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English to Spanish: Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Source text - English
Universidad aUtónoma de nUevo León
In the last two decades,
the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
has based its development and decision making on processes of participatory planning which have permitted to identify the challenges that this Institution faces in carrying out its functions, as well as to build and quickly implement the means to carry them out.
For this purpose, it has been essential to have action-guiding frameworks which establish the university community’s expectations for what is to be accomplished in the medium term. An example of this is the formulation of the UANL 2006 Vision, approved by the Honorable University Council, which establishes that “In 2006 the Autonomous University of Nuevo León will be the best public university in Mexico”.
In the framework of this Vision project, in the period of 1996-2005, the University implemented a set of policies and strategies to strengthen the Institution and improve the quality of its functions, in order to respond more quickly and with better quality to the challenges which the Institution faced in those years and make this Vision a reality.
The Vision of the UANL was updated through a participative exercise of planning that started in 2004, in order to continue to have an updated framework for the institutional action that would express again the institutional expectations to be met by 2010. The process of updating the Vision considered, on one hand, the institutional improvements achieved in the period of 19962004, and on the other hand the elements which characterized the context of the UANL and high school and university education in Mexico at that time.
The result of that planning process was the formulation of the 2012 UANL Vision, approved by the Honorable University Council, which established that “The Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon will be recognized in the year 2012, as the public university in Mexico with the highest national and international prestige.” This Vision is characterized by 28 distinctive traits
UANL 2020 Vision
which specify the institutional direction of the processes of transformation and strengthening that have recently been carried out in all areas of institutional activities (first updating of the UANL 2012 Vision document).
It is worth mentioning that in the three last years, the institutional planning processes that were carried out for the formulation of the 2007-2012 Institutional Development Plan and the Development Plans for the high school, undergraduate and graduate systems, as well as those of the academic departments of the University, have had as a guiding framework the project of the UANL 2012 Vision.
Thanks to the effectiveness of the planning exercises and to the serious and responsible work of its community, the University significantly progressed during the 2007-2011 period in achieving the 47 relevant goals of the first updating of the 2007-2012 Institutional Development Plan. This has allowed it to increase its leadership in the national and state educational system and to place itself as one of the best high school and university institutions in the country, given its high academic level and competitiveness, evidenced by the high-level formation of its faculty and administration, its important achievements in the formation of high school graduates, technicians, professionals, scientists, technologists and humanists, the well known quality of its educational programs and its community support services, as well as its important contributions to the human development of the Nuevo León society.
During the referred period, there was also an improvement in the development and strengthening of the administrative systems and procedures for continuous improvement and quality assurance of the institutional functions, and the opportunities for greater numbers of students to access programs recognized for their high quality were significantly increased, as an essential element in building successful life projects.
Because the UANL 2012 Vision project will expire in a few months, I have launched a participative strategic planning process coordinated by the Director of General Planning and Strategic Projects since May 2011, whose purpose is to opportunely formulate an updated project of the Vision for the year 2020. It will serve as a guiding framework for decision making in the coming years, facing a constantly changing context which will demand suitable and better-quality responses of the educational institutions, considering their social responsibility. This Vision will avoid improvisation, the existence or the design of programs and actions not supported by effective institutional planning.
In order to guarantee the achievement of the goals of the planning process, a point of departure was identified by constructing a diagnosis of the current situation of the Institution and by recognizing the very relevant institutional improvements that have taken place in recent years; the opportunity areas and the evolution of the demands within a complex environment for high school and college education of the world, the country and the state; as well as the challenges that the University faces in order to continue achieving its Mission.
In order to guide and contextualize the participation of the different actors in the participative planning process, two documents were formulated: 1) “Toward the Construction of the UANL 2012 Vision” and 2) “Inputs for the construction of the UANL 2012 Vision.” The first document considers a series of questions whose goal is to promote the analysis and reflection about the desirable traits of the University in the future. The second one systematizes the efforts carried out by the university community in recent years in order to make the UANL 2012 Vision a reality, as well as the progress so far achieved in the indicators of institutional performance towards the accomplishing of the goal
The document of UANL 2020 Vision that is here presented is the result of the contributions of teachers, students, managers and administrators of the University, the External and International Advisory Councils, and the UANL Foundation, as well as different organizations of the educational, social and private sectors of the state. The document establishes the commitments that the University makes with the social and economical development of the state and the country, based on the University Agenda of Social Responsibility.
This document contains, in addition to the UANL 2012 Vision, the University’s axiological framework (Mission, Values and Institutional Attributes), the strategic areas of institutional activities in the 2011-2020 period, and the institutional priority programs in which the institutional efforts must be based in order to accomplish the Mission and make this Vision a reality.
I invite the members of the university community to perform your best efforts to reach the very relevant institutional aspirations expressed in this UANL 2020 Vision project, which constitutes a fundamental framework to support the bases of the university’s activities for the next eight years. I am convinced that with a socially responsible work that day by day is performed by the university community, and the scaffolding already constructed— with everybody’s effort--- in the framework of the 2006 and 2012 Vision, we will be able to make the UANL 2020 Vision a reality. With it, the University will have significantly progressed toward the goal of consolidation as one of the best high school and college institutions in the world, and a reason for the citizens of Nuevo León and the Mexicans to be proud.
Once the UANL 2020 Vision is approved by the Honorable University Council, the Institutional Development Plan will be updated, this time for the period of 2012-2020, establishing with precision the strategic objectives, policies, strategies and important goals which will make the university community’s aspirations expressed in the UANL 2020 Vision a reality.
rector or President ?
Axiological Framework
of the University
I UANL Mission
II Values associated with the activities of the Institution
III Institutional Attributes
IV UANL 2020 Vision
Ten distinctive traits of the Vision Strategic areas of institutional activities for the period 2012-2020
Priority Programs for the Achievement of the Vision
UANL Mission
The Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
is a public institution,
committed to society,
whose Mission is the formation of high school students, technicians, professionals, university teachers and researchers capable of efficiently perform in a knowledge-based society; with a broad sense of the meaning of life and a full awareness of the regional, national and world situation; who will apply the principles and values of the University as they commit to the sustainable, economic, scientific, technological and cultural development of humanity; they are innovative and competitive in achieving their personal development and contribute to the progress of the country in an international context.
The University creates social, scientific and humanistic knowledge, as an activity that permits a convenient response to the different problems of society as a whole, while ensuring and constantly improving the quality of the university education.
It extends the benefits of university education, enhances artistic creativity in its different expressions, involves the community in this type of activities and contributes to the preservation of the national and universal cultural heritage and patrimony.
Values associated with the activities of the Institution
The University confirms and promotes the
following values in executing the ideals of
social responsibility in providing whole person
education, generating and
applying knowledge and Truth. In order to achieve its purposes and goals, life and
culture, and in all areas of institutional activities are organized and performed
institutional operations: having as an axis and goal the discovering of what is true.
Equity. It means offering equal good quality education opportunities to young people, who will be a basic mainstay in the development of the country. The practice of equity is a basic aspect of the social responsibility of the University in the accomplishment of its functions.
Honesty. This is the basic support of the virtues that must distinguish the Institution. Honesty leads to knowledge and acceptance of the frailties common of the human condition, and to the recognition of the limits of knowledge and action. It refers to the respect for the truth in relation to the world, the facts and the people.
Liberty. Knowledge leads to an exercise in self-determination and implies the choice on alternatives in a responsible and informed way. In pursuing its purposes and goals, the University organizes its life and activities having the creation, production and application of knowledge as axes, in an atmosphere of liberty where the truth flourishes.
Solidarity. The public nature of the University obliges it to show solidarity and commitment toward the entire community, especially toward the most underprivileged; this is why permanent institutional efforts must be made to achieve this purpose.
Respect for life and for others. This constitutes a cohesive factor in a society characterized by diversity, enabling a peaceful and harmonious coexistence, allowing university community to open themselves to others, and establishing the bases for solidarity and community life.
Peace. This is understood as a state in which the different parts of the University are balanced and stable. It implies comprehension, understanding and good relationships among members of the university community in carrying out institutional functions.
