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Sample translations submitted: 3
Japanese to English: Hita City Website General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - Japanese 日田市は、北部九州のほぼ中央、大分県の西部に位置し、福岡県と熊本県に隣接した地域です。また、周囲を阿蘇・くじゅう山系や英彦山系の美しい山々に囲まれ、これらの山系から流れ出る豊富な水が日田盆地で合流し、筑後・佐賀平野を貫流しながら、流域住民と福岡都市圏住民の生活や産業を潤しています。さらには、古くから北部九州の各地を結ぶ交通の要衝として栄え、江戸時代には幕府直轄地・天領として西国筋郡代が置かれるなど、九州の政治・経済・文化の中心地として繁栄し、当時の歴史的な町並みや伝統文化が、今なお脈々と受け継がれています。
Translation - English Hita City is located around the middle of Northern Kyushu, west of Oita prefecture and next to Fukuoka and Kumamoto prefecture. The beautiful Aso-Kuju mountains and Hiko mountain range surrounds the city, and the water from these mountains flow together into Hita Basin. These rivers pass through Chikugo and Chiga fields enriching agriculture, livelihood of Fukuoka residents and those who live near the river. Hita city prospered since long ago as an invaluable spot that connected various places in Northern Kyushu. In the Edo Period, it was under the Bakufu, Shogunate’s direct control and operated as the central office for Kyushu. It was the heart t of culture, economy and government in Kyushu. To this day, the historical streets and culture are still are preserved.
Japanese to English: Hita City Bio Mass General field: Science Detailed field: Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Source text - Japanese 家庭や事業所から排出された食品残渣や豚のふん尿は、運搬業者が回収し、この施設でメタン発酵させて電気を生産します。その電気は年間200万kwhを生産しこの施設で利用します、また、余った電気は電力会社へ売ります。
Translation - English The food waste and livestock waste from homes or industries will be collected by the transporters and brought to this facility to generate electricity by methane fermentation. The generated energy creates two million kwh annually, and is used in this facility. The surplus is sold to the electricity company.
On top of that, the sludge after methane extraction becomes liquid fertilizer or compost and is reused in the agricultural sector, promoting the circular flow of waste material in agriculture.
Japanese to Korean: Hita City Bio Mass Japanese-Korean General field: Science Detailed field: Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Source text - Japanese 食品残渣の発生量は焼却施設に搬入される家庭系ごみに約40%の食品ご
Translation - Korean 현제 메탄발효 시켜 발전하고 있는 음식쓰레기는, 조사결과, 소각시설에 들어오는 가정 쓰레기의 약 40%였습니다.
소각되고 있는 가연쓰레기는 다이옥신을 발생하며 환경에 큰 부담을 주고, 매립되는 소각재는 환경문제를 발생하고 있습니다. 다이옥신과 소각재를 안전하게 처리, 그리고 사용가능한 재료로 바꿀수 있는지 연구중입니다.
Years of experience: 15. Registered at Nov 2011.
English to Japanese (Victoria University of Wellington) Japanese to English (Victoria University of Wellington)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word
CV available upon request
I'm a Korean born New Zealander who had majored in Japanese. I currently live in Japan as a translator and interpretator, and was looking for freelancing jobs!
I translate from Japanese to English or Korean, and vice versa.
I am personally interested in games, media and advertising.
I will make sure I get you a quality translation no matter what. I take pride in my work, and will not settle for an average work!