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Italian to English: La Valle dell'Adda General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Italian Il Lago di Como non rappresenta per l'Adda semplicemente il luogo in cui meccanicamente il fiume scarica le sue acque con i loro detriti e materiali alluvionali, ma e' anche il luogo da cui il fiume esce cambiato.
Translation - English lake Como is not just the place into which the Adda mechanically pours its waterswith its alluvial detritus and material, it is also the place whence the river emerges quite changed.
French to English: Les vegeteaux Notre Capital sante' General field: Other Detailed field: Nutrition
Source text - French Il n'y a pas de saison pour mettre fruits et legumes au menu. Il sont la condition d'une bonne forme.
Le besoin hydrique de notre organisme est fondamental. Le vegeteaux en contien de 80 a 85 %. En consommer constitue une autre facon de boir de l'eau, de nettoyer son organisme
Translation - English There is no specific season to put fruits and vegetables on the menu. It is the base nutrition for a good shape.
The water is fundamental for our body . Vegetables contain from 80 to 85% of their weight. Eating plenty vegetables is another way of drinking water and cleaning the body.
French to Italian: Le vegeteaux notre Capital sante' General field: Other Detailed field: Nutrition
Source text - French Il n'y a pas de saison pour mettre fruits et legumes au menu. Il sont la condition d'une bonne forme.
Le besoin hydrique de notre organisme est fondamental. Le vegeteaux en contien de 80 a 85 %. En consommer constitue une autre facon de boir de l'eau, de nettoyer son organisme
Translation - Italian Non esiste una stagione specifica per mettere frutta e verdura nel menu. E 'il nutrimento base per una buona forma.
L'acqua è fondamentale per il nostro corpo. Frutta e verdura ne contengono l' 80-85% del loro peso totale. Mangiare molta frutta e verdura è un altro modo di bere l'acqua e mantenere il corpo pulito dalle scorie.
English to Italian: Nominated Subcontract Agreement General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English 2.2 Assignment of Subcontract and Subcontracting
The Subcontractor shall not assign the whole or any part of the benefit of this subcontract nor shall he sub-let the whole or any part of the Subcontract Works without the previous written consent of the Contractor. The Subcontractor shall, if so required by the Contractor, immediately remove from site any subcontractor that has been employed without complying with this condition.
Translation - Italian 2,2 Assegnazione di subappalto e di subfornitura
Il subappaltatore non potrà assegnare in tutto o in parte il beneficio di questo contratto di subappalto né subappaltarlo in tutto o in parte delle Opere Subappalto senza il previo consenso scritto del contraente. Il subappaltatore deve, se richiesto dal contraente, rimuovere immediatamente dal sito tutti i subappaltatori che sono stati assunti senza rispettare questa condizione.
Years of experience: 5. Registered at Sep 2011.
Objective: Freelance Translator, making use of the extensive experience gained during my past career with high profile international companies where I carried out translation assignments among other duties.
Profile: Italian/English native speaker with 20 years of residency in France, UK and Middle East.
Self-motivated person with a high level of both personal and professional organisational skills, able to work well under pressure and without supervision. Good with prioritising tasks and extremely dedicated to achieve successful completion of goals.
Excellent verbal and written communications skills in Italian, English and French.
My professional background involves all aspects of business and office administration with work experience in the television and communications, Marine Engineering (business sectors), Construction and Civil Engineering and petrochemical (Technical, Commercial, Contractual, Dispute Resolution and Arbitration).
Keywords: Translations, On line translations, Italian to English Translations, French to Italian Translations, English to Italian Translations, French to English Translation, Proofreading, Business Translations, Birth Certificate Translations, Personal Translations. See more.Translations, On line translations, Italian to English Translations, French to Italian Translations, English to Italian Translations, French to English Translation, Proofreading, Business Translations, Birth Certificate Translations, Personal Translations, Golf articles translations, Travel and tourism articles translations, Health and wellbeing articles translations.. See less.