Respect for nature. The formative activities of the University are based on respect for nature and harmony with society. For this purpose, it has assumed as a commitment, the formation of high school students, technicians, professionals, scientists and humanists with an ecological awareness of coexistence with every living creature of the planet for the common good. An atmosphere of liberty and respect encourages the flourishing of concern for the environment, which is an essential principle in educating the new citizen of the world who embraces the paradigm of sustainable development.
Integrity. The University must be a role model of rectitude and integrity, orienting all of its actions toward the search for truth and the avoidance of behaviors related with simulation and deceit.
Ethical behavior. This must be the premise of all activity in the university community. In their professional exercise, University graduates must demonstrate that they possess and observe the principles and values that regulate the suitable activities of the occupations and work world. It is in an ethical and respectful atmosphere that the new citizen can be educated with a commitment to the development of society.
Justice. Justice implies the seeking of a better distribution and equality of opportunities for a decent life, in particular with regard to access to education, for all who have yet to obtain it. A just environment enhances social mobility, which is one of the goals of public universities and the educational project of a developing a country such as Mexico.
Institutional Attributes
The UANL has adopted eight fundamental traits which sustain its development and the execution of its Mission: autonomy, critical spirit, analytical thinking, humanism, a sense of belonging, leadership, multi, inter and trans-disciplinary work, and University social responsibility.
Autonomy. This is the capacity of the University to govern itself and organize the development of the functions which the society of Nuevo Leon has entrusted to it, in a framework of liberty, in order to carry out its teaching and learning processes, the creation and application of knowledge and the diffusion and extension of culture. Autonomy also implies a commitment to responsible behavior, in a framework of transparency and timely accountability to society, in the execution of institutional functions and the use of the public resources placed at the University’s disposal.
Critical spirit. A critical spirit permits an analysis and understanding of the essential meaning of the university’s work, as well as valuing its presence in everything that the Institution undertakes, including the knowledge of society and knowledge itself.
Analytical thinking. This is the capacity of university community to understand a situation and solve a problem by breaking it down into its parts and organizing its variables, perform comparisons and establish priorities in a rational way.
Humanism. This is one of the most important traits of the University; it is a quality that considers the person to be the center of its educational processes, of research and creation. It means to educate in values, with respect to intellectual characteristics, to feelings and emotions, with educational programs according to human needs
Pertinence. This constitutes the basic criterion for the execution of any institutional activity. A university that is socially pertinent is that one that meets the demands and needs of the population in an effective and timely way and with a high level of quality.
Leadership. Leadership implies that in fulfilling its functions, it contributes to the development of society and promotes a spirit of improvement so that its programs, services and results may obtain public recognition because of their avant-garde contributions and the ability to propose solutions with a sense of anticipation and relevance.
Multi, inter and trans-disciplinary work. This is understood as the configuration of the intellectual and institutional task in which experts in different disciplines join in teams to face complex real world problems with a better likelihood of success and with a high ethical sense.
University social responsibility. This trait requires the University to be a learning community, an organization subject to permanent self-examination with cycles of continuous improvement of the quality of all of its functions for the benefit of society. Social responsibility demands coherence in all fields of institutional work, which means a high consistency between the functions of university members and the Mission, the Vision, the values and the discourse. It also means to assume commitments with and towards society.
UANL 2020 Vision
is recognized in the year 2020 as a world-class socially responsible institution due to its quality, relevance and contributions to scientific development, technology, innovation, the construction of schools of thought and to the human development of Nuevo Leon and country societies.
4. The Institution has a full-time and 5. The UANL is a nationally and part-time academic faculty, in the internationally recognized adequate proportions in accordance Institution as a center of with the nature of its educational scientific, humanistic, cultural offer, and with the ideal profile to and technological development,
of the Vision
achieve its Mission, Vision and because of its important
This Vision implies that in the year 2020 the UANL must be:
1. The UANL is an institution of
middle and high education which promotes progress, and bases its activity on a Plan of Institutional Development and a University Agenda of Social Responsibly (SRU) which derives from the above plan, through which it permanently adopts a public commitment to the interests of the society to which it belongs.
The SRU Agenda includes a broad and diversified spectrum of programs, projects and actions in the framework of a Development Plan and its institutional functions. Its objective is to promote a responsible promotion of education, knowledge and culture, and of the Institution as a whole, as well as to respond to relevant needs of human development in the society of Nuevo León and of the country in an effective and timely way with a strong ethical commitment.
2. An Institution that is characterized as a learning community open to change, collaboration, and academic exchange, bilingual, with a global perspective and committed to the Institutional Mission and Vision, that promotes and practices in a responsible and routinely way the university values, as well as principles and good habits for the personal development of the individual and the well being of the community.
3. The Institution is organized in 5 systems which are totally consolidated: a) high school b) undergraduate studies c) graduate studies, d) research, innovation and technical development and e) culture, which in an harmoniously and coordinated way contribute to achieve the Mission, the highest institutional aspirations expressed in this Vision, the objectives of The operation of the programs at all levels is based in an educational model which promotes the whole person education of the students and the use of information and communication technologies and is supported on two structural axes: learning based education based and competences approach; an operative axe: program and educational processes flexibility
the Institutional Development Plan and the Agenda of Social Responsibility. and two transversal axes :academic innovation and internationalization. The graduates of the University
These systems promote equity, are characterized by having solid
attention to vulnerable groups, a gender approach, the access and democratization of knowledge competences to promote peace, social justice, human rights and democracy; to impulse the
and culture, respect for human rights, non discrimination and a focus on professional and personal construction of socially inclusive, and fair systems with ethical criteria; to interact with society
development. The University offers appropriate and relevant educational programs, recognized for their quality by national and international organizations for the education of planetary citizens who are bilingual and socially responsible. with a critical spirit; to understand reality in a holistic way; to actively participate in the community development; and to recognize, understand and respect different cultures. These qualities make them highly competent in the knowledge-based workplace and widely appreciated by the employers.
objectives of the Institutional Development Plan and the University Agenda of Social Responsibility.
Faculty members must have a positive attitude which creates expectations of success and personal growth in students, as well as a willingness to serve. The high school teachers have master’s degrees, they are certified by the National High School System, and are organized in Academies by subject.
Full-time professors at the undergraduate and graduate levels have Ph. Ds and part- time professors have master’s degrees. Full-time professors must fit the desirable profile for university professors, and most of them are members of the National System of Researchers or of that of Creators. They are organized in fully consolidated academic cores or in academic cores which are in an advanced phase of the consolidation process, integrated into national and international knowledge networks.
The academic production of
the academic cores is carried
out according to the highest
international standards, and published in prestigious national and international publications.
All faculty members must be up-to date with the implementation of the Educational Model of the University.
contributions to the development of knowledge, culture, technology and innovation, the construction of schools of thought, the sustainable human development of Nuevo León and our country, and the design and implementation of public policies for development.
6. An Institution that constructs and actively participates in networks and strategic alliances with public, social and private organizations in order to fulfill its functions and solve important issues of the social and economical development of the region. Its relationship with the productive sector in the state frequently contributes to the creation and consolidation of new jobs which create development opportunities for new generations.
Its advisory councils meet regularly and constantly contribute initiatives to help achieve the Mission, the Vision and the objectives of the Institutional Development Plan and the University Agenda for Social Responsibility.
2 An Institution that sponsors the most relevant and socially transcendent cultural and artistic projects in the state. The artistic, cultural and sports activities contribute to the whole person education of the students and constantly try to satisfy the needs of the community, the zone of influence of its high schools, colleges and research institutes and of the society of Nuevo León in general, especially of vulnerable groups.
1 An Institution that has a wide and modern infrastructure and equipment that support the high school, undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as the development of academic cores projects, cultural activities and university extension activities. The premises are perfectly functional for the requirements of each of the academic and administrative departments, as well as the University research centers.
2 An Institution that has a solid and certified system of quality control and for timely accountability, supported by updated and pertinent regulations; the permanent updating and training of administrators and administrative staff; the latest information technology; a consolidated system of performance indicators and tracking and evaluating schemes, as well as explicit guidelines for planning, transparency and decision making..
