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Romanian to English: Mysteries of Benești Hall General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Romanian Misterele conacului de la Benești
Împătimită în vuiet de puști și pistoale și armăsari ridicând colbul în copite, legenda Conacului de la Benești se domolește în foșnetul de mătase și dantelă al doamnelor care coborau cândva din trăsuri negre cu blazon sau în licărul lămpii la care studiau unii dintre cei mai învățați boieri ai României, și adună mistere cu promisiunea unei comori ascunse adânc, în zidurile groase de cărămidă … Albă și semeață, pierdută printre frasinii și stejarii care îngrădesc aleea ce duce spre biserică, casa vestiților boieri Otetelișeni își păstrează, discretă, istoriile, fie pe cele senine, amintiri din copilăria celui care avea să devină faimos în lume pentru meritul de a fi inventat stiloul, fie pe cele întunecate în zarva zilelor în care unul dintre marii apărători ai identității naționale românești, Tudor Vladimirescu, trecea pe aici, în bubuit de flinte și în ropotul zecilor de panduri călări. Gloria bătrânului conac din inima Olteniei este legată de destinul aventuros al unora dintre cei mai luminați boieri ai României. Vistieri, postelnici, conducători sau politicieni, boierii Otetelișeni sunt figuri importante nu numai în istoria regională și în cea națională, dar au avut de jucat roluri semnificative în momente sensibile al politicii internaționale. Din acest neam, la 10 ianuarie 1799, aici s-a născut Petrache Poenaru, haiduc, pandur, academician, iluminat, inventator, care a devenit faimos în lume în anul 1827, când înregistra la Viena și apoi, la Paris, un brevet ingenios… primul stilou cu rezervor. Petrache Poenaru, care avea să conceapă actualul steag al României sau să scrie și să tipărească primul ziar din această țară, a fost unul dintre primii europeni care a călătorit cu trenul, istorie marcată la 15 septembrie 1830, când în Anglia era inaugurată prima cale ferată din lume, între Liverpool şi Manchester. La 27 octombrie 1831, tânărul Poenaru, aflat în călătorie de studii în Anglia, povestea insolita experiență: „Acest nou mijloc de transport este una din minunile industriei secolului... douăzeci de trăsuri legate unele cu altele, încărcate cu 240 de persoane sunt trase deodată de o singură maşină cu aburi...”. Dincolo de poveștile știute, cu și mai multă strictețe își păstrează acest conac secretele. Legende spun că în adâncuri, pe sub Conacul Otetelișanu, era cândva săpat un tunel secret, care, în acele vremuri tulburi, i-ar fi ajutat de nenumărate ori pe boieri să scape cu viață. La acest tunel se ajungea din pivniță. Fugarii treceau printr-o ascunzătoare secretă, pentru ca mai târziu să iasă în beciul bisericii aflate chiar în poarta conacului. Mulți sunt cei care au căutat această trecătoare, dar ea a rămas până acum de negăsit. Rămân cele văzute, clădirea înaltă, de la care pornește un drum șerpuit ce duce la o bisericuță ctitorită de vornicul Barbu Otetelişanu, în anul 1746, care funcţionează şi astăzi ca biserică a satului. Conacul a fost construit la sfârșitul secolului al XVII-lea, începutul secolului al XVIII-lea. Structura sa este de culă, cu elemente brâncovenești. Dincolo de niște ziduri înalte, tronând pe o limbă ascuțită de pământ, Conacul Otetelișanu din Benești este o clădire fortificată, apărată de ziduri, așa cum se cuvenea într-o vreme în care boierii aveau nevoie să se apere de jefuitori și de năvălitori. Păstrează, însă, liniștea și confortul unei locuințe boierești. Clădirea este construită din zidărie masivă de cărămidă, are meeterze pe toate laturile, dând apărătorillor posibilitatea de a trage în orice direcţie s-ar fi ivit atacul. Familia Otetelişanu a locuit în conac până la naţionalizare, după care, în perioada comunistă, semeața casă a devenit muzeu.
Translation - English Mysteries of Beneşti Hall
Exploding with the roar of rifles and pistols and stallions raising clouds of dust with their hooves,
the legend of Beneşti Hall mellows with the rustle of ladies in lace, once upon a time alighting
from black carriages decorated with coats of arms, or in the sparkling of the illumination of some
of the most learned nobles of Romania ...
White and proud, lost among the trees of the old ashandoak
alley leading to the church, the Hall
of the famous Otetelişanu House discreetly retains parts of history. Like those serene childhood
memories of one who became famous worldwide for inventing a fountain pen with a replaceable
ink cartridge, or like those dark memories of the days when in the roar of musketry and thunder
of the dozens of mounted skirmishing pandurs, one of the great defenders of Romanian national
identity, Tudor Vladimirescu, passed through here.
The glory of this old Hall located in the heart of Oltenia, is tied up with the adventurous fate of
some of the most enlightened nobles of Romania. Be they treasurers, chamberlains, leaders or
politicians, the nobles of Otetelişanu House are important figures not only in regional and national
history, but also in European history, because in international politics they played significant parts
at sensitive moments.
In this House, on January 10, 1799, in the Hall, Petrache Poenaru was born, once an outlaw, a
pandur during the 1821 Revolution, an academic and intellectual of the Enlightenment, an
inventor, who became world famous in 1827 when, first from Vienna, and then from Paris, he
received patents for his ingenious invention ... the first fountain pen with a replaceable ink
Petrache Poenaru also designed the current flag of Romania and wrote and printed the first
newspaper in the country! He was always ahead of his time! He also had the distinction, on
September 15, 1830, of becoming one of the first Europeans to travel by intercity train, as a
passenger on the first train linking Liverpool and Manchester.
