Japanese to English: Documents of Transfer of Manufacturing Process General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Engineering: Industrial | |
Source text - Japanese 工程移管資料
貴社向け樹脂保持 器付き針状コロ軸受の工程移管に関して変更内容をまとめましたので報告します。製造移管に関して上記表の通り対応する為、品質保証体制並び品質になんら変わりはあ りません。2010年8月生産分より、貴社向け以外の総ての樹脂保持器付き針状コロ軸受の工程移管が完了して量産開始 されました。設備の動作確認後、n=30 トライ品の品質確認(レイアウト検査)を行い、合格と判定された場合、初回品管理完了後に量産開始の許可が下ります。2010年3月、設計部門による説明会を開催し、製造管理、設計のポイント、アプリケーション等について教育を行いました。設備移設前に、磐田製作所にて現場実習を行い、設備移設後(7月第5週)に、組立課員全員を対象に作業教育を実施しました。量産開始日(8月1週) より2週間、磐田製作所NB工場の指導の下、OJTを実施します。その際、作業者教育については作業標準通り作業が行われているかどうかを確認をします。 | Translation - English Documents of Transfer of Manufacturing Process
This is a summary report detailing the transfer of control of the manufacturing process of nylon type cage and roller bearings as it pertains to your company. In order to accomplish the transfer of production as written above, we will follow the current system of product quality assurance. As of August of 2010, with the exception of that which is intended for your company, all transfer of production of the nylon type cage and roller bearings has been completed and mass production has begun. After confirming the proper function of the products, we proceed with a layout inspection to test the quality of 30 trial products. In the case where the test is passed, the trial production ceases and we give permission to begin full-scale production. In March of 2010, we held seminars addressing different aspects of design. Management of production, points of design, application, etc, were all taught. Before relocating the production, we proceeded with on-site training at the Iwata Plant. After relocation (in the fifth week of July), we commenced with the appropriate training of all of the construction staff. Two weeks after the from the first day of mass production (in the first week of August), we implement on-the-job training under the guidance of those trained at the Iwata Plant. For this training, we ensure that rigorous standards of education are kept. |