3 An institution that has a wide social recognition due to its responsible performance and the high standards in its Mission, of the objectives of its Development Plan and its University Agenda of Social Responsibility. All those who contribute, internally or externally to the University development feel satisfied to see the achievement of the goals and objectives and goals established for determined periods of time.
for the period 2012-2020
Strategic areas of
institutional activities
el texto en español dice: Propósitos del trabajo institucional en el
periodo 2012-2020
7. To achieve and maintain: a) the 9. To ensure that at least 80 % of the 11. To expand and consolidate schemes
incorporation of the University high academic cores of each school is and programs for the promotion, schools into the National High School totally consolidated or in process of protection and diffusion of System as registered schools, b) the consolidation and that they belong to knowledge and culture which target
In order to carry out the Mission and make the 2020 UANL Vision a highest recognition for the quality of national and international networks broad and diverse social groups,
reality, the task of the university community is to concentrate in the all of the undergraduate programs by of scientific, humanistic, cultural particularly vulnerable ones.
the Inter- institutional Committees for and technological development and 12. To construct and consolidate new coming years in the achievement of the following 15 goals: the Evaluation of Higher Education innovation. and more effective schemes to (CIEES) c) the accreditation of all The strengthening of research lines develop links with public, social
evaluable undergraduate programs and the promotion of multi, inter and and private groups in the State by organizations recognized by trans- disciplinary collaboration in to address important issues of
the Council for the Acreditation of the development of projects which human development of society in
Higher Education (COPAES) and by directly address socially relevant Nuevo León and the country, as
1. Consolidate a public learning space g) the implementation of sustainable 4. Guarantee equity of educational international organizations and d) issues of the society of the state and well as promoting the integration
and the exercise of citizenship practices in all of its campuses opportunities for everyone, the registration of all of the graduate in the improvement of the human of external actors in the design,
characterized by: and academic and administrative regardless of social level, race, programs in the National Registry of development level of the society of evaluation and implementation of
a) The responsible promotion of departments; gender or different capacities of Quality Graduate Programs (PNPC). Nuevo Leon constitute objectives of university projects. In this area it educational, scientific, humanistic, h) the harmonious coexistence of the students, as well as integral In the case of graduate programs, the highest priority. is very important to develop and cultural and technological the community and the balanced attention to them from their achieving and maintaining their 10. To continue promoting the strengthen liaison units with highly development, as well as the development of academic and admission to their graduation, classification in the PNPC in the University’s internalization, for which qualified staff and pertinent and Institution as a whole; administrative departments; through appropriate programs that category of competitive programs at it is essential to a) broaden the timely programs that will constitute
b) Coherence between the discourse i) the daily practice of values, recognize the diversity of profiles international level, is an important portfolio of educational programs a means of effective mediation
and practice of university principles, good habits and healthy and scholar tracks of the students. goal to be achieved in the next eight of international type b) reinforce between the University and society.
community; practices for the education of the 5. To include the Educational Model years. the program of foreign visiting 13 To make sure that the University individual, and the promotion of and the Academic Models of 8. To strengthen and consolidate professors, c) promote the increased has the physical infrastructure and
c) Effective schemes for planning,
respect for all human rights and the University in all high school, the programs that contribute to enrollment of foreign students in the the needed equipment to support evaluation and institutional
non-discrimination; undergraduate and graduate the permanence, timely ending University educational programs, d) academic, cultural, artistic, sports relations; programs offered in their respective of studies and the whole person expand the university community’s and promotion activities.
d) The permanent promotion of the j) procedures for promoting the systems, and the formation of education of the students (tutoring, opportunities for the mastery of social utility of knowledge and professional and personal faculty for their implementation. In advisory services, vocational an additional language, e) achieve 14. Consolidate the culture of culture and the democratization to development of community this action it is important that the orientation, English, scholarships, certification of educational programs continuous improvement of quality access them, particularly among members and for encouraging a contents of the curriculum include student mobility, job placement, by international organizations, f) in all fields of institutional activities, vulnerable groups; good working atmosphere a wide variety of learning activities, cultural, sports, artistic and health increase the active participation as a philosophy for achieving high
e) The promotion of a balance between 2. Extend and diversify the opportunities particularly those that are related prevention activities among others). of the institution in international levels of social recognition, through
the production and implementation to access the University for a greater to real and socially relevant issues, For this reason, it is important to organizations related to education, the achievement of the objectives number of students with the desire as well as for the development of continually update the academic science, technology and innovation, and the goals of the Institutional
of knowledge which is economically Development Plan and the University
pertinent and knowledge that is and skills to study in programs learning communities. and administrative staff members g) establish agreements,
socially and humanly pertinent. recognized for their good quality, 6. Consolidate of the high school, who participate in implementing networks and strategic alliances Agenda for Social Responsibility. offered in different modalities, with undergraduate studies, graduate these programs and to permanently for collaboration with foreign 15. Consolidate programs for f) Contributions which are timely, high special attention to the needs of studies, research, innovation and evaluate their function and impact, institutions of higher education transparency and timely
quality and pertinent to relevant vulnerable groups. technological development systems, making adjustments when needed and well-known research centers, accountability to society.
issues of the human development of as well as their effective articulation, to ensure the achievement of their for the development of academic
the society of Nuevo León and of the 3. Guarantee the social importance taking into account the objectives, objectives. collaboration and exchange
country, as well as the elaboration of and relevance of the educational policies and strategies established programs and h) participate in
public policies for development; offerings of the University, in all of
its types and modalities. in their development plans. international studies, among other
for the Achievement of the Vision
1. Responsible educational
• Expansion and diversification of the educational offering to form professionals in strategic areas for the development of Nuevo León and the country, through face-to-face classes, online and mixed classes and the use of technologies of information and communication
1 Responsible educational management
2 Responsible management of knowledge and culture
3 Faculty strengthening and development of academic cores
4 Continuous improvement and quality assurance of institutional functions
5 Development of high school, undergraduate,
graduate, and research, innovation and
technological development systems
6 Exchange, links and academic cooperation with
social and productive sectors
7 Responsible management of infrastructure and
8 Fund raising and economical development
9 Internationalization
10 Responsible institutional management
• Conducting follow-up studies of graduates and employers in support of the continuous improvement, pertinence and quality of educational programs
• Establishment of permanent communication
with students’ parents
• Implementation of effective communication and collaboration with professional associations, businesses, and social organizations, to identify areas of professional education and the updating of existing educational programs
• Strengthening of the Continuing Educational Program for the formation, updating and training of practicing professionals and the promotion of adult education, through relevant and high-quality offerings
• Strengthening of university sports and the development of world class inter- institutional practices
2. Responsible management of knowledge and
• Strengthening of the capacity of higher education units for scientific, humanistic, cultural and technological development for innovation
• Promotion of research focused on social problems
• Strengthening of multi, inter and trans-disciplinary work of
teachers and faculties
• Identification of priority areas for the social and economic development of the state, which will lead to the formulation of projects which address relevant issues
• Relating individual research agendas to the collective study of sustainability, global warming, development objectives of the millennium, poverty, social disintegration, human rights and democracy, among others
• Relating the creation and application of knowledge to professional
and civic education
• Connecting the research centers to academic departments in order to expand and improve the capacity for scientific, technological, and humanistic development and innovation
• Promotion of the social use of knowledge in order to contribute to
improve the levels of human development in the population
• Expanding opportunities to access knowledge , especially of
disadvantaged groups
• Promotion of the diffusion of science, humanities, culture and technology among students in basic education, high school and college education, as well as among society in general
• Promotion and strengthening of the diffusion of culture through theater, dance, plastic arts, music, literature, radio television, and cinematography
• Creation of appropriate diffusion programs of knowledge and
culture for the community and the general public
• Strengthening of programs to protect our cultural heritage
• Stimulation of creativity and critical thinking
3. Faculty strengthening and development of
academic cores
• Attracting gifted people to strengthen the implementation of
educational programs and develop the academic cores
• Faculty development through graduate studies, preferably PhDs,
in well known quality programs
• Priority incorporation of full-time teachers with PhDs into the faculties in the areas of creation and application of knowledge of academic cores
• Performance of supply and demand studies that support decision making for the opening of new educational programs, as well as for their updating
• The implementation of the Educational Model and Academic Models in the operation of the high school, undergraduate and graduate programs
• Training of faculty and administrators in the implementation of the Educational Model and the University Academic Models
• Inclusion in the curriculum of socially useful content related to development, learning activities based on real problems with a high social impact and social projects in learning communities
• Implementation of extracurricular artistic, cultural and sports activities to support whole person education of students
• Implementing learning units in other languages
• Strengthening of the Institutional Tutoring and Vocational Guidance Program.
• Strengthening programs of attention to different abilities students
• Expanding and strengthening the Institutional
Program of Language Teaching, especially
• Conducting studies to identify student profiles and
• Student mobility for the development of general
and specific competences in different settings
• Expansion of collaborative links with national and
foreign institutions of higher education to support
of student mobility programs
• Strengthening of social service programs and
professional practices
• Strengthening of the entrepreneurship programs
• Strengthening of the multi, inter and trans-
disciplinary involvement of students in community
• Young researchers formation
• Incorporation of students into faculty programs in
scientific, humanistic, cultural and technological
• Requirement of teacher training, according to the current regulations, for accepting new faculty.
• The elaboration and implementation academic cores development plans of
• The promotion of collegiate work in academic cores, for the development of projects in the field of creation and application of knowledge of academic cores
• The establishment of national and international
networks for collaboration and academic
exchange with high school and institutions and research centers college
• The performance of postdoctoral and research internships among faculty members of academic cores in national and international
institutions which could help strengthen the research lines of academic cores
• The organization of faculty internships at prestigious institutions of higher learning and research centers to strengthen their competences
• Strengthening the mechanisms for the incorporation of high-level visiting professors to strengthen the implementation in our academic programs and academic cores development
• Implementation of collaborative projects among academic cores of the University, in order to expand and strengthen existing skills
• Permanent socialization of research results
within and outside the University, with emphasis on knowledge which contributes to the solution of recognized social problems
• The promotion of academic cores production publishing in prestigious international journals
• The strengthening of criteria for rewarding excellent faculty performance
4. Continuous improvement and quality assurance
of institutional functions
• Evaluation of the pertinence of the University educational
offering and execution of needed changes
• Strengthening of self evaluation, continuous improvement
and quality assurance schemes of institutional functions in
the framework of Quality Control according to the evaluation
frameworks of the CIEES, of the accrediting organizations
recognized by the COAPES, the SEP and the CONACYT
• Staff training in evaluation procedures
• Implementation, evaluation and updating of action plans for
continuous improvement and quality assurance of educational
• Application of external standardized tests for evaluating the
learning of high school and undergraduate students, and the
use of the results for continuous improvement
• Establishment of an educational research program for the
improvement of educational processes and programs
• Institutionalization of external evaluation of educational
programs for purposes of diagnosis, follow-up and
accreditation, through current national and international
programs of evaluation and certification
• Timely attention to recommendations made by external
organizations and dependencies who evaluate educational
programs and institutional functions
• Permanent updating of the databases of graduates and
• Institutionalization of the evaluation of faculty performance
and timely use of the results in the design of actions for the
continuous quality improvement
• Evaluation, follow-up and updating of academic cores
development plans
• Evaluation of the impact and achievement of the objectives of
the University Agenda for Social Responsibility
• The establishment of an Institutional System of Performance
Indicators to guide decision making
• Certification of administrative processes which support the
performance of university activities
• Application of satisfaction surveys for all university functions
5. Development of high school, undergraduate, graduate, and research, innovation and technological development systems
• Construction and periodical updating of development plans of the systems to achieve their objectives and goals
• Formulation and implementation of strategic agendas for the operation of development plans of the systems
• Establishment of procedures for the evaluation and follow up of progress in the implementation of the development plans of the systems and achievement of their goals
• Establishment of guidelines for achieving the
effective articulation of the systems
• Promotion of collaborative work within each system and among systems, in order to expand and increase capacities
• Promotion of the incorporation of the high schools into the National High School System in the category of registered schools
6. Exchange, links and academic
cooperation with social and
productive sectors
• Strengthening of institutional schemes for links
with society
• Links of the high school, undergraduate, graduate and research, innovation and technological development systems with public, social and business sectors of the state
• Execution of social and productive projects, in
collaboration with interest groups
• Establishment of job placement in the
academic departments
• Establishment of criteria for the creation and
operation of link units
• Strengthening of criteria and stimuli to promote
the transfer of technology
• Strengthening of charitable services toward
the community
1 Responsible management of infrastructure and
2 Fund raising and economical development
• Establishment of guidelines for the responsible management of
infrastructure and equipment
• The creation of a program for the expansion and modernization
of infrastructure and equipment in support of academic, sports,
cultural and administrative activities
• Strengthening of the infrastructure of the University Library
• Strengthening of systems and information networks of the
academic and administrative departments
• Strengthening of infrastructure and equipment of university
safety programs
• Establishment of guidelines to promote and incentivize the
shared use of the University infrastructure
• Strengthening of the UANL Foundation as the principal external
organization for fund raising
• Strengthening of the event promotion society for “Siembra
• Organization and coordination of the UANL benefactors network
• Promotion of links and coordination with foundations and national
and international organizations, to achieve special sponsorships
• Constructing and updating a portfolio of national and international
organizations that make financial contributions for project development
• Strengthening the ability to obtain resources from national and
international organizations, to finance the development of the Institutional Development Plan and specific projects of the University Agenda for Social Responsibility
9. Internationalization
• Expansion of the international education programs that are
offered by the University
• Offering educational programs in collaboration with recognized
foreign institutions of higher education, as well as issuing joint degrees
• Expansion of opportunities for foreign students to access the
educational programs of the University
• Strengthening of the participation of the University in international
forums, reunions and organizations
• Incorporation of the University into international rankings which recognize the quality of educational institutions
• Establishment of a program of foreign visiting professors to reinforce the work of the academic cores and activities of education, diffusion and application of knowledge, art and culture
• Establishment of programs for collaboration and academic exchange with high schools, colleges and foreign research centers that are of interest to the objectives of the University
• Accreditation of educational programs by
international organizations
• Incorporation of the University into international
networks of knowledge and innovation
• Strengthening of the International Advisory
10. Responsible institutional management
• Formulation, diffusion, implementation and updating of the Institutional Development Plan and of the academic and administrative departments
• Institutionalization of the formulation, implementation, evaluation and updating of the University Agenda for Social Responsibility in the framework of the Institutional Development Plan
• Establishment of a system for achieving coordination between planning, programming, evaluation and budgeting
• Promotion of gender approach in academic and
administrative projects
• Promotion of the practice of equality, respect for human rights, non-discrimination and healthy practices
• Strengthening of the University collegiate bodies
• Expansion and strengthening of communication and information systems in the University, to keep the university community informed about institutional activities and its participation in the social, political and business fields
• Participation of the university community in the formulation and implementation of institutional policies and programs for the achievement of the UANL 2020 Vision
• Participation of the University in forums and specialized events organized by local, state and federal governments so that our initiatives and opinions are taken into account
• Participation of the University in the formulation and
implementation of public policies for development
• Establishments of social networks of University Social
• Coordination of the functions of extension with those
of education, and the generation and application of knowledge
• The creation of codes of best practices for all institutional
• Implementation, follow-up, evaluation and updating of
the sustainability program of the University
• Identification and evaluation of social and environmental impacts of the activities of academic and administrative departments
• Formulation and implementation of actions which lessen the negative social and environmental impact produced by the development of university activities
• Identification and selection of providers with social and
environmental criteria
• Execution of surveys of the organizational climate and workplace satisfaction to facilitate continuous improvement
• Simplification and continuous improvement of administrative processes and their certification according to ISO international rules
• Identification and systematization of best workplace practices, applying them in different areas of institutional tasks
• Establishment of a Program for the Integral Attention of Personnel, in order to collaborate with their personal development
• Professionalization of the directive and administrative
• Consolidation of the Integral System of Administrative
• Adaptation of the UANL webpage based on international
• Permanent updating of regulations
• Strengthening of safety programs for the community and the university’s patrimony. Permanent evaluation and follow up
• Promotion of social participation in institutional
• Strengthening of procedures for transparency and timely
accountability to society
• Promotion of responsible communications and image
el directorio se va a traducir o queda en español?
