English to Chinese: The Sims 3 Review General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Media / Multimedia | |
Source text - English The latest Sims game is also the greatest, striking a terrific balance between the fresh and the familiar.
If you're new to the series, here's a quick primer. The Sims 3 is a virtual life simulator. In it, you take control of a character called a sim, or an entire household of them. Sims have needs; they need to empty their bladders, to eat, to sleep, to bathe, to have fun, to socialize. It's real life boiled down to simple mechanics, but within these mechanics lies an entire universe of possibilities. Your sims can have babies who will cry in the middle of the night, needing their diapers changed. You can manage their personal development by sending them to the gym to work out, or by telling them to fix a broken television, or by having them play chess, or by sending them to the park to play the guitar. Sims go to work to earn simoleans (money, of course) so they can buy better things for their homes and redecorate--or just buy a brand-new home. They make friends and enemies, they go swimming, and they clog up the toilet. In other words, they act a whole lot like real people, except that they yammer in a delightful gibberish called simlish and communicate via speech bubbles that appear over their heads. It all sounds terribly mundane, but balancing the needs of your sims and tending to your digital playmates can keep you happily glued to your monitor for hours at a time.
| Translation - Chinese 《模擬市民3》回顧
給新手玩家的快速導航。《模擬市民3》是款模擬人類真實生活的遊戲。遊戲裡,你可以控制一個角色(在這裡稱做模擬市民)或整個家庭。模擬市民像真實人類一樣需要上廁所、吃東西、睡覺、洗澡、玩樂和交朋友。《模擬市民》把現實世界縮小成無限可能的遊戲。你的模擬市民可以孕育子孫,而且他們會在半夜吵得你不能睡覺,。 玩家可以掌控小人的發展,去健身房建身、修理電視、玩象棋、或去公園彈吉他。小人靠工作賺到模擬幣,所以他們可以替家裡買更好的物品,或者直接買一個新家。他們會交到朋友或豎立敵人、游泳、讓馬桶堵塞。即是說,他們的行為就像真的人一樣,除了他們活躍的亂叫著聽不懂的話(在此稱做模擬語言或小人語),和在小人頭頂上的對話泡泡框來對話。以上聽起來平常至極,但卻是妳的小人身心平衡,而且看管你的虛擬好友使你快樂的黏在的螢幕上好幾個小時。