Working languages:
English to Romanian
French to Romanian
English to Portuguese


Aveiro, Portugal
Local time: 08:03 WET (GMT+0)

Native in: Romanian Native in Romanian, Portuguese Native in Portuguese
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Hello to all of you!

Well, what can I say about me in a short presentation? I was born in Romania and from what I remember from school i´ve allways loved to learn foreign languages. In fact, one of my secret dreams was to live in a foreign country.
One of the first choices i´ve done during my education, was in high-school, on choosing a bi-lingual specialty - romanian/french. At that time i was in love with everything related to french, cause i was studying, not only the language and the french literature, but also the culture, the geografy, the history etc. Me and my roomates, we even did a one month bus trip to France at that time, an exchange program with a high-school from Bordeau region.
Then, when choosing university, i was instantly attracted to Economic Studies in Foreign Languages- french, of course. After finishing the 4 years course, i attended a 1,5 year Master in Finance, leaded in Bucharest by a French University.

In the late university time, life completely turned into an unexpected way : i met a portuguese in Bucharest and fall in love with each other. After dating for some years, we decided to live together and get married in Portugal!!
Portuguese languages was an easy challange for me, cause i quickly got into it and 6 months after arriving i was speaking it fluently. Reading, one of my hobbies, helped a lot, cause i am what they call a "bookworm". I easily read in Romanian, Portuguese, French or English.
Now almost 9 years passed in Portugal, I´me working in a french company, where I use my french knoledge basically to emails and economical/financial terms.
I have a 2 years son and expecting the second one. At this time, I am almost at the end of my pregnancy and staying home for few months, so I will have availibe time to accept translation work.

Romaninan and Portuguese, i consider them as native and in French i am translating financial/economical terms.

Well, i guess this is the end of my "short" life story presentation, but I consider that all this is important and completes my CV.

Best regards,
Gabriela Mircea

Profile last updated
Sep 23, 2011