On October 27, 1831, while travelling and studying in England, the young Poenaru wrote about
his unusual experience: "This new mode of transport is one of the wonders of the century ...
twenty carriages linked with each other, loaded with 240 people are dragged by a single steam
engine ... ".
Apart from these well known stories, the Hall keeps other secrets well hidden. Legends say that
deep under the Otetelişanu Hall there was once a secret tunnel, which countless times helped
the landowners to escape alive, in times of trouble.
The tunnel was reached from the basement. Fugitives would go first through a secret hideout,
then the tunnel would let them ascend to the church basement, right to the manor gate. Many are
those who sought this passage, but it remains so far concealed. Visible for hungry tourist eyes is
the tall manor, from which starts a winding road leading to the small church which operates
today as a village church, founded by magistrate Barbu Otetelişanu, in 1746.
The Hall was built in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century. As a structure it is literally
a cula, a fortified dwelling characteristic to Oltenia, but it also has interesting Brancoveanian
elements. Beyond its high walls, sitting on a narrow piece of land, the Otetelişanu Hall in Benești
is a fortified manor defended by walls, as was the custom in a time when nobility needed to fend
off looters and invaders.
It retains, however, the peace and the comfort of a noble Hall. The building is built of massive
brick masonry and has ramparts on all sides, giving the defenders the ability to shoot in any
direction an attack may have come from. The Otetelişanu family lived in the mansion until
nationalization when, during the communist period, the Hall became a museum.
The incredible story of the endless portable fountain pen
There was a time when the most illustrious gentlemen of the world proudly wore in their breast
pockets fountain pens, some real pieces of jewelry, adorned sometimes with small gems and
closed with golden caps.
Small works of art, the fountain pens that brought glamour to the intellectuals of the nineteenth
century were a Romanian invention, imagined perhaps, who knows, right on the steps of Beneşti
Hall, by the young Petrache Poenaru. After centuries in which scholars and students alike wrote
with quills, reed pens or metal dip pens, Petrache Poenaru amazed the world in 1827. At just 28
years old, this recipient of several diplomas from universities located in the great capitals of
Europe, showed the world his clever patent (which today seems simple) the
world's first
fountain pen with a replaceable ink cartridge. The ingenious invention was registered first in
Vienna and then in Paris under the title of "endless portable fountain pen".
This novelty was going to change the world! The fountain pen "Poenaru", or just “the fountain
pen”, wrote smoothly and fluently without scratching the paper, as had hitherto reed pens and dip
pens with metal nibs. Moreover, the new writing instrument spread its ink evenly, so that
manuscripts remained clean and elegant without the, quite ordinary until then, ink stains.
The fountain pen invented by Petrache Poenaru was the first instrument of its kind in the world,
but was later perfected by the American Lewis Edson Watterman. It is true that Watterman was
set to dominate the production of fountain pens until the middle of the twentieth century,
particularly because his invention (a pump) enjoyed so much success that Watterman soon
became synonymous with the fountain pen. However, recently the replaceable ink cartridge has
become the first choice of students around the world when it comes to fountain pens. The
popular ball pens that everyone knows today came much later, in 1938, created by Hungarian
Laszlo Biro who gave the world the Bic.
∙ Beneşti village is first mentioned in two documents dated April 16, 1613. Other documents,
however, reveal facts prior to that date, and that the Otetelişanu House possessed estates in the
village even before 1600.
∙ The mansion was built by the Otetelişanu House, a noble family of great patriots,
philanthropists and lovers of national culture. Among them Elijah Otetelişanu, who built the
church and in his will obliged his heirs "to clothe the poor, to bring debtors out of prison and feed
the sick". Otetelişanu Iancu, who in 1845 received the position of director of the National Theatre
in Bucharest, and encouraged the development of the first original works in Romanian, founding
the group of actors put together by Costache Caragiale.
• In this Hall lived brothers Iordache and Grigore Otetelişanu, two great book lovers who, by 1835,
set up together, at their own expense, the first school in the village of Beneşti. In the same year,
the two built a primary school for girls, a boarding school based on the Western model, and the
first school of its kind established in Craiova in
the curriculum of which were also subjects of
practical education.
∙ On January 10th, 1799, in this Hall, was born Petrache Poenaru, educator, teacher, engineer
and Romanian mathematician, member of the Romanian Academy and inventor of the fountain
pen with replaceable ink cartridge patented in Paris and Vienna in 1827.
∙ Tudor Vladimirescu passed by Otetelişanu Hall 1821, only a few weeks before being arrested
and killed by Filiki Eteria. The Otetelişanu House was always close to the Romanian
revolutionary leader and he was at their side even in times when "the death cloth seemed to
have covered everybody’s eyes" as
would recount in a letter Iordache Otetelişanu.
∙ An old legend says that from the basement of the Hall started an underground tunnel that leads
to the front of the church steeple. The account of the events of 1821, made by Iordache
Otetelişanu did not confirm, however, the existence of this passage. Also, searching in the Hall
basement has not revealed an entrance or new brickwork covering this alleged tunnel.
∙ It is not known who designed the Hall, but by historical monographs, it was restored by architect
Iancu Atanasescu.
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Jun 2011.
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