Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 11 eng>fra on a need-to-have basis suivant le principe du "strictement nécessaire" pro open no
4 Sep 11 eng>scr Bachelor of Education Универзитетска диплома у образовању (/ за наставнике) pro closed no
- Sep 8 eng>... Letterbox area засићеност црне боје у зацрњеним деловима екрана pro closed no
- Sep 8 fra>eng un réseau de neurones appris a trained neural network pro closed no
4 Sep 2 fra>eng pré-morphiniques weak opioids pro closed no
- Aug 26 eng>... counterpart financing кофинансирање pro open no
- Aug 31 ...>eng Stručna matura vocational high school / secondary school diploma pro closed ok
- Aug 30 fra>eng "de style" as merely customary pro closed ok
- Aug 26 fra>eng Gains soumis Basis for employer's contribution pro closed ok
4 Aug 19 ...>eng Jedinstveno upravno mesto SPOC (Single Point of Contact) pro closed ok
- Aug 13 fra>eng Prime d'encaissement cash handling allowance // cash handling hazard pay pro closed ok
- Aug 11 eng>fra counterpart version papier (du permis de conduire au Royaume-Uni ) pro closed no
4 Aug 9 fra>eng Mutuelle conv. HCR Als. Mos. Complementary Health Insurance for Hospitality Workers in Alsace/Moselle pro closed ok
4 Aug 9 eng>fra pen 12.5% maj. [majoration du salaire horaire] pro closed no
- Aug 9 eng>fra tension bird (tricoter) un oiseau de détente / un oiseau de défoulement pro closed ok
- Aug 7 eng>fra computerized protocol-driven resuscitation réanimation informatisée basée sur un protocole pro closed ok
3 Aug 5 eng>fra pattern burn brûlures en forme d'empreinte reconnaissable pro closed ok
- Jul 30 fra>eng Réserves financières Reserve funds available to you / Overdraft available to you pro closed ok
- Jul 30 fra>eng Retenue salaire débiteur Deduction for negative balance on previous salary slip pro closed ok
- Jul 30 fra>eng Retenue salaire débiteur claw-back of salary over-payment pro closed ok
- Jul 27 eng>eng Tap me out get me out of this game pro closed no
- Jul 25 eng>eng served can not be "served (to you) on a plate" / can not be given to you from the outside pro open no
- Jul 23 eng>eng Applications of Interpersonal Neurobiology to Change Mechanisms of Psychotherapy using interpersonal neurobiology to change the mechanisms used for changing patients pro open no
- Jul 18 eng>fra last gasp feature fonction "alerte dernier soupir" pro open no
- Jul 12 .cr>eng pojedinačni ispravni postupak procedure for correcting individual (land registry) entries pro open no
4 Jul 9 eng>.cr to be set down on an ice floe and sent out to the sea da bude ostavljena na ledenoj santi (/ komadu leda) i puštena do otplovi na otvoreno more pro closed no
- Jul 9 eng>fra wet behind the ears (ne pas) être né de la dernière pluie easy open no
- Jul 7 fra>eng Forfait social sur prévoyance Fixed rate (employer's) social security contribution pro open no
4 Jun 29 eng>fra Friction pulley lining revêtement de friction de poulie d'entraînement pro closed no
- Jun 28 fra>eng PLURI REPRÉSENTATION Exemption from exclusive representation pro closed ok
4 Jun 26 fra>eng opérations à charge et à décharge debits and credits / debit and credit operations pro closed no
- Jun 22 eng>... filming додавање спољног омотача pro closed ok
- Jun 22 eng>fra A region is bigger than a place or a location. une région est un territoire plus grand que celui d'une ville ou d'une localité pro closed no
- Jun 21 fra>eng susvisés n'étant pas décédés [legatees named in the will and in the aforementioned codicils I and II] not being deceased easy closed no
- Jun 17 eng>... Marker horizons markerski horizont pro closed ok
4 Jun 12 eng>... vexatious and abusive lawsuits злонамерне неосноване тужбе pro closed ok
- Jun 11 fra>eng troué micro-perforated Tyvek pro open no
4 Jun 10 eng>eng download psychoanalysts ..."implanting" ... into the psyches of patients pro closed no
- Jun 6 eng>fra Have no accountability il n'avait aucun moyen de rendre compte de ses actions au jour ... pro closed ok
- May 27 fra>eng parasite (as used in court case) parasite pro just_closed no
4 May 23 fra>eng soit à son domicile, portes ouvertes at his/her home, in a session/meeting open to the public pro closed no
4 May 21 fra>eng compte de portefeuille d'effets impayés account "portfolio of unpaid promissory notes" pro closed no
4 May 14 fra>eng brun de sauvetage "Luckily an escape route / a way out / a road to salvation ...was offered to her" pro closed ok
- May 12 eng>... on-target off-tumor toxicity колатерална токсичност pro closed ok
4 May 10 scr>eng nepravilni položaji aviona sa velikom i malom brzinom aircraft upset at high and low airspeed pro closed no
4 Apr 29 fra>eng le temps donne aux paysages de l’enfance the peculiar way childhood memories get reshaped with the passing of time pro closed no
- Apr 26 fra>eng Retraite financement paritarisme matching (employer's) retirement/pension (plan) contribution pro closed no
4 Apr 23 ...>eng Praksa (the Infоrmation Commissioner's) activity record / track record pro closed ok
- Apr 19 fra>eng déterminantes de la volonté de contracter ... define the rationale for this agreement / define the essence of this agreement pro just_closed no
- Apr 19 fra>eng diabolisée ou enchantée shouldn't be portrayed as either diabolical or magical pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered