English to Chinese: Small Latkes, Large Toppings /小小的马铃薯饼,多多的加料 General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Food & Drink | |
Source text - English ABOUT a decade ago I held a Hanukkah party withmore people than I could fit around my dining table. I wanted to serve latkes,but the ones I typically made were saucer size, requiring plates and forks.That’s when it occurred to me to serve hors d’oeuvres-size instead.
Thinking about latkes as finger food openedup the floodgates of topping possibilities.
Sure, applesauce and sour cream wereworkable. But crème fraîche and salmon caviar were so much more festive. Andsmoked trout mousse made with whipped cream, chives and a touch of horseradishwas unexpected and delightful.
Since then, serving tiny latkes with anarray of toppings has become my Hanukkah party standard, and every year Ichange the toppings to keep them fresh and interesting.
Once, I even shredded some of the brisket,perching the threads of beef on a dab of applesauce (to act as glue) atop thelatkes. Pomegranate seeds, which I bought already pried from their husks fromthe greengrocer, were a glistening garnish.
The ruby seeds were so pretty that the yearafter, when I didn’t make a brisket, I piled them on top of thick Greek yogurt.It was a huge hit with children and adults.
This year, I’m not planning a large holidayparty, as I’ve had in years before the child. It will be just the three of usaround the table. But even so, I’ll fry my latkes small, thin and crisp, andserve several toppings for mixing and matching.
It’s become an untraditional tradition atour house, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
To make party-size latkes, use yourfavorite recipe but fry them in 1 1/2-inch cakes (use a heaping tablespoon ofpotato). Drain on paper towels or a paper bag. When cool enough to handle, topwith any of the following:
CRÉME FRAÎCHE, BLACK PEPPER AND PEARBUTTER Add a dollop of crème fraîche, grind some pepper and top with a spoonfulof pear butter — store-bought or put up. Pumpkin and apple butter work wellhere, too.
SMOKED SALMON CREAM CHEESE AND SALMON CAVIAR Spoonthe cream cheese over the latke, topping with beads of salmon caviar.
SMOKED TROUT MOUSSE Whip some heavy creamuntil peaks form, and fold in horseradish, chopped chives and black pepper.Then stir in flaked pieces of smoked trout.
GORGONZOLA AND BRANDIED FIGS Cover chopped figs withjust enough brandy to reach halfway up the sides of a small saucepan. Bring toa simmer, stirring and tossing the fruit, then turn off the heat and cover thepot; let sit for an hour. Drain figs and use them to garnishgorgonzola-sprinkled latkes.
POMEGRANATE SEEDS AND GREEK YOGURT Whiskthick Greek yogurt with a little honey. Spoon atop the latke, crowning withpomegranate seeds.
| Translation - Chinese 大约是十年前,我举办了一场光明节派对,来了很多的人,围着餐桌满满的一圈都快坐不下了。我当时想做些马铃薯饼,但我之前做的都是碟形的,那需要很多盘子和叉子。所以我决定改做成开胃菜大小的量。
石榴籽,希腊酸奶:给希腊酸奶中浇上一点点蜂蜜。然后用勺子把酸奶堆在马铃薯饼上,在装饰些石榴籽。 |
English to Chinese: Check Out These Twisted North Korean Propaganda Posters/去看看这些与实际情况相去甚远的朝鲜宣传海报 General field: Other Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. | |
Source text - English These posters were released just months before Kim Jong Il died, and say a lot about the condition of the country to be inherited by his likely successor Kim Jong Un.
The following pictures were released as conflicting reports on food shortages poured from North Korea, and may be the most telling indicator that real troubles actually loom.
The release of the new banners coincided with the beginning of the country's harvest season and offer a stark contrast to actual North Korean life.
The first poster depicts a smiling man with a hand scythe reaping a field of grain and the second a North Korean before the city of Pyongyang with the caption "Let’s develop Pyongyang, the capital city of revolution, into a world-class city!"
Nicholas Eberstadt, from the Henry Wendt Scholar in Political Economy at the American Enterprise Institute told The Daily Caller that because of the smoke and mirror propoganda that is the DPRK, the posters likely imply the opposite of what they depict — that the country is having a big harvest problem — and leaders are worried about industrial growth in Pyongyang.
There is no doubt that expectations are high for next year's vastly hyped 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung. The country just announced its plans to finally complete the Ryugyong Hotel project begun in 1987, to coincide with the celebration. But the North is far from being as strong or prosperous as it wishes to appear.
The new posters led us to consider North Korean propoganda at large and we've put up more than a dozen banners here for consideration. Several come from North Korean Posters, by David Heather and Koen de Ceuster. | Translation - Chinese 这些海报是在金正日去世前的几个月发布的,内容大多涉及有可能继任的金正恩要所领导的朝鲜的境况。
美国企业协会亨利温特政治经济学奖获得者,尼古拉斯 埃伯施塔特先生对美国政治网站《今日评论》说,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的宣传让人迷惑不解,海报想要表达的正是他们想要隐藏的——即朝鲜正面临着严重的粮食收成问题,以及朝鲜领导人对平壤的工业发展感到担忧。
这些新发布的海报让我们不禁对朝鲜的夸大宣传和种种标语产生思考——朝鲜的海报所传达的真实情况甚少。 |