srbiji pokrenuta kampanja za osnivanje Parlamentarne skupštine svetske organizacije
Komitet za demokratske Ujedinjene Nacije čije je sedište u Berlinu, od 2007. godine sprovodi kampanju svetskih razmera za reformu UN, odnosno za osnivanje Parlamentarne skupštine ove organizacije. Pokrovitelj i inicijator ovog projekta je bivši generalni sekretar UN, Butros Butros Gali, a na svetskom nivou, između ostalih, podržali su ga i Evropski parlament, Panafrički parlament, Savet Evrope i Latinoamerički parlament. Parlamentarna skupština omogućila bi stvaranje kvalitetnije veze između građanina-pojedinca, odnosno birača, i svetske organizacije.
-Osnivanjem i razvojem Parlamentarne skupštine UN (UNPA) ostvarije se vizija svetskog parlamenta. U početku bi UNPA bila u sklopu trenutnog sistema Ujedinjenih Nacija kao veliko savetodavno telo sačinjeno od članova nacionalnih zakonodavstava. Na primer, to bi iz Srbije bili narodni poslanici iz vlasti i opozicije. U toj fazi ne bi došlo do promene povelje UN. Parlamentarnu skupštinu bi trebalo da izglasaju članovi Generalne skupštine UN, ili bi se ona formirala na osnovu međunarodnog sporazuma između vlada. Kada bude osnovana, dobiće nove funkcije i nadležnosti. U jednom trenutku uvelo bi se delimično ili potpuno direktno biranje njenih članova – objašnjava za „Politiku“ Mario Spasić, nacionalni koordinator Kampanje za osnovanje Parlamentarne skupštine UN.
Prema njegovim rečima, Generalna skupština UN zamišljena je tako da su u njoj praktično samo predstavnici vladajućih stranaka, a ova reforma, kako objašnjava, teži uključivanju i opozicije i nevladinog sektora u sistemu globalnog odlučivanja.
- Ovaj projekat je u Srbiji pokrenut 25. maja ove godine, a u planu je sastanak sa ministrom spoljnih poslova Vukom Jeremićem i potpredsednikom vlade Božidarem Đelićem kako bismo napravili sistemski pristup ostvarivanju ove kampanje. Nju u svetu podržava mnogo parlamentaraca, tj. članova nacionalnih zakonodavstava – kaže Spasić dodajući da se kampanja trenutno sprovodi u Nemačkoj, SAD, Argentini, Švajcarskoj, Belgiji, Kanadi, Kini, Indiji, Meksiku, Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima...
On ističe da su u toku pregovori da se u Srbiji oformi sekreterijat kampanje za čitav region zapadnog Balkana, a očekuje se da će se to dogoditi u narednih nekoliko meseci. Spasić najavljuje da će se u oktobru ove godine u Njujorku održati internacionalni sastanak u vezi sa reformom UN, na kome će sekretarijati iz svih zemalja izložiti svoja viđenja problema i rezultate kampanje. „Učiniti predloge Parlamentarne skupštine vidljivim u političkim debatama i u medijima, pospešiti stvaranje lokalnih mreža pojedinaca, nevladinog sektora i predstavnika vlasti koji, svako u svojoj oblasti, učestvuje u radu UNPA“, samo su neki od ciljeva ove kampanje, navedeni na zvaničnoj internet stranici.
B. Mališ
Translation - Serbian Let the voice of the citizens be heard in the United Nations
The Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly has been initiated in Serbia as well.
The Committee for a Democratic United Nations based in Berlin has led since 2007 a global campaign for the reform of the UN, that is, for the establishment of a Parliamentary Assembly of this organization. The patron and initiator of the project is the former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, and he has been supported, at the global level, by the European Parliament, the Pan-African Parliament, the Council of Europe and the Latin American Parliament. The Parliamentary Assembly would facilitate the creation of a more quality relationship between individual citizens, the electors and the world organization.
The vision of a world parliament could come to realization with the establishment and development of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA). At the beginning, the UNPA would be set up within the United Nations system as a largely consultative body consisted of delegates of national parliaments. For example, from Serbia that would be delegates from the government and its opposition. There would be no amendments to the United Nations Charter at this phase. The members of a Parliamentary Assembly could be elected by the members of the UN General Assembly, or a Parliamentary Assembly could be formed on the basis of a new international treaty between governments. Having been established, it would receive new functions and authorities. At some point, partial or complete direct election of the parliament members could be introduced – explained Mario Spasić, the national coordinator of the Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, in an interview for The Politika.
According to his words, the UN General Assembly was conceived in such a way that its members are only the representatives of the ruling parties, and this reform, as he explained, aims to include the opposition and the non governmental sector into the system of the global decision-making.
“In Serbia, this project was initiated on the 25th May this year, and there are plans to hold a meeting with the Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Jeremić and the Vice-President of the Serbian government Božidar Đelić in order to make a systematic approach for the realization of the campaign. The campaign is supported by many parliamentarians, that is members of national legislatures”, said Spasić adding that the campaign is being run in Germany, USA, Argentina, Switzerland, Belgium, Canada, China, India, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, etc.
He states that there are negotiations to form in Serbia the Campaign's Secretariat for the whole region of the western Balkans, and he expects that to happen within several months. Spasić announces that during October this year in New York, an international meeting in respect to the reform of the UN will be held, at which the Secretaries from all the countries will present their perspectives of the problems and the results of the campaign. “To make the UNPA proposal visible in political debates and the media, to facilitate the creation of local networks of individuals, non-governmental organizations and parliamentarians advocating a UNPA in their sphere of influence” are just some of the objectives of this campaign, as it is stated on the official Internet website.
B. Malis
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Univeristy of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Apr 2006.