Working languages:
French to Serbian
Serbian to French


Local time: 19:34 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Serbian Native in Serbian
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation
Specializes in:
Cosmetics, BeautyEducation / Pedagogy
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVsPsychology
Construction / Civil EngineeringEconomics

Translation education Master's degree - University of Belgrade
Experience Years of experience: 24. Registered at Jun 2011. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word
CV/Resume French (DOCX), English (DOCX), Serbian (DOCX)
ENG: I studed psychology. I was member of Laboratory of Experimental Psychology in Belgrade.
I lived in Paris. I passed 10 international exems for french (A1-A6 & B1-B4)
I worked as a translator for french in serbien edition of french revue for cosmetic "Les nouvelles esthètiques".I finished philology (french & english) at the University of Belgrade (master 1)
I finished the school for translation (1 year) at The Association of translators of Serbie, in Belgrade (options economic, civil engineering...). I'm teacher in school "St Nicolas" in Belgrade, Serbie.

FR: J'ai étudié les PSYCHOLOGIE-PEDAGOGIE (les domaines que je préfère sont : psychologie scolaire, perception, psychologie du développement, de l'enfant, cognitive, sociale, neuropsychologie, psychologie préventive, de la santé).
J'ai vécu à Paris et j'y ai fini quelques cours de français à L'Alliance française. J'ai réussi à 10 exemens internationaux (DELF-DALF).
J'ai travaillé comme traductrice dans l'édition serbe du magazine français pour la COSMETIQUE "Les Nouvelles Estéthiques" pendant 3,5ans.
J'ai fini le français et anglais à L'Université de Belgrade (master 1) et aussi une école de traduction scientifique (1an; les domaines : économie, génie civil, traduction des certificats ,attestations, actes de naissance, procurations, demandes...)

SR Studirala sam, PSIHOLOGIJU-PEDAGOGIJU i oblasti koje me zanimaju su : razvojna, kognitivna, predškolska, socijalna, preventivna psihologija, percepcija, psihologija učenja..
Živela sam u Parizu i tamo sam učila francuski na francuskoj Alijansi. Položila sam 10 DELF-DALF međunarodnih ispita.
Radila sam kao prevodilacu sprskom izdanju francuskog časopisa Les Nouvelles esthetiques za kozmetičare.
Posle završenog Filološkog fakulteta u Beogradu završila sam i školu prevođenja u Udruženju naučnih i stručnih prevodilaca Srbije (ekonomija, građevinarstvo, sudsko tumačenje i prevođenje..) i njihov sam član.

Profile last updated
Dec 11, 2013

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