Lic. Rogelio Villarreal Elizondo
M.A. Carmen del Rosario de la Fuente García
Dra. Esthela Gutiérrez Garza
Dr. Filiberto de la Garza Ortíz
Translation - Spanish UANL 2020 VISION
Final Version
October 7, 2011
In the last two decades, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León has based its development and decision making on processes of participatory planning which have permitted it to identify the challenges that this Institution faces in carrying out its functions, as well as to build and quickly implement the means to carry them out.
To this end it has been essential to have an action-guiding framework which establishes the university community’s expectations for what is to be accomplished in the medium term. An example of this is the formulation of the UANL 2006 Vision, approved by the Honorable University Counsel, which establishes that “In 2006 the Autonomous University of Nuevo León will be the best public university in Mexico”.
In the framework of this Vision project, in the period of 1996-2005, the University implemented a set of policies and strategies to strengthen the Institution and improve the quality of its functions, in order to respond more quickly and with better quality to the challenges which the Institution faced in those years and make this Vision a reality.
The Vision of the UANL was updated through a participative exercise of planning that started in 2004, in order to continue to have an updated framework for institutional action that would express the institutional expectations to be met by 2010. The process of updating the Vision considered, on the one hand, the institutional improvements achieved in the period of 1996-2004, and on the other hand, the elements which at that time characterized the context of the UANL and high school and university education in Mexico.
The result of that planning process was the formulation of the 2012 UANL Vision, approved by the Honorable University Counsel, which established that “The Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon will be recognized in the year 2012, as a public university in Mexico with the highest national and international status. This Vision is characterized by 28 distinctive traits which specify the institutional direction of the processes of transformation and strengthening that have been carried out recently in all areas of institutional activities (first updating of the UANL 2012 Vision document).
It is worth mentioning that in the three last years, the institutional planning processes that were carried out for the formulation of the 2007-2012 Institutional Development Plan and the Development Plans for the high school, undergraduate and graduate systems, as well as the academic departments of the University, have had as a guiding framework the project of the UANL 2012 Vision.
Thanks to the effectiveness of the planning exercises and to the serious and responsible planning by its community, the University progressed significantly during the 2007-2011 period in achieving the relevant goals of the first updating of the 2007-2012 Institutional Development Plan,. This has allowed it to increase its leadership in the national and state educational system and position itself as one of the best high school and university institutions in the country, given its high academic level and competitiveness, evidenced by the high-level preparation of its faculty and administration, its important achievements in the formation of high school graduates, technicians, professionals, scientists, technologists and humanists, and the well known quality of its educational programs and its community support services, as well as its important contributions to the human development of the society in Nuevo León.
During this period there was also an improvement in the development and strengthening of the administrative systems and procedures for continuous improvement and quality control of institutional functions. Furthermore, opportunities were increased significantly for greater numbers of students to study in programs recognized for their high quality, as an essential element in building successful life projects.
Because the UANL 2012 Vision project will expire in a few months, starting in May 2011, I have launched a participative strategic planning process coordinated by the Director of General Planning and Strategic Projects, whose purpose is to formulate opportunely an updated project of the Vision for the year 2020. This Vision will serve as a guiding framework for decision making in the coming years, in a constantly changing context which will demand opportune and better-quality responses of educational institutions, in view of their social responsibility. This Vision will avoid improvisation, frivolity or the design of programs and actions not supported by effective institutional planning.
In order to guarantee achievement of the goals of the planning process, a point of departure was identified by constructing a diagnosis of the current situation of the Institution and recognizing the very relevant institutional improvements that have occurred in recent years; the areas of opportunity and the evolution of the demands of a complex environment for high school and college education in the world, the country and the state; as well as the challenges which the University faces in order to continue achieving its Mission.
In order to guide and contextualize the different performers in the participative process of planning, two documents were elaborated: 1) “Toward the Construction of the UANL 2012 Vision” and 2) “Inputs for the UANL 2012 Vision.”
The first document consists of a series of questions whose goal is to promote analysis and reflection with respect to the desirable characteristics of the University in the future. The second classifies the efforts carried by the university community in recent years to make the UANL 2012 Vision a reality and the progress achieved so far in the indicators of institutional performance in fulfilling that goal.
The document of UANL 2012 Vision that is presented is the result of the contribution of teachers, students, senior and administrative staff of the University, the External and International Advisory Councils, and the UANL Foundation, as well as different organizations of the educational, social and private sectors of the state. It establishes the commitments which the University makes to the social and economical development of the state and the country, based on the University’s agenda of social responsibility.
This document contains, in addition to the UANL 2012 Vision, the University’s axiological framework (Mission, Values and Institutional Quality), the strategic areas of institutional activities in the 2011-2020 period, and the institutional programs which must be prioritized in order to comply with the Mission and make this Vision a reality.
I invite the members of the university community to put forth your best efforts to reach the very important institutional aspirations expressed in this UANL 2020 Vision project, which constitutes a fundamental framework for the university’s activities for the next eight years. I am convinced that with a socially responsible work that is performed day by day by the university community and the capabilities already constructed—with everybody’s effort--- in the framework of the 2006 and 2012 Vision, we will be able to make the UANL 2020 Vision a reality. With it, the University will have progressed significantly toward the goal of consolidation as one of the best high school and college institutions in the world, and a reason for the citizens of Nuevo León and the Mexicans to be proud.
Once the UANL 2020 Vision is approved by the Honorable University Council, The Institutional Development plan will be updated, this time for the period of 2012-2020, establishing with precision the strategic objectives, policies, strategies and important goals which will make the university community’s aspirations expressed in the UANL 2020 Vision a reality.
Dr. Jesús Ancer Rodriguez
Ciudad Universitaria, October 2011
Axiological Framework of the University
I. UANL Mission
The Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León is a public institution, committed to society, whose Mission is the education of high school students, technicians, professionals, university teachers and researchers capable of performing efficiently in a knowledge-based society; with a broad sense of the meaning of life and a full awareness of the regional, national and world situation; who will apply the principles and values of the University as they commit to the sustainable, economic, scientific, technological and cultural development of humanity; who are innovative and competitive in achieving their personal development and contributing to the progress of the country in an international context.
The University creates social, scientific and humanistic knowledge in responding opportunely to the different problems of society as a whole, while ensuring and constantly improving the quality of the university education.
It extends the benefits of a university education, enhances artistic creativity in its different expressions, involves the community in this type of activities and contributes to the preservation of the national and universal cultural heritage and patrimony.
II.Values associated with the activities of the Institution
The University confirms and promotes the following values in executing the ideals of social responsibility in providing education, generating and applying knowledge and culture, and in all areas of institutional operations:
Truth. In order to achieve its purposes and goals, the life and institutional activities must be organized and performed around the axis and goal of discovering what is true.
Equity. Equal access to good quality educational opportunities is afforded to our youth, who constitute a basic mainstay in the development of this country. The practice of equity is a basic aspect of the social responsibility of the University in the performance of its functions.
Honesty. This is the basic support of the virtues that must distinguish the Institution. Honesty leads to the knowledge and acceptance of the frailties of the human condition, and to the recognition of the limits of knowledge and action. It refers to the respect for the truth in relation to the world, facts and people.
Liberty. Knowledge leads to an exercise in self-determination and implies the making of responsible and informed choices. In pursuing its purposes and goals, the University organizes its life and activities around the creation, production and application of knowledge, in an atmosphere of liberty where truth flourishes.
Solidarity. The public nature of the University obliges it to show solidarity and commitment toward the entire community, especially the most underprivileged; this is why permanent institutional efforts must be made to achieve this purpose.
