Personal data:
Name: Sándor Almási
Address: 21 Arany János street Nyírtelek, Hungary
[email protected]
Date of Birth: February 22 1979
Marital Status: not married
Sex: male
Nationality: Hungarian
Sept 2000-June 2005 Faculty of Law at the University of Debrecen
Thesis topic: Civil Law
Other area of expertise in the field of Law: EU issues
Sept 1997–June 2000 historian studies at the University of Debrecen
I'm a freelance translator since 2011 (native Hungarian).
Language pair: English-Hungarian German-Hungarian My availability: everyday (including weekends).
Daily output (translation): 2000-2500 source words/day.
Translation & proofreading.
Other services: post editing (MTPE), editing, glossary, DTP, debugging.
Fields of expertise: automotive, building industry, business correspondence, Civil Law, clinical protocols, cosmetics, dermatology, economics, education, EU issues, films/subtitling, financials, foreign exchange, food industry, gastronomy, history, human medicine, internet, IT (software documentations), journalism, legal, machinery, marketing, medical, office equipment, patents, pharmaceuticals, photography, press releases, public relations/advertising, tourism/travel, trading, veterinary medicines. CAT Tools: Trados 2007, SDL Trados Studio 2021, Wordfast, Wordfast Pro, Transit, MemoQ, Accross, Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, Xbench.
Payment options: bank transfer, PayPal.
I can be reached anytime via email at
[email protected]
Language skills:
Hungarian native language
English, German highly proficient in translating