General translations: English->Croatian (General, Marketing, Social Media, Tourism, Mobile Applications, Environmental themes, User manuals, IT, Travel, office and general equipment, localization)
4 years of experience
- localization of a web pages - long e-commerce projects (50,000 w)
Smartphones applications: Smart call recorder and callers blocker etc.
(approx. 100,000 w)
- Search
engine optimization (8,000 w one project)
- PC
instructions, parts and instructions (3,000 w)
- Office
equipment (6,000 w over a few years time, proofreaded by more
translator Sonja Bulesic Milic)
- Mobile applications localization (200,000 w)
and similar legal texts (5,000 words over a few years) proofreaded by more
translator Sonja Bulesic Milic)
- Printing and publishing equipment, office equipment (5,000 w)
- Smartphones, Computers, Projectors - User Guides, Manuals (20,000 w)
- Part
of the Google Assistant NLU Project/ (SymLite/Knowledge
Engine GDP; Google Query Variation courses)