Respect for life and others. This constitutes a cohesive factor in a society characterized by diversity, enabling a peaceful and harmonious co-existence, allowing university students to open themselves to others, and establishing the basis for solidarity and community life.
Peace. This is understood as a state in which the different parts of the University are balanced and stable. It implies comprehension, understanding and good relationships among members of the university community in carrying out institutional functions.
Respect for nature. The educational activities of the University are based on respect for nature and harmony in society. To this end, it is committed to the education of high school students, technicians, professionals, scientists and humanists with an ecological awareness of coexistence with every living creature of the planet for the common good. An atmosphere of liberty and respect encourages the flourishing of concern for the environment, which is an essential principle in educating a new citizen of the world who embraces the paradigm of sustainable development.
Integrity. The University must be a role model of rectitude and integrity, orienting all of its actions toward the search for truth and the avoidance of simulation and deceit.
Ethical Behavior. This must be the premise of all activity in the university community. Graduates of the University must demonstrate in their careers that they possess and observe the principles and values that regulate the workplace. Only in an ethical and respectful atmosphere can a new citizen be educated with a commitment to the development of society.
Justice. Justice implies the seeking of a better distribution and equality of opportunities for a decent life, in particular with regard to access to education, for all who have yet to obtain it. A just environment enhances social mobility, which is one of the goals of public universities and the educational project of a developing country such as Mexico.
II. Institutional Attributes
The UANL has adopted eight fundamental values which sustain its development and the execution of its Mission: autonomy, critical spirit, analytical thinking, humanism, a sense of belonging, leadership, multi, inter and trans-disciplinary work, and social responsibility.
This is the capacity of the University to govern itself and organize the development of the functions which the society of Nuevo Leon has entrusted to it, in a framework of liberty, in order to carry out its teaching and learning processes, the creation and application of knowledge and the diffusion and extension of culture. This also implies a commitment to responsible behavior, in a framework of transparency and timely accountability to society, in the execution of institutional functions and the use of the public resources placed at the University’s disposal.
Critical Spirit
A critical spirit permits an analysis and understanding of the essential meaning of the university’s work, as well as valuing its presence in everything that the Institution undertakes, including a knowledge of society and knowledge itself.
Analytical Thinking
This is the capacity of university students to understand a situation and solve a problem by breaking it down into its parts and organizing its variables, perform comparisons and establish priorities in a rational way.
This is one of the most important values of the University; it is a quality that considers the person to be the center of its educational processes, of research and creation. It means to educate in values, with respect to intellectual characteristics, to feelings and emotions, with educational programs according to human needs.
This constitutes the basic criteria for the execution of any institutional activity. A university that is socially relevant is that one that meets the demands and needs of the population in an effective and timely way and with a high level of quality.
Leadership implies that in fulfilling its functions it contributes to the development of society and promotes a spirit of improvement so that its programs, services and results may obtain public recognition because of their avant-garde contributions and the ability to suggest solutions with a sense of anticipation and relevance.
Multi, Inter and Trans-disciplinary Work
This is understood as the configuration of an intellectual and institutional task in which experts in different subjects join in teams to face complex real world problems with a better likelihood of success and with a high ethical sense.
Social Responsibility
This value requires the University to be a learning community, an organization subject to permanent self-examination with cycles of continuous improvement of the quality of all of its functions for the common good. Social responsibility demands coherence in all fields of institutional work, which means a high consistency between the functions of university members and the Mission, the Vision, the values and the discourse. It also means to assume commitments with and towards society.
III. UANL 2020 Vision
The Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León will be recognized by the year 2020 as a world-class socially responsible institution due to its quality, relevance and contributions to science, technology, innovation, the building of schools of thought and to the human development of the people of Nuevo Leon and the country.
This Vision implies that in the year 2020 the UANL must have:
Ten distinctive traits of the Vision
1.The UANL is an institution of higher learning which promotes progress, which, bases its activity on a Plan of Institutional Development and a University Agenda of Social Responsibly (SRU) which derives from the above plan, through which it permanently adopts a public commitment to the interests of the society to which it belongs.
The SRU Agenda includes a broad and diversified spectrum of programs, projects and actions in the framework of a Development Plan and institutional functions.
1.Its objective is to promote a responsible promotion of education, knowledge and culture, and of the Institution as a whole, as well as to respond to important needs of human development in the society of Nuevo León and of the country in an effective and timely way with a strong ethical commitment.
2. The Institution is characterized as a learning community open to change, collaboration, and academic exchange, bilingual, with a global perspective and committed to the Institutional Mission and Vision, which responsibly and routinely promotes university values, as well as principles and good habits for the personal development of the individual and the well being of the community.
3. The Institution is comprised of 5 systems which are totally consolidated: a) high school b) undergraduate studies c) graduate studies, d) research, innovation and technical development and e) culture, which coordinate harmoniously to achieve the Mission, the highest institutional aspirations expressed in this Vision, the objectives of the Institutional Development Plan and the Agenda of Social Responsibility.
These systems promote equity, attention to vulnerable groups, gender equality, the access and democratization of knowledge and culture, respect for human rights, non discrimination and a focus on professional and personal development. The University offers appropriate and relevant educational programs, recognized for their quality by national and international organizations for the education of global citizens who are bilingual and socially responsible.
The programs at all levels are based on an educational model which promotes the overall education of students and the use of information and communication technologies and rests on two axes: education focused on learning and education based on competencies; an operative line: the program’s flexibility and educational processes and two transversal lines: academic innovation and internationalization.
The graduates of the University are characterized by having solid skills for the promotion of peace, social justice, human rights and democracy and the construction of socially inclusive systems; they demonstrate fairness and ethical criteria; they interact with society with a critical spirit; they understand reality holistically; they participate actively in community development; and they recognize, understand and respect different cultures. These qualities cause them to be highly proficient in the knowledge-based workplace and widely appreciated by their employers.
4. The Institution has a full-time and part-time academic faculty, in accordance with the nature of its educational offer, and with the ideal profile to achieve its Mission, Vision and objectives of the Institutional Development Plan and the Agenda of Social Responsibility.
Faculty members must have a positive attitude which creates expectations of success and personal growth in students, as well as a willingness to serve their students. The high school teachers have master’s degrees, they are certified by the National High School System, and they are organized in Academies by subject.
Full-time professors at the undergraduate and graduate levels have Ph. Ds and part- time professors have master’s degrees. Full-time professors must fit the profile for university professors, and most of them are members of the National System of Researchers or that of Creators. They are organized in fully consolidated academic bodies or in academic bodies which are in an advanced phase of the consolidation process, integrated into national and international knowledge networks.
The academic production of the academic bodies is carried out according to the highest international standards, and published in prestigious national and international publications.
All faculty members must be up-to date with the implementation of the Educational Model of the University.
5. The UANL is a nationally and internationally recognized Institution as a center of scientific, humanistic, cultural and technological development, because of its important contributions to the development of knowledge, culture, technology and innovation, the creation of schools of thought, the sustainable human development of Nuevo León and our country, and the design and implementation of public policies for development.
6. The Institution constructs and participates actively in networks and strategic alliances with public and business organizations in order to fulfill its functions and attend to important issues in the social and economical development of the region. Its relationship with the private sector in the state frequently contributes to the creation and consolidation of new jobs which create development opportunities for new generations.
Its advisory councils meet regularly and constantly contribute initiatives to help achieve the Mission, the Vision and the objectives of the Institutional Development Plan and the Agenda for Social Responsibility.
7. The Institution sponsors the most relevant and socially transcendent cultural and artistic project in the state. The artistic, cultural and sports activities contribute to the overall education of the students and try to constantly satisfy the needs of the community, the zone of influence of the high schools, college organizations and research institutes and of the society of Nuevo León in general, especially of vulnerable groups.
8. The Institution has an ample and modern infrastructure and is equipped to support the high school, undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as the development of faculty projects, cultural activities and university extension activities. The installations are perfectly functional for the requirements of each of the academic and administrative departments, as well as the University research centers.
