My name is Dzmitry Tsmyh. I am a full-time freelance translator, native Russian speaker. I have 3+ years of translation experience. Average daily throughput is 1500 words.
Personal marketing:
I am 36 years old. Date of birth: 27.04.1976.
Nationality: Belarus.
Address: 8-97, Lander Street, Minsk, Belarus.
[email protected]
Mobile: +375291251594
Qualification: a Translator, a Medical Doctor. Translation: English to Russian. My rates 0.04 USD per word.
Experience in translation:
2007-translation of the medical literature (Harrison. Self Assessment and Board Review, Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2007).
2008 - Translation of the scientific literature in physiology, (Scientific articles, Monographs)
2009-2012. - Translation of texts of pharmaceutical companies TEVA, ACTAVIS (Pharmaceutical, Quality Certificates, Clinical Trials); individual orders (General medicine, Excerpts from medical records).
2012-work in the translation agencies “Lacerta”, “Az-translation”, “T-link” (Medical equipment, General medicine, Pharmaceutical)
Additional skill:
Expertise: Medical, Science.
Specific fields: Biology, Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng, Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Health Care = Med: HC, Medical (general), Manufacturing.
Translation: English to Russian.
Subject field: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng.
Software: SDL TRADOS Freelance 7.0, PowerPoint, Fine Reader, MS Word, Adobe Acrobat, MS Excel.
Dictionaries: Abbyy Lingvo 12, Google Chrome, Multitran.
In 2004 I was graduated from The Vitebsk State Medical University (the diploma A №0327980). Also I have the diploma (A №0021485) of the average medical worker, in 1996 has ended The Mogilev Secondary Medical School.
Work experience:
11.07.1996-20.06.1997. An average medical worker in the emergency department on reception of calls –Slavgorod central district hospital, Mogilev region;
20.06.1997-28.11.1997. A masseur at the physiotherapeutic department –Slavgorod central district hospital, Mogilev region;
18.06.2003- 08.08.2003. A masseur at Slavgorod polyclinic, Mogilev region;
November 2003-April 2004. A tutor on massage courses - The Company “Masterservice”, Vitebsk;
26.09.2003- 31.01.2004. A nurse boy in the 1st boxed children’s department – Regional infectious clinical hospital of Vitebsk;
02.08.2004-05.08.2005 – an internship doctor on therapeutic speciality at Mogilev city emergency Hospital;
08.08.2005-08.08.2007 – a general practitioner at Slavgorod polyclinic, Mogilev region;
08.08.2005-08.08.2007 – a district geriatrician at Slavgorod polyclinic, Mogilev region;
09.08.2007-20.02.2008 – a general practitioner at 17th city’s polyclinic of Minsk;
02.05.2008 – 01.05.2009 - a scientist at “The Institute of physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”.
01.06.2009 – till now – a medical representative of the pharmaceutical company “Actavis”.
- The certificate on passage of training on a speciality therapy №873/05 June 1 2005 at Mogilev city emergency Hospital since August 2 2004 on June 5 2005;
-“The certificate on primary specialization” №0308 on a speciality therapy on faculty of improvement of professional skill of experts and retraining of Vitebsk State Medical University since October 4th 2004 on December 4th 2004;
-the certificate of professional development №0480709 under the program “A problem of aging, somatic, mental and social longevity “ at State Institution “Belarus Medical Academy of Postgraduate Training” since March 12th 2007 on March 23rd 2007;
-The certificate of professional development №0519382 under the program “Diagnostics and treatment of diseases of cardiovascular system” at State Institution “Belarus Medical Academy of Postgraduate Training” since January 28th on February 8th 2008;
-The certificate confirming completion to the IELTS (Upper-Intermediate level) at International House, Minsk in the period from June 03, 2008 till August 05, 2008.
Foreign language: English language (Upper-Intermediate level)
The driver’s license (category B, valid till 21.03.2016). No smoker.
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact me! I look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards, Dzmitry Tsmyh, Minsk, Belarus.