9. The Institution has a solid and certified system of quality control and for timely accountability, supported by updated and pertinent regulations; the permanent updating and training of administrators and administrative staff; the latest information technology; a consolidated system of performance indicators and tracking and evaluating schemes, as well as explicit guidelines for planning, transparency and decision taking.
10. The institution enjoys wide social recognition due to its responsible performance and the high standards in its Mission, in the objectives of its Development Plan and its Agenda of Social Responsibility. All those who contribute, internally or externally to the University’s development feel satisfied to see the achievement of the goals and objectives established for each period of time.
Strategic areas of institutional activities for the period 2012-2020
In order to carry out the Mission and convert the 2020 UANL Vision into a reality, the task of the university community is to concentrate in the coming years on the achievement of the following 15 goals:
1. Consolidate a public space for learning and the exercise of citizenship characterized by:
a) The responsible promotion of educational, scientific, humanistic, cultural and technological development, as well as the Institution as a whole;
b) Coherence between the discourse and practice of university members;
c) Effective schemes for planning, evaluation and institutional relations;
d) The permanent promotion of the social utility of knowledge and culture and the democratization of access to it, particularly among vulnerable groups;
e) The promotion of a balance between the production and implementation of knowledge which is economically, socially and humanly relevant.
f) Contributions which are timely, of high quality and pertinent to relevant issues of the human development of the society of Nuevo León and of the country, as well as the elaboration of public policies for development;
g) the implementation of sustainable practices in all of its campuses and academic and administrative departments;
h) the harmonious coexistence of the community and the balanced development of academic and administrative departments;
i) the daily practice of values, principles, good habits and healthy practices for the education of the individual, and the promotion of respect for all human rights and non-discrimination;
j) procedures for promoting the professional and personal development of community members and for encouraging a good working atmosphere
2. Extend and diversify the opportunities for access to the University for a greater number of students with the desire and skills to study in programs recognized for their good quality, offered in different modalities, with special attention to the needs of vulnerable groups.
3. Guarantee the social importance and relevance of the educational offerings of the University, in all of its types and categories.
4. Guarantee access to quality educational opportunities for everyone, regardless of social level, race, gender or different capacities, as well as integral attention to them from their admission to their graduation, through appropriate programs that recognize the diversity of student profiles and experience.
5. Include the Educational Model and the Academic Models of the University in all high school, undergraduate and graduate programs offered in their respective systems, and the formation of faculty for their implementation. In this action it is important that the contents of the curriculum include a wide range of learning activities, particularly those that are related to real and socially relevant issues, as well as for the development of learning communities.
6. Consolidate the systems of high school, undergraduate studies, graduate studies, research, innovation and technological development, as well as their effective operation, according to the objectives, policies and strategies established in their development plans.
7. Achieve and maintain: a) the incorporation of the University's high schools into the National High School System as registered schools, b) the highest recognition for the quality of all of the undergraduate programs by the Inter- institutional Committees for the Evaluation of Higher Education (CIEES) c) the accreditation of all evaluable undergraduate programs by organizations recognized by the Council for the Evaluation of Higher Education (COPAES) and by international organizations and d) and the registration of all of the graduate programs in the National Registry of Quality Graduate Programs (PNPC).
In the case of graduate programs, achieving and maintaining their classification in the PNPC as programs which are internationally competitive is an important goal to be achieved in the next eight years.
8. Strengthen and consolidate the programs that contribute to the permanence, timely termination of studies and the overall education of the students (tutoring, advisory services, vocational orientation, English, scholarships, student mobility, job placement, cultural, sports, artistic and health prevention activities among others). For this reason, it is important to continually update the academic and administrative staff members who participate in implementing these programs and to permanently evaluate their function and impact, making adjustments when needed to ensure the achievement of their objectives.
9. Ensure that at least 80 % of the faculty of each undergraduate department is totally consolidated or in that process and that they belong to national and international networks of scientific, humanistic, cultural and technological development and innovation.
The strengthening of research lines and the promotion of multi, inter and trans- disciplinary collaboration in the development of projects which address socially relevant issues and promote human development in the society of Nuevo Leon are objectives of the highest priority.
10. Continue stimulating the University’s internalization, for which it is essential to a) broaden the portfolio of international educational programs b) reinforce the program of foreign visiting professors, c) promote the increased enrollment of foreign students in the University’s educational programs, d) expand the university community’s opportunities for the mastery of a second language, e) achieve certification of educational programs by international organizations,
f) increase the active participation of the institution in international organizations related to education, science, technology and innovation, g) establish agreements, networks and strategic alliances for collaboration with foreign institutions of higher education and well-known research centers, for the development of academic collaboration and exchange programs and h) participate in international studies, among other aspects.
11. Expand and consolidate projects and programs for the promotion, protection and diffusion of knowledge and culture which target broad and diverse social groups, particularly vulnerable ones.
12. Construct and consolidate new and more effective ways of developing liaisons based on knowledge with public, social and business groups in the State to address important issues of human development in Nuevo León and the Country, as well as promoting the integration of external actors in the design, evaluation and implementation of university projects. In this area it is very important to develop and strengthen Liaison Units with highly qualified staff and pertinent and timely programs that will constitute a means of effective mediation between the University and society.
13.Make sure that the University has the physical infrastructure and the needed equipment to support academic, cultural, artistic, sports and promotion activities.
14.Strengthen the culture of continuous improvement in all fields of institutional activities, as a philosophy for achieving high levels of social recognition, through the achievement of the objectives and the goals of the Institutional Development Plan and the Agenda for Social Responsibility.
15.Consolidate programs for transparency and timely accountability to society.
Priority Programs for the Achievement of the Vision
1. Responsible Educational Management
• Expansion and diversification of the educational offering for the education of professionals in strategic areas for the development of Nuevo León and the Country, through face-to-face classes, online and mixed classes and the use of technologies of information and communication
• Performance of supply and demand studies that support decision taking for the opening of new educational programs, as well as their updating
• The Implementation of an Educational Model and Academic Models in the operation of the high school, undergraduate and graduate programs
• Training of faculty and administrators in the implementation of the Educational Model and the University’s Academic Models
• Inclusion in the curriculum of socially useful subjects related to development, learning activities based on real problems with a high social impact and social projects in learning communities
• Implementation of extracurricular artistic, cultural and sports activities in support of the overall education of students
• Teaching in other languages
• Strengthening of the Institutional Tutoring and Vocational Guidance Program.
• Strengthening programs of attention to people of different abilities
• Expanding and strengthening of the Institutional Program of Language Learning, especially English
• Conducting studies to identify student profiles and trajectories
• Student mobility for the development of general and specific abilities in different settings
• Expansion of collaborative liaisons with national and foreign institutions of higher education in support of student mobility programs
• Strengthening of social service programs and professional practices
• Strengthening of entrepreneurship programs
• Strengthening of the multi, inter and trans-disciplinary involvement of students in community outreach programs
• Formation of young researchers
• Incorporation of students into faculty programs in scientific, humanistic, cultural and technological areas
• Conducting follow-up studies of graduates and employers in support of the continuous improvement, pertinence and quality of educational programs
• Establishment of permanent communication with students’ parents
• Implementation of effective communication and collaboration with professional schools, businesses, and social organizations, to identify areas of professional education and the updating of existing educational programs
• Strengthening of the Continuing Educational Program for the education, updating and training of practicing professionals and the promotion of adult education, through relevant and high-quality offerings
• Strengthening of university sports and the development of world class inter- institutional practices
2. Responsible Management of Knowledge and Culture
• Strengthening of the capacity of higher education units for scientific, humanistic, cultural and technological development and innovation
• Promotion of research aimed at attending social problems
• Strengthening of multi, inter and trans-disciplinary work of teachers and faculties
• Identification of priority areas for the social and economic development of the state, which will lead to the formulation of projects which address relevant issues
• Relating individual research agendas to the collective study of sustainability, global warming, development objectives of the millennium, poverty, social disintegration, human rights and democracy, among others
• Relating the creation and application of knowledge to professional and civic education
• Connecting the research centers to academic departments in order to expand and improve the capacity for scientific, technological, and humanistic development and innovation
• Promotion of the social use of knowledge in order to contribute to improvements in the levels of human development in the population
• Expanding access to education, especially of disadvantaged groups
• Promotion of the diffusion of science, humanities, culture and technology among students with a basic, high school and college education, as well as among society in general
• Promotion and strengthening of the diffusion of culture through theater, dance, plastic arts, music, literature, radio television, and cinematography
• Creation of appropriate programs of diffusion of knowledge and culture for the community and the general public
• Strengthening of programs to protect our cultural heritage
• Stimulation of creativity and critical thinking
3. Strengthening and Development of Faculty
• Attracting gifted people to strengthen the teaching in educational programs and develop the faculty
• Faculty development through graduate studies, preferably PhDs, in reputable programs
• Priority incorporation of full-time teachers with PhDs into the faculties in the areas of creation and application of knowledge
• Requirement that the qualifications of new faculty members conform to current regulations
• The elaboration and implementation of faculty development plans
• The promotion of collegiate work among the faculty, for the development of projects in the field of faculty creation and application of knowledge
• The establishment of national and international networks for collaboration and academic exchange with high school and college institutions and research centers
• The realization of postdoctoral and research internships among faculty members from national and international institutions which could help strengthen the research lines of our faculty
• The organization of internships at prestigious institutions of higher learning and research centers to strengthen the competencies of our faculty
• Strengthening the mechanisms for the incorporation of high-level visiting professors to strengthen the teaching in our academic programs and faculty development
• Implementation of collaborative projects among the faculty of the University, in order to expand and strengthen existing abilities
• Permanent diffusion of research within and outside the University, with emphasis on knowledge which contributes to the solution of recognized social problems
• The promotion of faculty publishing in prestigious international journals
• The strengthening of criteria for rewarding excellent faculty performance
4. Continuous improvement and quality assurance of institutional functions
• Evaluation of the pertinence of the University’s educational offering and execution of needed changes
• Strengthening of systems for self evaluation, continuous improvement and quality assurance of institutional functions in the framework of Quality Control according to the evaluation frameworks of the CIEES, of the accrediting organizations recognized by the COAPES, the SEP and the CONACYT
• Training of staff in evaluation procedures
• Implementation, evaluation and updating of action plans for continuous improvement and quality assurance of educational programs
• Application of external standardized tests for evaluating the learning of high school and undergraduate students, and the use of the results for continuous improvement
• Establishment of an educational research program for the improvement of educational processes and programs
• Institutionalization of external evaluation of educational programs for purposes of diagnosis, follow-up and accreditation, through current national and international programs of evaluation and certification
• Timely attention to recommendations made by external organizations and dependencies who evaluate educational programs and institutional functions
• Permanent updating of the databases of graduates and employers
• Institutionalization of the evaluation of faculty performance and timely use of the results in the design of actions for the continuous quality improvement
• Evaluation, follow-up and updating of faculty development plans
• Evaluation of the impact and achievement of the objectives of the Agenda for Social Responsibility
• The establishment of an Institutional System of Performance Indicators to inform decision taking
• Certification of administrative processes which support university activities
• Application of satisfaction surveys for all university functions
5. Development of High School, Undergraduate, and Graduate Systems, as well as Research, Innovation and Technological Development
• Construction and periodical updating of development plans to achieve the objectives and goals of these systems
• Formulation and implementation of strategic agendas for the execution of development plans of the systems
• Establishment of procedures for the evaluation and follow up of progress in the implementation of the development plans of the systems and achievement of their goals
• Establishment of guidelines for achieving the effective operation of the systems
• Promotion of collaborative work within each system and among systems, in order to expand and increase capacities
• Promotion of the incorporation of the high schools into the National High School System in the category of registered schools
6. Exchange, liaisons and academic cooperation with social and private sectors
• Strengthening of institutional procedures for liaisons with society
• Liaisons of the high school, undergraduate, graduate and research, innovation and technological development systems with public, social and business sectors of the state
• Execution of social and productive projects, in collaboration with interested groups
• Establishment of job placement in the academic departments
• Establishment of criteria for the operation and creation of liaison units
• Strengthening of criteria and stimuli to promote the transfer of technology
• Strengthening of charitable services toward the community
7. Responsible management of infrastructure and equipment
• Establishment of guidelines for the responsible management of infrastructure and equipment
• The creation of a program for the expansion and modernization of infrastructure and equipment in support of academic, sports, cultural and administrative activities
• Strengthening of the infrastructure of the Library University System
• Strengthening of systems and information networks of the academic and administrative departments
• Strengthening of infrastructure and equipment of university safety programs
• Establishment of guidelines to promote and incentivize the shared use of the University’s infrastructure
8. Fundraising and economical development
• Strengthening of the UANL Foundation as the principal external organization for fundraising
• Strengthening of the society “Siembra Cultural” which promotes events for cultural diffusion
• Organization and coordination of the network of benefactors of the UANL
• Promotion of liaisons and coordination with foundations and national and international organizations, to achieve special sponsorships
• Constructing and updating a portfolio of national and international organizations that contribute financially for project development
• Strengthening the ability to obtain resources from national and international organizations, to finance the growth of the Institutional Development Plan and specific projects of the Agenda for Social Responsibility
9. Globalization
• Expansion of the international education programs that are offered by the University
• Offering educational programs in collaboration with recognized foreign institutions of higher learning, as well as issuing joint degrees
• Expansion of opportunities for foreign students to access the educational programs of the University
• Strengthening of the participation of the University in international forums, reunions and organizations
• Incorporation of the University into international rankings which recognize the quality of educational institutions
• Establishment of a program of foreign visiting professors to reinforce the work of the faculty and activities of education, diffusion and application of knowledge, art and culture
• Establishment of programs for collaboration and academic exchange with high schools, colleges and foreign research centers that are of interest to the objectives of the University
• Accreditation of educational programs by international organizations
• Incorporation of the University into international networks of knowledge and innovation
• Strengthening of the International Advisory Council
10. Responsible Institutional Management
• Formulation, diffusion, implementation and updating of the Institutional Development Plan and the academic and administrative departments
• Institutionalization of the formulation, implementation, evaluation and updating of the Agenda for Social Responsibility in the framework of the Institutional Development Plan
• Establishment of a system for achieving coordination between planning, programming, evaluation and budgeting
• Promotion of gender equality in academic and administrative projects
• Promotion of the practice of equality, respect for human rights, non-discrimination and healthy practices
• Strengthening of the University’s collegiate bodies
• Expansion and strengthening of communication and information systems in the University, to keep the university community informed about institutional activities and its participation in the social, political and business fields
• Participation of the university community in the formulation and implementation of institutional policies and programs for the achievement of the UANL 2020 Vision
• Participation of the University in forums and specialized events organized by local, state and federal governments so that our initiatives and opinions are considered
• Participation of the University in the formulation and implementation of public policies for development
• Establishments of social networks of University Social Responsibility
• Coordination of the functions of extension with those of education, and the generation and application of knowledge
• The creation of codes of best practices for all institutional functions
• Implementation, follow-up, evaluation and updating of the sustainability program of the University
• Identification and evaluation of social and environmental impacts of the activities of academic and administrative departments
• Formulation and implementation of actions which lessen the negative social and environmental impact produced by the development of university activities
• Identification and selection of providers with social and environmental criteria
• Execution of surveys of the organizational climate and workplace satisfaction to facilitate continuous improvement
• Simplification and continuous improvement of administrative processes and their certification according to ISO international rules
• Identification and systematization of best workplace practices, applying them in different areas of institutional tasks
• Establishment of a Program for the Integral Attention of Personnel, in order to collaborate with their personal development
• Professionalization of the directive and administrative staff
• Consolidation of the Integral System of Administrative Information
• Adaptation of the UANL webpage based on international criteria
• Permanent updating of regulations
• Strengthening of safety programs for the community and the university’s patrimony. Permanent evaluation and follow up
• Promotion of social participation in institutional development
• Strengthening of procedures for transparency and timely accountability to society
• Promotion of responsible communications and image
Translation education
Other - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Years of experience: 28. Registered at Jan 2012.